The glory of the king

Chapter 183 The Master

Chapter 183 The Master
Peasley didn't know that the master was actually the gatekeeper of Liangyuan City Zhanshi Junior College.

As for the man that the old man mentioned in the conversation with Daji just now, Pisili didn't know that they were talking about himself.

In mid-air, Dajiyu made a move, and the fragments of the Heavenly Book, which was still struggling, came to her palm, sprinting left and right like a frightened rabbit.

I saw that [Shard of Heavenly Book] was hexagonal in shape, and the whole body was reddish-purple, with obscure characters engraved on the front, and a winged blade pattern engraved on the back.

At this moment, Peasley was lying in Dong Shi's soft embrace, and he noticed that Yi Xing was looking at him with a bit of confusion.

Obviously, everything that happened just now was too unimaginable.Of course, this refers to things after Daji appeared.

Just as Yi Xing was about to ask something, two figures, one tall and one short, appeared in front of him silently.

Seeing Peasley's dying and embarrassed appearance, Daji's eyes flashed a trace of distress that others could not detect.But then her eyes released an increasingly cold light, as if she had another thought, and forcibly suppressed the emotion just now.

Peasley glanced at Daji, and then turned his gaze to the stalwart old man beside Daji.When he saw the other person's face clearly, there was an extremely surprised expression on his face!

"How could it be... your old man?" Peasley abruptly replaced the word "grandfather" with an honorific word.

The Master laughed out loud when he heard the words: "Master said: Don't judge people by their appearance, if you pass by, you may be a god."

Peasley savored the other party's words, then nodded slightly: "You are right."

The master smiled: "This 'you', should we use another name?"

Peasley showed a puzzled expression, and just as he was about to ask, Daji suddenly raised his right hand.

Peasley only felt that his body was being pulled up by an invisible force, and the pain from the protruding rib in his chest disappeared immediately.

His body and mind finally relaxed.At least he knew that with the two strongest kings here, his life should be saved.

As for whether his cultivation will be affected, he is not sure.Because he found that since the Daji in front of him appeared, he couldn't get out the status bar of [Boundless System].All skills and so on are all unusable.

At first, Peasley was a little apprehensive. Without the system, he would only be left with the power of black iron-level Mula, which can be regarded as falling from the altar of genius to the abyss.

But when he thought about it carefully, he no longer panicked.Because he found that his body has not weakened in strength.Although he is seriously injured and unable to move now, he can feel that there is still good strength in his muscles.

Maybe the power of the system was just borrowed by Daji.

Daji's behavior at this moment seems to be to heal his wounds.But there was a strange red hexagonal object in the palm of her left hand, which suddenly made a buzzing sound, then quickly shrunk, and turned into a speck of light, which suddenly penetrated into the center of Peasley's eyebrows.

The voice of the master rang in his ears: "Son, hold on!"

Peasley blinked, but didn't feel any changes in his body.Just when he was about to open his mouth to make a joke, suddenly, raging red flames burst out from his body from the inside out!
In just an instant, Peasley became a person engulfed in flames.

Moreover, this flame is not an ordinary flame. Even Nezha, who is standing aside at the moment, can feel the extremely terrifying temperature in this flame.Then Peasley, who was completely wrapped in flames, was experiencing all kinds of terrible pains!

The moment the flames rose, Peasley's clothes were reduced to ashes.Immediately afterwards, Peasley's flesh and blood began to dissolve, and before he could cry out in pain, there was no flesh and blood in his throat, only the skeleton remained.

In just a few seconds, Peasley's flesh and blood were completely burned by the flames.Especially the spongy body under his crotch, which had already been burnt to the point that there was no slag left.

If Peasley is still in the mood to think at this moment, he will definitely think, after all, he still cannot escape becoming a eunuch...

At this moment, Peasley has become a five-year-old skinny skeleton.The appearance of his broken bones before was very clearly displayed in front of everyone.

However, what is amazing is that his heart and brain emit a faint blue light in the crimson flames. Obviously, these two most critical parts of the human body have not been burned into nothingness by the flames.

Peasley, who was still struggling in the flames, soon stopped moving.Evidently caught in a terrible nightmare.

However, during his deep sleep, his broken bones gradually began to heal, and a fiery red line appeared on the surface of every bone in his body.

Just by looking at it, the skeleton tempered by the flames is stronger and tougher than before.

Then, in the firelight, countless slender and complicated lines began to emerge on the surface of Peasley's skeleton, and his nerve veins were also reshaped.

Immediately afterwards, Peasley's physical body also began to reshape.How his physical body was burnt just now, now it reappears following the same trajectory: his hair re-grows, his eyeballs re-grow, his throat, his internal organs, his penis... all re-appeared. Appeared.

And this body will not be burned in this terrible flame, which shows how strong this body is.

"Success?" Master scratched his butt, sat on Shen Queyi's skull, and asked leisurely.

Daji shook his head: "It's the so-called unity of body and mind. Although the body has been successfully reshaped, the most difficult thing is his state of mind. Only the reshape of the state of mind is the real success."

As soon as she finished speaking, the flames on Peasley's body suddenly subsided, as if they had returned to his body.At the same time, a monstrous aura erupted from his body, lifting and shattering the entire tomb and even the entire cemetery.Except for Daji and Master, the rest of the people were all blown away by this energy.

The strongest king!
Only the strongest king can emit such an aura that is so earth-shattering and weeping ghosts and gods, and that can blow away Nezha and other powerhouses at the peak of Xingyao.

Peasley's small body floated into the air, accepting the baptism of the moonlight.

After a while, under the light of the bright moon, Peasley slowly opened his eyes.There was unprecedented terrifying power flowing in his body, and he felt that the entire Mingyue Canyon, and even the entire Huangquan Kingdom, were in his induction.

As if he wants to go to that place, as long as he takes one step, he can cross mountains and rivers thousands of miles!
No wonder Master was able to come from the Battle Master Junior Academy so quickly when the [Shards of Heavenly Book] came out just now. This is the power of the strongest king.

(End of this chapter)

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