Chapter 175
Yixing walked in the front, Pisley was in the middle, and Dong Shiduan was behind. The three of them walked down the stairs step by step in a colorful light.

About 5 minutes later, a metal gate exuding a solemn atmosphere suddenly appeared in front of the three of them.

Three big characters of Qin Wen are engraved on the gate.Peasley didn't know him, but he heard Dong Shi speak and said in a calm voice, "It says 'Enter, Stand, Die'."

When Peasley heard this, he was startled, and said, "This ancient tomb looks a little scary. If the two teachers are not sure that I'm alive, can I quit now?"

"What do you think?" Dong Shi showed his paw at Pisley with a half-smile.The glossy nails reflected colorful lights, not only not fierce, but with a bit of playfulness, which looked really good-looking.

Peasley was helpless, but heard Yi Xing say: "Don't worry, these words are usually engraved on the door, mostly to scare people.

With the strength of me and your teacher Dong Shi, not to mention being able to compete with the king, it is no problem to keep you safe.As for this mere ancient tomb, there must be some low-level traps and tricks, but I, Yi Xing, don't see it in my eyes. "

Peasley nodded, he still trusts Yixing.

"However, how should we open this door?" Pisley sized up the metal door, and was about to reach out to touch it, but Dong Shi grabbed his wrist like lightning.

Yi Xing said: "You need to bow when you leave the tomb, and you need to pay three points when you enter the tomb. From the door of the tomb, you must not touch it. The door of the tomb is covered with poison, below platinum, and you will die if you touch it. Even me Master Xingyao, if you touch this poison, you will have a headache."

After saying this, Yi Xing pointed to the three dark oil lamps on the top of the iron gate and on the left and right sides, and said: "Light these three lamps, and the tomb door will open automatically."

"That's not easy, just use a wooden pull to ignite it." Dong Shi said as a matter of course.

"Ignorance!" Yi Xing glared at Dong Shi.

Dong Shi pouted and said, "I hope you insult me ​​with the word 'big breasts and no brains'!"

Yi Xing: "..."

Peasley: "..."

After a while, Yi Xing looked at Pisley and said:
"The reason why I asked you to help me is because I need someone who is mentally strong and reliable enough. As long as I can open this door, the treasure inside will be equal to us. What do you think?"

"Thirty to seven?" Peasley pondered for a moment, then said, "No, twenty to eight is fine."

"Oh?" Yi Xing said with an approving smile on his face, "You don't need to be polite to the teacher. Without you, let's not say [-]%, or even [-]%."

Seeing Yi Xing say that, Peasley didn't shirk anymore.In fact, he was a little worried that these two people would kill people after using him.

However, after so many months of getting to know each other, Peasley believes that they should not be this kind of people who forget their righteousness.

But people are so close to each other, just in case, he still uses the excuse of taking less one, hoping to increase their favorability towards him and reduce the danger to him.

But now that the other party doesn't want it, he naturally can't say anything more.

Yi Xing went on to say: "This lamp is called a heart-grinding lamp. It takes spiritual power to light it. If the mental power is not strong enough, it will be backlashed by this heart-grinding lamp, and the lamp will run dry and become a Mummified corpses, and attacking strangers."

"So scary?" Pisley's eyelids twitched, remembering that his mura level was only black iron level [-], he couldn't help asking a little nervously, "I don't think you need mura to light this lamp, right?"


Yi Xing saw the boy's worry, and said, "Don't worry, you and I, Teacher Dong Shi, will light the first lamp for you later.

Lighting the first lamp is relatively easy.If it is found that your mental strength is weak and you are backlashed by the heart-burning lamp, we will also help you cut off the connection with the heart-burning lamp in time. "

Seeing that Yi Xing said so thoughtfully, Pisley felt a little relieved.He looked at the light on the far right and asked, "Shall we start now?"

Yi Xing nodded: "Let's start."

Peasley: "Yeah."

Yi Xing: "Yes."

Peasley: "Yeah."

Yi Xing: "...Well, your sister, haven't you started yet?"

Peasley looked at Yixing bitterly: "If you don't teach me how to do it, how can I start!"

Yixing helped his forehead speechlessly, and then said: "You focus on the wick of the heart-burning lamp, imagining that there is a ball of fire on it. Although the spiritual power is invisible and intangible, the fact is that it spreads all over a person's body.

Of course, mental power is mainly distributed in the four parts of the heart, eyes, ears, and brain.And these four parts take the brain as the core and the eyes as the best output place.Wherever the eyes can see, there are things touched by spiritual power.

As long as you stare at the wick and guide your spiritual power through your thoughts, you should be able to succeed. "

Peasley nodded, and started to do as Yi Xing said.

He concentrated his eyes on the colorful wick that was illuminated by the light in Dong Shi's sleeve.

Peasley stared closely, and gradually, he felt an invisible thing slowly drifting towards the wick.


The sound in the ear is gone.

The nose sense of smell is gone.

The sensation on the skin is gone.

There are no more thoughts in my mind.

In the end, only the lamp remained in his eyes, only the lamp remained in his mind, and only the lamp remained in his entire consciousness.

Surprise flashed in the eyes of Yi Xing and Dong Shi on the side. Obviously, Peasley's state can mobilize his mental power to the greatest extent.

However, when Pisley successfully introduced the spiritual power into the wick, Yi Xing and Dong Shi were disappointed to find that the imagined flame did not appear.The only thing to be thankful for is that the heart-burning lamp seems to have no signs of backlash.

"Is it because the mental power is too weak?" Yi Xing thought to himself.

Peasley, who is in a state of absolute concentration at the moment, is obviously also aware of the problem.

At this moment he is staring at the wick, although the wick is actually one meter away from him, but his mental power is completely attached to the wick at this moment, as if the wick is under his nose, any line on it, even the slightest hair , a crawling bug, all clearly presented in front of him.

Obviously, the mental power has been completely covered, and he also imagined the appearance of this flame in his heart, but he didn't even hold back a spark.Why is this? Could it be that the power of the imagined flame is not enough?

At this time, Peasley suddenly remembered the beautiful and moving scene that he saw in the cave that night, that charming breath, that tempting and sinful posture... A trace of evil fire suddenly arose in his lower abdomen.

However, at this moment, this thread of evil fire seemed to be guided by something, rushed into the mind uncontrollably, rushed into the eyes, followed the path extended by the spiritual power and directly opened to the wick, and slammed the heart-grinding lamp. ignite.

 The five-year-old age group seems to be coming to an end, and I still feel a little bit reluctant.But there is no way, there is no gain if you don't give up, the truly powerful Peasley is coming!
(End of this chapter)

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