The glory of the king

Chapter 163 Enlightenment

Chapter 163 Enlightenment
Liu Qinghe turned her head, looked at the smiling Dong Shi by the moonlight, and quickly said hello: "Hello, teacher."

Dong Shi nodded with a smile, then looked at Pisley, a hint of surprise suddenly appeared on her delicate face.

Liu Qinghe looked at Pisley worriedly, and asked, "Does the teacher know what's wrong with him? From noon to now, he hasn't moved at all, just staring at the sea of ​​clouds."

Dong Shi frowned slightly: "Is it always like this from noon to now?"

Liu Qinghe nodded.

Dong Shi frowned more and more, staring at Pisley's back for a few seconds, suddenly stretched out his jade hand, and patted Pisley's neck.

But just when her hand was about to touch Pisley's skin, a pink aura burst out from Pisley's body surface, and Dong Shi's hand was bounced away.

Dong Shi showed surprise on his face, and saw her red lips slightly pursed, a colorful tulle shot out from her cuff, and a stormy breath erupted from her slender body.

Liu Qinghe on the side trembled all over, feeling the strength of Dong Shi, her lips trembled slightly: "Is this... Platinum Warrior, or... Diamond Warrior?"

The colorful tulle wound towards Peasli like a phosphorescent python.However, the pink gas on Peasley's body became more and more intense, and Dong Shi's colorful tulle couldn't be deceived at all, so he was mercilessly bounced away.

"How is it possible? Old lady... sister, I am the peak diamond fighter!" Dong Shi angrily withdrew the colorful tulle and did not make another move.It's not that she has no other means, but that she is worried that using force will hurt Pisley.

She didn't make any more shots, and the pink gas on Peasley's body was gradually withdrawn from his body.

"What is the origin of this child? Could it be that there is an ancient beast comparable to a diamond warrior hidden in his body?" Dong Shi couldn't figure it out, looked at Liu Qinghe and said, "Does this child usually behave strangely? Tell me the truth, this The child may... not be a human!"

Liu Qinghe's pupils shrank, and she looked at Dong Shi in disbelief.Before her eyes, she also saw the abnormal things like Peasley kissing the wall and then kissing her secretly... After a long time, she breathed a deep sigh of relief and said to Dong Shi:

"Teacher, Li Sipi is usually very normal, and he practices very hard, often practicing until midnight. Except for the occasional jokes and jokes, he has never behaved abnormally!"

"You're still talking, I think you're the one who's talking."

Dong Shi looked at Liu Qinghe's twisted fingers. When children tell lies, they always make small movements, which reflects the uneasiness in these children's hearts.But since the child didn't want to talk about it, and it seemed that they were always inseparable.

Taking a step back, even if Li Sipi is not a human being, he is still very good to Liu Qinghe, so he probably wouldn't do anything bad to Liu Qinghe.But it's not certain, maybe he wants to cheat the child's trust, and then wait for her to do something unimaginable to her when she grows up...

Just when Dong Shi was very tangled, another person came over and patted her on the shoulder.

Dong Shi looked at the visitor, his eyes suddenly softened, and he said delicately: "Hurry up and see what happened to your student! I don't know what is hidden in the body, but it can resist my [Colorful Neon]."

"Huh?" Surprise appeared in Yi Xing's eyes, and he quickly approached Pisley, seeing him staring blankly at the sea of ​​clouds, he followed his gaze to look at the sea of ​​clouds.

Afterwards, surprise appeared on Yi Xing's face, and he saw countless snake-like luminous objects swimming in the sea of ​​clouds.It looks a little creepy, but also a little magical.

But except for the area where Peasley looked straight at, there was a swimming snake, the rest of the area was dark, without any highlights.From this point of view, it doesn't seem that the cloud attracted Peasley's gaze, but rather that Peasley's gaze alienated the cloud.

Yixing looked at Pisley and gave a tsk-tsk admiration: "I didn't expect to be able to see the sea of ​​clouds and understand the Tao at such a young age. He really is a genius! You two don't have to worry, this child has entered a kind of sympathy between heaven and man." A miraculous state. After enlightenment, there will be a big improvement, you two don't worry about it, eat something and go to sleep. I will protect him."

Liu Qinghe looked at Pisley, touched his flat stomach again, but still shook his head: "I'm not sleepy, I'll wait for Xiaopi to wake up."

Dong Shi also looked at Yi Xing and said, "How can I sleep if you don't sleep?"

Yi Xing looked at the two of them helplessly, but didn't say much.Then he looked at the cloud with light snakes swimming, and remembered what Dong Shi said just now, this black-haired boy actually blocked her [Colorful Neon]?
[Colorful Neon] is not a skill, but Dong Shi's weapon.In the past, there was Xishi Wansha, but now there is Dongshi Wuhong.Although it is a weapon, it is definitely not a weapon that a bronze warrior can resist.Even the Silver Warrior is impossible.

But this unattractive child is still able to defend himself when he enters the state of sympathy between heaven and man, and this defense can actually block Dong Shi's weapon.I'm afraid there is indeed some secret hidden in this child's body.

But secrets are something that everyone has.The reason why a secret is a secret is naturally that it cannot be easily known.Although Yi Xing was curious, if Pisley kept his mouth shut, he couldn't force it.He is a teacher, not a cat.Don't let curiosity kill you, or kill others.

Time just passed by.Because of the protection of the blue barrier on the giant ship, the temperature at night did not drop much.Yi Xing looked up at the starry sky, looked at the light spots, felt that they were chess pieces, and submerged himself in them unconsciously.

But Dong Shi and Liu Qinghe practiced cross-legged.

The moon rises and the moon sets, and the sun rises in the east.Until noon, when Dong Shi walked towards Liu Qinghe and the others with a plate of delicacies, suddenly the giant ship trembled slightly, and countless illusory light snakes swam around the surface of the blue barrier outside the giant ship and then disappeared suddenly, covering the outside of the cabin. Many students and teachers were taken aback.

At the same time, Pisley, who had been guarded by Liu Qinghe, trembled all over, then scratched his butt dumbly, and then looked around.

Seeing the boy woke up, little Lolita hurried forward and asked with concern: "How are you, Xiaopi?"

Pisley was stunned for a moment, then watched Liu Qinghe grinned suddenly, and said with a smile: "It feels like a night of fish and dragon dancing. It's so enjoyable! Especially..."

Having said that, he looked around and found Dong Shi and Yi Xing beside him, so he didn't say anything more.

Yi Xing smiled and said, "Don't you just enlighten to the Tao, why are you so mysterious? You, Teacher Dong Shi, and classmate Xiaohe have protected you for a long time, why don't you tell us about your enlightenment?" Arrived huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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