The glory of the king

Chapter 199 Indivisible

Chapter 199 Indivisible
After ten years of hard work, under the careful cultivation of Peasley, Xiao Ji has upgraded from the strength of silver to the current peak of gold.

Although Peasley often buys some fire-attribute medicinal materials or elixir for Xiaoji to feed it. . .

But maybe because it is a spirit beast, its lifespan is much longer than that of a human being, so the progress of cultivation is relatively slow.

It is not easy to be promoted to the peak of gold.

Over the years, thanks to Xiaoji's company, Peasley's boring life has become a little more warm and soft.

Although Xiaoji can't speak human language, he is extremely spiritual. In addition, he and Pisley are connected with each other. When Pisley is lost, he will always use his furry body and big tail on Pisley. Rushing around to show your concern.

After ten years of getting along, this little pink fox is no longer just a piece of talisman and a spirit beast to Pisley, but has become an inseparable part of his life.

. .

In addition to the golden talisman paper, there was another special item in Peasley's system backpack - a soul.Liu Qingfeng, a soul who had thoughts about Peasley's body back then but was countered by the [Boundless System].

For ten years, this soul has been quietly staying in the system backpack.Peasley didn't know what to do with the thing at first. . .

But then it happened that the No.30 floor of Jixia Academy happened to be about learning about the soul.Only then did Peasley learn a lot about the magical functions of the soul.

These include absorbing souls to enhance one's own strength, and methods of removing souls.

But Peasley doesn't have the guts to absorb Liu Qingfeng's soul now.

After all, this soul was at least Xingyao's strength in life, even if it died for hundreds of years, it would still be a huge hidden danger for Peasley.

Although if he successfully absorbs the opponent, his strength will definitely increase greatly.

But that also has to be successful, in case of failure, the other party may take away the soul.At that time, the gain will outweigh the loss.

Only when he becomes strong enough and confident enough in the future can he consider whether to absorb the other party.

As for the method of removing the soul... the first thing Peasley thought of at that time was the Daji in his body.

I still remember that on the first day when I first came to this world, I once said to Daji that if one day I got the method to get rid of the soul, I might get rid of her immediately.

But in fact, Daji not only saved his life many times, but also silently accompanied him for so many years, giving him countless help and guidance.And tease her with words from time to time...

Just like Xiaoji, if Daji cannot reshape his physical body in this life, it will be an indispensable part of his life!Of course, even after reshaping his body, Peasley would not let her leave him easily.

So even if he used it on himself, he would never use it on Miss Daji.

Afterwards, Peasley moved his gaze downwards, and looked at the words [Infinity Store].

In the past ten years, it can be said that the biggest change of [Boundless System] is undoubtedly this [Boundless Store].

The former [Infinity Store] was filled with all kinds of rare but extremely expensive good things, which were really out of reach for the poor Peasley at that time.

Even though he had more money later, and it was hopeful and attainable, he didn't buy much in it, because many things he didn't use very much for the time being.

But who knew that the system store was suddenly closed one day, and when it was opened again, the dazzling array of products were gone, leaving only a nine-square grid pattern with a pure white background.

At first, Peasley didn't understand what was going on, so he casually clicked on the square in the center of the Jiugongge, but the middle square suddenly turned black, as if it had been torn apart, and a smelly sock came directly from it. It flew out and landed straight in his face.

At that time, Daji's indifferent voice sounded immediately: "You have been attacked by stinky socks, and your HP has been reduced by 25."

Peasley's face turned dark at that moment.Nima lost more than 20 drops of blood?I'm afraid this stinky sock is not a magic attack, and this attack is the kind that ignores defense?
Just when he was speechless, Daji's next sentence made him almost spit out old blood. The heartache was beyond words.

"...You conducted a lottery draw and spent 100 kylin coins. Thank you for your patronage, and you will definitely win the big prize next time~"

Seeing the missing 100 unicorn coins in his backpack, Peasley petrified in place for a long time...

100 unicorn coins drawn one

Smelly socks, and I was hurt by the stinky socks.

This system really tried every means to trap him.

But later, Peasley discovered a strange phenomenon, that is, the smell on this stinky sock will not lessen over time, and as long as it hits someone's face with it, the other person will immediately Losing dozens of drops of blood can be used as a hidden weapon.

But later in a duel, after the opponent tasted the power of this stinky sock, he bought it from Peasley for 300 unicorn coins.

Peasley was stunned for a moment, but then there was a burst of ecstasy, and he made a deal with the other party without hesitation. 100 socks sold for 300, is this surprise too sudden?
It was because of this stinky sock that he understood that the current [Wuliang Store] has become a lottery store.

The nine-square grid pattern actually contains nine items, but every time a lottery is drawn, only one of the nine items is a real treasure, and the rest are some weird things, and these tasteless things often appear Repeated.

Each draw costs 100 Kylin coins.At first, Peasley couldn't stand the temptation, and spent [-] unicorn coins to draw a few times, but he got a bunch of rubbish in the end, which immediately dampened his interest in lottery draws.

So even though Peasley now has a lot of assets, he didn't invest too much in the lottery.

Of course it's not worth it!Although sometimes you can get some peerless pills, or advanced equipment, but the possibility is too low.

And 100 Kirin Coins is not a small amount after all.

In general, the changes to [Boundless Store] this time, besides adding some fun and anticipation to him, actually changed the way to cheat him, the host, even more.

I don't know where the money has been cheated by the system...

Now when he saw this lottery draw, he couldn't help but feel his heart warm again.He couldn't help rubbing his hands, planning to try his luck again by drawing another wave of prizes.

(End of this chapter)

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