The glory of the king

Chapter 214 Di Xin

Chapter 214 Di Xin
The Purple Dragon Pendant is a special jade pendant that only appears in the royal family of the Shang Kingdom.The jade material is said to have been stolen from the dragon's lair by a once strongest king.

And the reason why he, Pisili, was able to get this purple dragon pendant that only the royal family of the Shang Dynasty was qualified to wear, was naturally because of his master's honor.

Of course, as the master's student, Peasley's own strength is also extraordinary.Moreover, his arrival successfully attracted the interest of Emperor Xin, the ruler of the Shang Kingdom.

Because of the relationship between the founder of Jixia Academy in Chaoge, the master has a close relationship with the state of Shang.

But who is his wife?

A power that can stand against the sky!
After all, it is impossible to become someone that Di Xin can control.

Between the two, at most, it can only be said to be a mutually beneficial and win-win relationship.

But the appearance of Peasley gave Di Xin a lot of thoughts.

Although the master can't become a real person of his own, his apprentice can!

Therefore, Peasley has undoubtedly become the target of Di Xin's wooing.

Numerous beauties, money, high officials and generous salaries were all rewarded to Peasley.Even with Peasley's temper, he couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat.

But Pisley is not a fool after all, although the beauties that Dixin bestowed on him are all beautiful and coquettish, which makes Pisley a little cautious.

But after all, he didn't want to be a dog under Di Xin's subordinates, so he refused all the other's rewards on the grounds that he needed to be clean in his studies.

Now ten years have passed, there is no shortage of wooing, but there are more and more tricks, and sometimes Peasley has to accept some rewards.

Just like this purple dragon pendant.

But Peasley saw it clearly.These extraneous things are undoubtedly a kind of shackles, and when it is time to throw them away, they must be thrown away without hesitation!
Walking into the inner palace of the real imperial palace, the originally tense atmosphere suddenly changed.

The palace courtyard wall is resplendent and magnificent.Qionglou Yuyu, gorgeous and unparalleled!

Although it was not the first time to see the beauty of this palace, every time Pisley saw it, he felt a sense of luxury.

It is also a joy to come here to be the emperor!
If it is possible in the future, I might as well go and play as an emperor.

Just when he was thinking wildly, a father-in-law suddenly shouted softly from a distance: "Oh~ Your Majesty is here~ The idlers wait to get out of the way~~"

Immediately afterwards, Peasley saw a dozen or so guards wearing red clothes carrying a dragon chariot mightily coming from the main entrance of the palace.

The curtains on the dragon chariot fluttered, and one of the middle-aged men in dragon robes could be faintly seen laughing and playing with a charming woman.

This man is none other than the current ruler of the Shang Kingdom, Di Xin.As for the one in his arms, it is Di Xin's favorite concubine, Hu Ximei.

Seeing Di Xin's chariot, Peasley instinctively wanted to get out of the way, otherwise he would be caught by Di Xin, and it would inevitably be another round of wooing and psychological offensive and defensive battles that gave him a headache.

However, he never thought that Hu Ximei's sharp eyes could see the young man's figure from a distance, and he hurriedly said to Di Xin:

"Your Majesty! Look, isn't that the Master's pupil, Mr. Lispy?"

When Di Xin heard this, his eyes lit up, and he looked in the direction Hu Ximei's jade hand was pointing at.

I saw a black-haired boy with his head lowered, holding a green leaf picked from nowhere by his temples, as if thinking that this could cover up his appearance, he tiptoed away quickly towards a small road.

Seeing that Peasley was about to slip away, Di Xin quickly opened his mouth to drink, his voice was like a bell, and he was actually a Glory Warrior!

"Little Mister stay!!"

Peasley paused and sighed inwardly, mmp, I can't run again this time.

It wasn't until Di Xin yelled a second time that he turned his head and looked at Di Xin's dragon chariot in embarrassment, then walked towards him.

Walking five meters in front of the frame, suddenly a black-faced man stood up viciously, and shouted, "Presumptuous! Don't kneel before His Majesty!"

Peasley stood still, his body motionless, and took a look at this big black-faced man who was arrogant.Before he could speak, he heard Di Xin's angry shout:

"I think you are the one who is presumptuous! You dog slave! I don't know that Mr. Li Xiao has a noble status, so he doesn't have to kneel in front of me!"

Hearing Di Xin's reprimand, the black-faced man turned pale with fright, and Pisley's eyes lit up suddenly, as if he had discovered some terrible secret—whitening seemed to be related to fright!
Just as the black-faced man was backing back obediently, Peasley took a step forward, facing
Di Xin's chariot bowed slightly and said:

"Grassman Li Sipi, I have met Your Majesty! Long live Your Majesty, long live, long live!"

"Hey~ Aiqing is Master's student, how can she call herself a grassroots." Di Xin raised his hands slightly as he spoke, and an invisible force lifted Pisley's body.

Peasley looked up and looked at Di Xin in front of him.

This Emperor Xin has a majestic Chinese character face, with piercing eyes, and a pair of sword eyebrows that are not angry and majestic.Moreover, his body is as strong as a tiger and leopard, and his momentum is as overwhelming as a mountain.

From an objective point of view, this Di Xin looks good.It's just that the other party's gestures, but also stealthily domineering.It is conceivable that the cruel and heartless King Zhou of Shang in history

, it is indeed possible to evolve from today's domineering king.

Pisley said: "Although Caomin is a student of the Master, he doesn't want to live in the name of the Master forever.

Caomin hopes that one day, when people mention me, they will no longer think of my teacher as Master, but when they mention Master, they will remember that he has a disciple named Lispi! "

"Okay! Aiqing's words are really heroic!" After hearing what the other party said, Di Xin showed an expression of approval, and slapped his big hand violently, "Today you are proud of Master, and in the future, Master will be proud of you! I believe that that day will come sooner or later!"

Peasley bowed slightly: "You made Your Majesty laugh."

Di Xin laughed loudly, and said, "Aiqing is still a teenager, so she has such ambitions. This is the blessing of our business country! With Aiqing in our business country, it means we have a bright future!"

Hearing the other party's implying words, Peasley frowned slightly.

This Di Xin seems to have regarded him as one of his own!This is not a good thing...

"By the way, Aiqing, I heard that you were assessed on the third floor of No. 30 of Jixia Academy today. I don't know the result?"

Pisley said: "Dragging Your Majesty's blessings, I passed the test without any risk!"

"Really!" Di Xin showed an even more joyful expression, reached out and touched Hu Ximei's soft waist, and then said, "I was only 15 years old, and I went up to 33 floors. I remember that for decades, only one person It can be compared with Aiqing."

Peasley was curious, and asked, "What Your Majesty said, could it be my senior brother Zhuge Kongming?"

(End of this chapter)

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