Chapter 185
At this moment, two hexagonal sun-like existences suddenly appeared in the sky, one red and one blue, emitting extremely strong light.

Those monsters that looked like humans and beasts were illuminated by the red light, and all of them silently ignited and burned to death.What was illuminated by the blue light disappeared and dissolved, turning into green grasses.

After destroying all the monsters, suddenly, the two hexagonal "suns" roared towards Peasley.

Peasley was startled and opened his eyes suddenly!

All the physical sensations returned, and Peasley breathed a sigh of relief.I found myself lying flat on that familiar giant ship.

Suddenly, he felt a softness in the back of his head.Feeling puzzled, he raised his head and saw that he was actually lying on little Lolita's lap.

Little Loli closed her eyes, as if she was asleep.

Unlike the previous hairstyle, this little loli's black hair is scattered now.Her hair fell like a waterfall and fell down on her soft shoulders. She had an ancient charm that had never been seen before.

Peasley couldn't help but take a second look,
At this moment, Liu Qinghe's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes.Seeing that Peasley woke up, she was taken aback for a moment, then rolled her eyes and smiled gently.

It's already ten o'clock in the evening, and the western morning glow is like fire, like a divine phoenix.

Just as Peasley was about to get up, an old man's voice suddenly sounded beside him.

"woke up?"

Peasley followed the prestige and saw the old gatekeeper sitting cross-legged.

"Master." Peasley also sat cross-legged across from the master, and asked, "How many days have I slept?"

The master was shocked when he heard this: "Who is it for a few days? What did she do wrong? Why did you sleep with her?"

Peasley opened his mouth, momentarily at a loss for words.

"Oh! I'm sorry that I forgot that you were still children and drove the wrong car." The master coughed twice, and said seriously, "It's been exactly ten days since you fell into a coma that day."

"Ten days?" Peasley was slightly startled.Unexpectedly, ten days have passed since this sleep, and now recalling what happened that night, it seems as if it happened just now.

Burning the body and reshaping the body's bone-deep pain, now he can't help but break out in a cold sweat thinking about it.But later, the power of the king was added to him, and the power of "heaven and earth, I am the only one. Life and death can be seized, just a thought", also made him intoxicated.

But unfortunately, that feeling was too short-lived and flashy after all.But he believes that as long as he works hard enough,
And don't die too early, sooner or later, you will have that kind of power.

While he was thinking about this, the Master asked, "Do you know who I am?"

Peasley nodded: "At first I didn't know, I thought you were just a janitor sneaking in front of the college, but now I know, you are the person who is said to 'teach students according to their aptitude', and you are also the best in the world. Teacher, Master."

The master clapped his hands and laughed, nodded without humility and said: "You are right. So, now I have a question. I hope you can answer me well after thinking about it."

"You say." Peasley sat upright.

The master nodded and asked solemnly: "Would you like to be my student and come back to Jixia Academy with me to study for a few years?"

After hearing the other party's question, Peasley, who had already guessed a bit, was actually not very surprised.He pondered for a moment and said, "Before answering your question, can I ask a few questions first?"

The master smiled: "Of course."

Peasley glanced at the direction of Huluo Province, and asked, "Where is Jixia Academy? While I'm studying, can I go home once a month? I'm afraid that my parents will worry about me..."

Seeing the gleam in the boy's eyes, the master stretched out his hand, patted his head, and said, "Jixia Academy is still in the Shang Kingdom to the north of the Tang Dynasty, and it's too far away from Huluoxing Province. Even me. It could take a month all the way back and forth.”

"It's so far away..." Peasley showed a disappointed expression.

The master nodded: "It's very far away, but the Jixia Academy is the highest institution in the mainland built by our three sages in Jixia. It has the most comprehensive knowledge in the mainland and has all the specialties of various schools of thought. Are you there?" , You will learn a lot of things that you will never see outside in your life."

"Well, I see." Pisley nodded, then glanced at Liu Qinghe at the side, and then asked the master, "The next question is, if I go, can you take Xiaohe to Jixia as well?" study?"

Hearing this, the master shifted his gaze to the girl beside him.But what made Pisley slightly puzzled was that when Master looked at Liu Qinghe, for some reason, she dodged her eyes a little, as if she was a little afraid of Master.

Maybe it's because the other party is the strongest king, so the girl's instinct must be a little fearful.Peasley didn't think too much about it, but looked at his master expectantly.

"No, I can't take her with me." The master said, and his answer made Peasley frown.

Peasley asked a little excitedly: "Why? Don't you advocate education without discrimination? Why can't you take her to Jixia together! She is very obedient and won't cause you any trouble."

The master sighed softly and said, "Jixia is not suitable for her."

"Why isn't it suitable for her? It's neither a brothel nor a flower street. I can go there, why can't she go?" Peasley continued to argue.

The master's expression froze, and he said in a cold voice: "I said it's not suitable, but it's not suitable! She doesn't need to learn my skills, there will be someone, or something that is not human, to teach her."

"What are you talking about, something that is not human? Will it harm Xiaohe? Please tell me!" Pisley no longer crossed his legs, but knelt down in front of his master just like Liu Qinghe.

Seeing this, the master sighed softly, then pointed at the sky with a finger, and said, "The secret of the sky, don't let it out. I can only tell you that this girl's future achievements may still be higher than yours. As for the guy who taught her , Maybe it's a person, maybe it's not a person, no matter whether it is or not, it will never hurt her."

Hearing this, Peasley breathed a sigh of relief, and continued, "One last question... before I go to Jixia, can I go back to Huluoxing Province to meet some people?"

The master nodded: "Of course."

With the consent of the old man, Pisley and Liu Qinghe looked at each other, and then solemnly kowtowed three times to the master!

"Teacher for one day, father for life! I also hope that the teacher can teach students as much as possible, so that students can become stronger faster!"

Seeing Pisley kneeling and prostrating, the master got up and laughed loudly: "The sky does not give birth to Zhongni, and eternity is like a long night. Since the sky gave birth to a master, ten fingers can reach the sky! As my disciple of Kong Zhongni, it is natural to want you Cultivate talents that God fears!"

(End of this chapter)

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