The glory of the king

Chapter 180 One gust of wind comes, one gust of wind goes

Chapter 180 A gust of wind comes, a gust of wind goes

Peasley was shocked, apparently he didn't expect that this guy didn't want to save him, but had other plans for him.He was a little happy just now, but suddenly he felt cool inside.

As the saying goes, people's hearts are unpredictable, but I didn't expect the hearts of ghosts to be even more unpredictable...

Peasley only felt a change in his hair, apparently the other party's illusory palm had already touched the top of his head.

He sighed resignedly, and closed his eyes silently.

A wave of black air began to seep in from his sky cap, and a ferocious smile appeared on Liu Qingfeng's face.

However, at this moment, the mutant rebirth!

Liu Qingfeng's smile stopped abruptly, and then his face changed drastically, and his whole body began to tremble violently.He wanted to take back the hand covering Pisley's head, but found that his hand seemed to be sucked by something in the opponent's body, and he couldn't break free no matter what.


After a cry of panic, Liu Qingfeng's illusory body immediately turned into wisps of green smoke, and was completely sucked into Peasley's body.

Naturally, Peasley also felt something strange, and when he opened his eyes again, the figure of Liu Qingfeng had disappeared.

Peasley was a little confused, but at this moment, Daji's cold voice rang in his mind: "A mere wild ghost, dare to act wild in front of [Boundless System]?! Hmph, you can't control yourself."

Hearing this long-lost voice, Peasley was overjoyed, and for the first time felt that Daji's voice was as moving as the sounds of nature.Originally because of serious injuries and facing a completely irresistible enemy, he almost forgot the existence of Daji.

Or, it was because he instinctively didn't want Daji to exist, because he knew that he would die, so he didn't want to drag Daji down.

But since he heard her voice at this moment, he was naturally extremely excited, but despite being excited, he still asked if there was a way to survive.

However, to his disappointment, Daji didn't answer this question, she didn't say anything, as if she didn't exist.

Peasley didn't know if the other party ignored him on purpose, but he guessed that it might be because she had spent too much energy just to cut off the connection between [Mind Grinding Lamp] and Shen Queyi, and then used the system to absorb a An incomparably powerful soul, so it fell into a deep sleep?

At this time, he didn't hear Daji's voice, but heard Shen Queyi's furious voice: "Little bastard! What did you do to Qingfeng! What about others? No, where is he? Where did you get him!! "

Peasley sneered, he had accepted death calmly at this moment, and was no longer afraid of the other party at all.

"That's right, I have taken your disciple's soul into my body, and now as long as I have a thought, I can make him fly away!"

"You - dare!" The sarcophagus boomed, and the coffin board flew up, spun dozens of times in mid-air, and fell heavily to the ground.Immediately afterwards, a white hand bone rested on the edge of the coffin, and after that, a skeleton with a strong black air all over its body slowly sat up.

But to Peasley's surprise, the surface of this skeleton has flesh and blood, and a body, but it's very faded, and it's hard to see if you don't look carefully.

The black skeleton was still sitting in the coffin just now, and its movements seemed to be very slow, but the next second it suddenly stood outside the coffin, and the next second, it suddenly appeared in front of Peasley.

Obviously the movement is very slow, but the movement speed is terrifyingly fast.Peasley was puzzled, but Yi Xing on the side gave an explanation:

"He has mastered the time. Although he moves slowly, he can pause time. He moves slowly during the pause, so his speed will be as fast as lightning for us."

Peasley's scalp was numb, and he could clearly smell the strong stench emanating from the skeleton in front of him.

"Release the deity's son, otherwise, the deity will let you, live, no, as, die!" Shen Queyi opened his mouth, spraying foul-smelling breath from the skeleton's mouth on Pisley's face.

"Ahem...Brother, how many years have you not brushed your teeth? Are you trying to smoke me to death so that I can inherit my ant money?" Peasley turned his head away, coughing non-stop.But I was secretly surprised in my heart, what did Shen Queyi say just now?That three-generation elder is actually the son of the founding patriarch? !
What's happening here?What is this operation?It is understandable to say that Liu Qingfeng is the grandson of Shen Queyi, but what the hell is this son...

The only thing that can be explained is that Shen Queyi was also a flirtatious person before his death, and he probably married a lady from a great family in his later years, and then they gave birth to a child for him.

Thinking about it carefully, it's no wonder that Shen Queyi agreed without hesitation when Liu Qingfeng appeared, did and said those things just now.Obviously, there is not a simple relationship between them, but I didn't expect it to be a father-son relationship!
But he couldn't allow Peasley to think too much, he suddenly felt his neck tighten, and a thin but extremely powerful bone claw pinched his neck.

Peasley suddenly felt it was difficult to breathe, and there was severe pain on both sides of his neck.

"What Shen Queyi lacks the most is patience. I will give you three seconds to release my son. Otherwise, don't blame me for breaking your neck!"

Pease wanted to sneer, but he was pinched too tightly so he couldn't make a sound, so he stuck out his tongue and shook Shen Queyi up and down to show his mockery.

Unexpectedly by Pisley, Shen Queyi suddenly let go of his neck.

"You don't want to let go, right? Well, then I won't kill you anymore, I will torture you slowly! Torture until you change your mind!" Shen Queyi's black skull eyes suddenly looked at Peasley's crotch, "Then... let's start with your lifeblood!"

After saying this, Peasley's pants suddenly burst open, revealing a small penis that was only the size of a boy's thumb.

Being stared at by a thousand-year-old ghost, Peasley felt that this was a great shame, and his face turned red immediately.

But before doing it, Shen Queyi still asked: "Boy, I'll give you one last chance. If you don't want to become an unhealthy person, you can release my son's soul!"

At this moment, Peasley is desperate, but he still insists on his last stubbornness.Anyway, it's death anyway, so what about being a eunuch for a while before death?
It's just a pity that Liu Qinghe has such a high degree of affection for him... I hope the little girl can find a good family in the future...

Seeing that Pisley was still silent, Shen Queyi smiled angrily, "Okay, boy, have courage. If that's the case, I'll take your little sausage for you!"

As soon as the words fell, Shen Queyi made a lightning strike, and Pisley felt a gust of wind coming and going...

The black-haired boy closed his eyes, silently shedding two lines of clear tears.

(End of this chapter)

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