The glory of the king

Chapter 165 Li Zhuo Wenwu

Chapter 165 Li Zhuo Wenwu
Each use of this [Yunteng Technique] needs to consume 5 points of energy. After using this skill 16 times, it took 160 seconds, and after traveling 1600 meters, Pisley finally fell steadily from the midair.

160 seconds, which is a short time of less than 3 minutes.Peasley needed to adjust his breath for about an hour to replenish his energy.

But he adjusted his breath with great interest, while still reminiscing about the feeling of flying just now.

The feeling of dancing with the wind and flying with the clouds like a bird is really wonderful.

Moreover, this skill simply consumes energy, not Mula.As long as he has enough energy, he can fly in the sky all the time.The flying speed is also extremely fast. If you encounter any opponent who can't deal with it in the future, you can use this skill and run with your legs.No, just fly away.

It feels good to make your opponent stare up at you!

After finishing the breath adjustment, Peasley let out an excited "Yo Hou", stepped on the cloud silk and rose into the air again.But when he flew for more than a minute, suddenly a strong wind burst from the direction of the cabin.

Peasley's eyes were slightly stern, and one side of his figure twisted an arc in mid-air.A black iron ball the size of an egg flashed past Peasley's calf.

Peasley shot a [Qi Poison Blade] in the direction of the iron ball and shot away.Originally his [Qi Poison Blade]

The speed of travel is very slow, but after watching the sea of ​​clouds, he suddenly thought, if he uses a wooden pull to push behind [Qi Shi Ren], can he speed up the rate of fire of this skill, thereby improving its accuracy.

Just tried it in danger, it really is useful.This can also be regarded as a manifestation of the combination of the two forces of the system and Mula.

Even so, the accelerated Qi Poison Blade was blocked by a strange mechanical arm, and it didn't have any effect.

Peasley stood with his hands behind his back, although his body was small, he had a dignified air.Looking at a black figure above the cabin, he asked, "May I ask which senior is here, why did you suddenly attack me?"

"You're making daddy sleep and I'm sleeping!!" came a slightly immature but somewhat hoarse voice.Then the man emerged from the shadows of the cabin.

Peasley took a closer look, and saw that the man was about ten years old, a young man with flowing hair, regular features, slightly raised sword eyebrows, and a thick and long iron rod on his back.

A face that looks quite delicate has a bit of frosty meaning.

Peasley frowned slightly, staring at the inconspicuous iron rod behind the opponent.He didn't sense any danger from this young man, but the thick black iron rod behind him made him feel a sense of oppression.

But even so, what the other party just said made him extremely disgusted:

"At such a young age, do you know what dad is? Is the word dad worthy of a brat like you?"

The iron rod boy was slightly taken aback, and his footsteps also paused a little.But at the next moment, the chill on his face suddenly deepened, and he stepped out heavily. At the same time, he took off the long stick behind his back and rushed towards Peasley who was staying in the air.

"Anyone who insults me will die!"

Peasley frowned, although his words just now were indeed very intimidating, but he didn't know where he touched the boy's tendon, which made the boy suddenly violent.

But staying at a place ten meters above the deck, Pisley looked down at the young man rushing towards him, but smiled triumphantly, and thought to himself: "Little sample, I'm handsome, you can fly, are you capable of hitting me?"

He just had this thought when he saw the young man holding a stick in both hands and thrusting it vertically towards the ground.

Peasley was startled: "Could it be the legendary Ruyi Golden Cudgel that can be long or short, big or small, flexible, and loved by all women?"

But at the next moment, there was a clicking sound from the movement of mechanism parts, and a series of changes occurred under the inconspicuous iron rod, and a huge spring protruded from its bottom.

With the help of the elastic force of the spring, the iron rod boy flew up with a whoosh, and rushed straight towards Peasley.Peasley was shocked, no wonder the opponent's iron rod gave him an inexplicable pressure, it turned out that there was a lot of secret hidden in the iron rod.

The boy's figure bounced high, and the iron rod changed again in mid-air, and a sharp blade unexpectedly extended horizontally from above.Just now it was an iron rod, but now it has become a sickle of death.

Seeing the sharp blade slashing towards him, Peasley sneered, stepped on Yunsi and immediately retreated.However, at this moment, the opponent's iron rod changed again, breaking in two directly from the middle, and falling on the left and right hands of the iron rod boy respectively, deformed for a while, and became two pistols with muzzles the size of eggs.

Only two muffled "dongdong" sounds were heard, and two iron balls burst out from the boy's pistol.

Peasley secretly took out the [thorn], but he didn't dare to catch it hard with the short blade, for fear that his dagger would explode when it touched the iron ball.So he cleverly avoided the attack of the two iron balls with his flexible body.

But then Peasley's scalp suddenly went numb, because he heard a series of "dong dong dong dong".He didn't have time to take a closer look, and quickly used [Zen Step] in mid-air.

Peasley's speed was already fast when he used the [Cloud Soaring Technique], but now he used the [Zen Step], his figure was like lightning, and he passed through the gaps in the dense iron balls in an instant.

However, just when Peasley thought he had completely dodged, at a tricky angle, an iron ball suddenly rubbed against his armpit.

I just felt a burning pain, like being scratched by a caterpillar's thorn.However, what followed was a more terrifying explosion.And this explosion, although the range was not large, detonated all the dozen or so iron balls before.

"Boom—" It sounded like a thunderstorm.The entire giant wheel trembled slightly.However, because of the special material of the giant ship, this tremor did not affect a large group of people in the cabin.

The iron boy fell to the ground, looked up at the explosion, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, as if he was very satisfied with his masterpiece.

At this moment, a thin figure suddenly stepped out of the shadows.Every time the figure took a step, its body would make a clicking sound.Under the moonlight, the whole body is golden, and there is a cannon barrel behind it.

"Li Zhuo, Wen Wu, you killed someone again."

The thin figure spoke, his voice was not smooth like a robot.

And this iron rod boy was Li Zhuo Wenwu whom this thin figure called.

I saw Li Zhuowen put the iron rod on his back again, looked at the thin figure lightly, and said, "No. [-], your task is to protect me. Don't worry about it."

(End of this chapter)

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