The glory of the king

Chapter 217 Ning Xuan

Chapter 217 Ning Xuan
Coming to the second floor, Hu Ximei saw Pisley's bed at a glance. For some reason, a gleam of desire flashed in her eyes.It seemed that as soon as she saw the bed, she would have some kind of instinctive impulse.

But immediately, her eyes moved, and she saw the clothes that Pisley had thrown away on the bed, and she turned her head and said to the girl:
"Xuan'er, help Mr. Xiao pack up his clothes."

The girl immediately responded when she heard the words, and then moved slightly with lotus steps, walking to Pisley's bedside.

"No, no, don't bother Miss Xuan'er." As Pisley said, he wanted to get the clothes that had been picked up by the girl.

The girl named Ning Xuan hurriedly turned her side and said, "It's okay, little gentleman, leave this kind of thing to Xuan'er, Xuan'er is very good at it!"

"It's really unnecessary." Peasley insisted.

But just as the two were fighting for each other, suddenly, a pair of black male underpants fell on the bed.

The girls and boys were all taken aback, and the air froze for a full three seconds!

But three seconds later, the awkward atmosphere was dissipated by Hu Ximei's chuckle.

The girl's fair face was already flushed, and Peasley's face was also a little hot red which was rare.

In ancient times on earth, there was no such thing as underwear.

But in Glory Continent, which is similar to the Middle Ages, except for mobile phones, computers, and high-tech products such as network signals, there are basically other things.

And there are some powerful things, even on the earth in the 21st century, there is far no comparable existence.

In fact, unlike women, it's no big deal for men's underwear to be seen.

But now in his bedroom, he was seen by two other women, and these two women are also such stunning beauties... No matter how thick-skinned Pisley is, he still feels extremely embarrassed.

But Pisley didn't feel embarrassed for a long time, Hu Ximei directly hooked the boy's arm, pulled him to the window, and said:
"Okay, Mr. Xiao, don't be shy. Just let Xuan'er clean up. I have something to say to Mr. Xiao."

Pisley glanced at Ning Xuan, the girl was shy and didn't dare to move. When Pisley turned around, she tremblingly picked up Pisley's underwear...

"Concubine Hu, what do you want to tell me?"

Hu Ximei stood by the window and looked out of the window, while Pisley looked at each other
The plump and enchanting figure swallowed secretly and asked.

Hu Ximei quietly looked at the scenery outside the window.It was dusk at the moment, and the entire lotus pond was reflecting golden light, which looked extraordinarily luxurious.

Hu Ximei suddenly looked back and smiled, looked at Pisley and said:

"Mr. Xiao, do you think Xuan'er is beautiful?"

Peasley glanced back and found that the girl was sitting beside his bed, carefully folding his underpants. The old man blushed suddenly, coughed lightly, and said in approval:
"Miss Xuan'er is beautiful and beautiful."

"The concubine gave Miss Xuan'er to Mr. Xiao as a concubine, what does Mr. Xiao think?"

When Peasley heard the words, his heart skipped a beat, but then he shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, I'm just joking, I'm just a lowly commoner, how can I be worthy of a palace fairy like Miss Xuan'er?"

Hu Ximei pursed her lips and smiled: "Mr. Xiao is too modest, you are a student of the master, and if you can be a concubine for the student of the master, even if you are a concubine, you are very willing.

What's more, Xuan'er? "

Speaking of this, Hu Ximei suddenly winked at Pisley, and the eyes were full of affection, which made Pisley startled slightly, and a feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

Hu Ximei seemed to be interested in herself.

But Hu Ximei laughed coquettishly, and continued:

"Although Xuan'er is not a daughter of a famous family, she has learned piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, housework, temperament and appearance, and serving men with her concubine since she was a child.

The most important thing is that Xuan'er is also a talented Glory Warrior. Although she is not as strong as Mr. Xiao at the gold level, she is already at the silver intermediate level.

Not to mention that she is qualified to be Mr. Xiao's wife, but she can barely be a concubine, right? "

Hu Ximei's words really moved Pisley's heart.Any man would be willing to accept a stunning woman like Ning Xuan as a concubine.

But his heart was occupied by a cute figure after all.Even in this world where men have three wives and four concubines, and women love three wives and four concubines, Peasley is not willing to delay a good girl.

because he can't and won't
Put your feelings on other women.

So he opened his mouth, still refusing: "I'm underage, just a child. I don't want to think about concubines for the time being. Miss Xuan'er is
She is a good girl, I don't want her to delay her good life because of me. "

Hu Ximei saw Pisley's resolute refusal, a trace of impatience flashed in her eyes, but she still said with a charming smile on her face:
"Because of the young age, it is easier to get along with each other, and the time to get along will be longer in the future! As for whether Xuan'er's life will be delayed, Mr. Xiao has nothing to say, and you have to listen to Xuan'er's opinion. Xuan'er! You come over."

Ning Xuan responded, put down Pisley's clothes, walked to Pisley's side with elegant steps, took a peek at the young man, then looked at Hu Ximei, and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty?"

Hu Ximei smiled and said, "Xuan'er, do you like Mr. Xiao?"

Suddenly hearing such a straightforward question, Ning Xuan's face had already turned red with embarrassment, she lowered her head and said falteringly:

"Xuan'er hi... hi... like Mr. Xiao!"

Pisley frowned suddenly, and said: "Miss Xuan'er, you and I have just met, do you like it or not? Is the word like it something you can blurt out casually?"

After Peasley finished speaking, Ning Xuan immediately heard the dissatisfaction in his tone, realized that what she just said was a bit frivolous, and explained anxiously:
"Yes, I'm sorry Mr. Xiao, Xuan'er didn't mean that..."

"Mr. Little! Haven't you heard of love at first sight, love at first sight?" Hu Ximei smiled and spoke for the panicked Ning Xuan, "Then I want to ask Mr. Xiao, do you hate Xuan'er?"

Peasley pondered for a moment, and said, "I don't hate it. But I can't say I like it."

"As long as you don't get tired of it, it's fine. It doesn't matter if you don't like it now, as time goes by, love will naturally arise." Hu Ximei smiled at Pisley meaningfully.

Peasley's heart trembled, and before he could say anything more, Hu Ximei suddenly walked towards the stairs and said:

"Okay, okay, I won't disturb Mr. Xiao's meal anymore. Anyway, His Majesty personally said that Xuan'er was rewarded to Mr. Xiao, and I also sent him to him. The task has been completed.

As for whether Mr. Xiao wants to accept Xuan'er, that is Mr. Xiao's own business. "

(End of this chapter)

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