The glory of the king

Chapter 205 Careless People

Chapter 205 Careless People

At that moment, Shen Qiang briefly told Qin Ke'er about meeting Pisley today.

After hearing this, Qin Ke'er smiled and said, "Just a young man? Just bully you like this?"

Shen Qiang's face suddenly became a bit sullen: "I just said, he is a glory fighter!!"

"What happened to the Glory Warrior? Can the Glory Warrior go to heaven?"

Qin Ke'er sneered: "A mere young man is probably at most a black iron warrior. But that brat is also clever, he spared you from death, but cheated you of money.

Your Liang family is so rich, why don't you spend the money on our Fengluan Tower! "

Shen Qiang glanced at her, then flicked his sleeves: "I don't know a woman, I don't have time to chat with you here!"

After saying this, Shen Qiang walked away.

Qin Ke'er looked at Shen Qiang's back, lightly shook the small fan, and said unhurriedly: "Master Shen, if Ke'er has a way to prevent your Liang family from spending this [-] unicorn coins, would you still be willing?" Would you say that people don’t know about it?”

Shen Qiang's figure stopped suddenly, turned around, hugged Qin Ke'er's fragrant shoulders with surprise on his face, and asked excitedly: "Miss Ke'er, what can you really do? Come on! Tell me!"

Qin Ke'er looked at Shen Qiang's hand on her shoulder with winking eyes, and said, "Master Shen, Ke'er's body is very expensive. If you just fumble around in this street, they will charge you more." oh~”

Shen Qiang was impatient at the moment, how could he be interested in flirting with the other party, and said anxiously: "Miss Ke'er, let's talk about the money matter slowly in bed, you can help me solve the current matter first!"

"Okay, okay, look at how anxious you are~"

Qin Ke'er smiled charmingly, but then her face became slightly condensed, she pulled Shen Qiang to a corner, pointed to Fengluan Tower behind her and said:
"Do you think Glory Warriors are so superior? Let me tell you, Glory Warriors are better than ordinary people in fighting, but in fact, like you stinky men, they have all kinds of emotions and desires, and they all like to rub against women's bellies." !

My Fengluan Building welcomes and sends so many people every day, do you think you should not do their business as Glory Warriors?They are much more generous than you, and they nod their cards as soon as they come.And their fight is very strong~ Every time they come, the girls are all vying to sleep!
It hasn't been long, and there are a few warriors who have become familiar with us.You came at the right time. Last night, there was a silver-level adult who happened to come here to have fun, and he hasn't left yet! "

After hearing Qin Ke'er's words, a smart person like Shen Qiang naturally understood her meaning immediately.

"You want me to beg that adult to take action against the boy who has a grudge against us?"

Qin Ke'er chuckled lightly: "Ask knowingly."

But Shen Qiang suddenly showed embarrassment and said: "But, is that lord willing to take action for me? I am not related to him, and I don't have sex..."

After hearing what he said, Qin Ke'er couldn't help smiling: "What are you doing! Didn't I just say that! Glory fighters are also human, and they also have the desires of ordinary men. What are the desires of men, the main thing is not women And money! Now that women have it, money is the easiest thing to impress him!"

After hearing this, Shen Qiang couldn't help showing a disappointed expression: "After all, don't we still have to use money to solve the problem!"

Qin Keer frowned slightly, and said coquettishly: "You bastard, you usually have a bright mind, why are you so dull now?
Think about it carefully, if you give in to that boy, then you will have to spend [-] unicorn coins, but if you are begging this adult, you only need to spend a thousand and eight hundred, not only can you clean up that boy for you Don, it can also connect your young master's leg.Kill two birds with one stone, why not do it?Your Liang family can save a lot of money! "

Shen Qiang looked at Qin Ke'er, slapped his forehead, and said happily: "Yes! Why didn't I think of it! Quick! Take me to see that adult!"


"Ah - so cool, so exciting!"

At this moment, Peasley had just finished eating a portion of stinky tofu, showing an extremely enjoyable expression.The old woman stood in the corner, watching the boy quietly, and when she saw that he had finished eating, she immediately stepped forward and asked with concern:

"Son, are you full?"

Peasley shook his head and smiled, "Not very full."

"Then grandma will give you some more!" After finishing speaking, the old man walked towards the iron plate with some joy, and wiped his hands on the apron by the way, intending to add some food to Peasley.

But Peasley stood up and dissuaded him: "No need for grandma, I've had enough to eat today. I can't be too full. I have to think about it, so that next time I come, I can still eat so much!"

Hearing this, the old man listened with the hand holding the chopsticks.After hesitating for a moment, he nodded and said, "Since this is the case, let's eat more next time."

Peasley nodded, and then said: "It's still the same as before, is it a white tiger coin?"

The old man wanted to say something, but when she remembered that she said she didn’t want money before, this silly boy insisted on giving money, and even said that if she didn’t collect the money, he wouldn’t come next time. She was afraid that the other party really wouldn’t come, so she went He just nodded silently.

Peasley took out a white tiger coin, walked to the old man's money box, and stuffed the coin in through the gap of the money box. No one noticed that the moment before the white tiger coin entered the money box, the The white tiger pattern suddenly turned into a unicorn pattern...

"Is the business going well?" Peasley paid the money, glanced at the group of Liang family members who were still staying in place, and chatted with the old man.

The old man was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled cheerfully: "The business has been very good these two days, very good..."

Peasley noticed the change in the old man's expression, as well as some embarrassment in her smile, so he naturally knew whether the business was good or bad.But before he could say anything, the old man continued:

"There's just one thing that's weird. Every time I go home and count the money, I always find that there is a white tiger coin missing and a unicorn coin in the cash box..."

Peasley smiled awkwardly: "Really? Maybe someone was careless and mistook Qilin coins for White Tiger coins?"

The old man smiled and nodded: "Yeah, I guess that's the case too. However, this person is not just careless, he seems to mistake Qilin Coins for White Tiger Coins every day!"

When Peasley heard this, his heart trembled.There is one unicorn coin every day, which means that this person comes to eat every day!Peasley guessed that apart from himself, no one else would come to the old man's place every day to have a massage.

Peasley laughed more and more awkwardly.But the wise old man didn't point it out.The topic was quickly changed...

 There is one more update, it will be later.

(End of this chapter)

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