The glory of the king

Chapter 187 Arrived Home, Leaving Home

Chapter 187 Arrived Home, Leaving Home

After the master and apprentice chatted casually for a few more words, the master suddenly said, "Here we are."

Where is it?Of course it's home.

I just felt that the stars in front of me disappeared suddenly, and thousands of scenes suddenly appeared. When Pisley realized it, he found that he had come to a small courtyard.

Looking at the familiar layout around, smelling the familiar fragrance of flowers in the corner of the yard.Peasley's heart trembled slightly.

This is not elsewhere, it is the place where he was born, where he grew up, where he was happy, and where he will leave.

Now, in order to go to Jixia Academy, the most advanced institution in the whole continent, and for this opportunity to become stronger, he still has to leave this place after all, and go to a place farther than Battle Teacher Academy, and he may not be able to return for several years.

He is nostalgic for this place, every trace and every corner here.Because here are his best memories in this world, as well as the closest people.

It was almost dinner time, and Tao Tiantian was cooking.When he raised his head and wiped his sweat with his sleeve, he inadvertently looked towards the window and saw a familiar immature face.

Tao Tiantian sighed softly, thinking that he really wanted his son crazy, and even had hallucinations.

"Miss Tao!"

"It's over, it's over, I even have auditory hallucinations." Tao Tiantian squeezed the delicate earlobes with both hands, closed his eyes slightly, trying to wake himself up.

Peasley outside the kitchen couldn't help smiling when he heard Tao Tiantian talking to himself and seeing her movements.This woman is so stupid and cute~
Then he strode in, opened his arms, and hugged the silly woman's waist.

Tao Tiantian was stunned for a while, her eyes suddenly turned red unconsciously, she knelt down slowly, held Pisley's small shoulders, and asked in a crying voice: "Xiao Pi, is it really you? Is it really not a hallucination? Aren't you traveling in Mingyue Canyon, why did you come back so soon?"

Peasley lowered his eyes slightly, lowered his head and said, "I'm here to... bid you farewell."

"Farewell?? What, what do you mean?" Tao Tiantian suddenly became nervous, looked at his son, and asked in a trembling voice.


Peasley sighed softly, pointed to the tall old man behind him and said, "This is my current teacher, known as Master. Maybe you haven't heard much about him, but he is the best teacher in the world and will be Take me to the highest school in mainland China - Jixia Academy to study for several years."

Tao Tiantian looked at Master, who smiled and nodded at her as a sign.However, Tao Tiantian stood up suddenly, looked at the other party with great vigilance, and asked, "Aren't you the... uncle at the gate of the Battle Teacher Academy? You can teach students?"

Although Tao Tiantian made no secret of his doubts about the other party's identity, he always used respectful words, which made the master secretly admire this woman's self-cultivation.

No wonder the boy Peasley knows how to be polite. It turns out that his mother is so knowledgeable.

Although others say that his wife is the best teacher in the world, in his opinion, parents are actually the best teachers in the world.More precisely, the mother is the best teacher.After all, the person who plays the role of father needs to go out to support the family.

When a child is just born, in fact, the most important thing in his world is the figure of his mother.

He would instinctively imitate what his mother did.If his mother does good things, he will learn to be good, and if his mother does bad things, he will learn to be bad.

In an ordinary family, whoever the child grew up with is definitely very similar to that person in terms of personality and habits.

Parents are kind, and generally their children will also be kind-hearted people.But if the parents are evil, their children will be quite dark in all likelihood.Unless you have received a good enough education the day after tomorrow, you can gradually correct it.

Therefore, the Master's impression of Pisley and Tao Tiantian's mother and son is somewhat better.

The master bowed his hands to Tao Tiantian. After all, he was going to take the other's child far away. As a teacher, he had to give the other party some explanations:
"Ma'am, in fact, there are thousands of people and things in this world that cannot be viewed one-sidedly.

Do you think that all beggars in this world are poor and there are no rich people pretending to be poor?
Do you think that those standing on the three-foot podium are all teachers and not beasts in clothes at all?

Do you think that someone who looks like a woman on the surface must be a woman? "

Tao Tiantian blushed at what the master said, but he didn't know how to refute.

Seeing this, Peasley on the side stepped forward and took his mother's hand, saying:
"Mother, don't worry~ My teacher is not a bad person. The reason why he looks at the gate is because he wants to see if there are talents among the students who come in and out every time. No, your son and I are so good, don't you just It just so happened that he fell in love with it!
You don't have to worry about security issues!As for the quality of this teacher, I swear in the name of the people, he felt extremely upright and never drove.


Speaking of this, Peasley paused for a moment, and was not in the mood to joke anymore, with a little helplessness on his face: "Actually, my son doesn't want to leave you and Dad, it's just a rare opportunity, if I don't go this time, maybe I will There is no chance in this life to go to Jixia to study hard.

During the period of studying at the Battle Teacher Academy, I began to strongly realize that the current me is really still too weak.Any small family, small noble, may cause a devastating blow to our small family!

So I want to become stronger, I want to become strong enough, then I will return to you and protect you forever! "

"Silly son! Go at ease!"

Li Ting's voice suddenly sounded outside the kitchen, and Pisley looked at the young man who walked in, and called out in a calm voice, "Father."

Li Ting narrowed his eyes, nodded with a wry smile, and said, "Silly boy, don't be reluctant. Don't worry too much about me and your mother. You have given enough for me and your mother.

You are a distinguished Glory Warrior, and also the pride of your mother and me.But we hope that you can move forward without any scruples, and don't want to be a burden on your way forward. "

Peasley frowned suddenly: "What are you talking about? We are a family. You gave me life, gave me this warm home, and gave me everything I have now. You are mine. life. For you, for my life, I am willing to make more efforts!"

A pair of gentle hands kept Peasley from behind.Li Ting embraced the mother and son from the front.A family of three, leaning on each other, unwilling to separate for a long time...

After a long time, the master coughed lightly.

Peasley rubbed his eyes and separated from his parents.He stretched out his hand, touched Tao Tiantian's soft belly, and said softly, "Actually, don't miss me too much. In less than a year, the little guy here will come out to accompany you for me."

(End of this chapter)

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