The glory of the king

Chapter 222 Black Thunder Gun

Chapter 222 Black Thunder Gun

In fact, if he wanted to, he could use the perspective ability of [Tianmu] to see through this formation from that moment on.

However, the reason why he didn't do this was firstly because of the warm-up he just mentioned, and secondly because he wanted to have a deeper understanding of what kind of effect this formation would have on people.

The reason why he had this idea was because the [Into Urn] he had just drawn not long ago was also a formation tool.

Except for the [Little Bagua Formation] that Kong Ming gave him back then, he has never used other formations, and he knows very little about formations.

So he wanted to use this to learn more about the magic of formations.

This [Tian Luo Formation] does have its advantages, it uses the flaws in people's hearts to make people hallucinate.

If it is a person who is really caught in this battle, he will not be able to respond in time to Lin Cong, the platinum powerhouse, just now.

But Peasley was different, he was only half physically and mentally trapped in the formation, while the other half remained awake.

So the moment Lin Cong launched an offensive against him, he immediately reacted.

First, he used [Zen Step] to create a fake body to avoid the opponent's Hei Yanhuo's attack, and then used [Tiger Mighty Fist] to triple the strength of his fist in a short time.

One punch knocked out the opponent's leg.

The real situation is like this.

but.Peasley didn't intend to talk about all this with someone who wanted to kill him.

He raised his hand, and a pitch-black spear appeared above his palm without a sound.

The surface of the spear was slowly steaming with black mist, and there were streaks of silver arcs crackling and flashing in the mist.

This is the latest skill that Peasley has learned - gold low-level, black thunder gun!
"go with!"

Peasley's finger moved slightly, and the pitch-black spear suddenly turned into a black lightning bolt, shooting towards Lin Cong.

Lin Zhuo's expression was extremely solemn. In the previous fight, the young man broke his left leg with a single punch, but the opponent didn't seem to be injured at all.

This shows that the opponent's true strength is definitely above his platinum junior!
Possibly Platinum Intermediate, or even Platinum Advanced!
Going shouldn't be possible.

Although Lin Zhuo looked solemn, he was not too worried about his life.

As long as the opponent hasn't broken through platinum and reached a higher level, it's not difficult for him to escape with his life.

The black thunder gun burst towards him, the speed was too fast, it was too late for him to dodge, but with a flick of his sleeve, a blue jade bottle appeared in his hand.

I saw Lin Chuan muttering something in his mouth, while his other hand rubbed vigorously on the surface of the jade bottle, making a creaking sound.

Suddenly, a drop of water rose from the jade bottle, and suddenly opened to form a water shield, covering Lin Cong in all directions in 360 degrees.

Lin Chuan smiled triumphantly.

This [Avalokitesvara Bottle] is a platinum level armor.The Avalokitesvara water inside will be slowly and automatically generated. Only one drop at a time can open an all-round barrier to resist an attack of platinum and below.

Peasley's eyes lit up, and he saw that the blue jade bottle was a good thing!

Unfortunately, Lin Cong didn't know the effect of Peasley's [Black Thunder Gun] skill:

"Active skill, ignoring defense, extremely fast, hitting the target will directly cause real damage equal to 5.00% of the target's maximum health.

Attack range: within 50 meters. "

The black spear, with the sound of piercing through the air, went straight through the barrier opened by the water droplets, and pierced directly through Lin Congdi's heart!

The proud expression on the red-haired old man's face suddenly stiffened, and then melted into pain, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out directly!


Crit!Triple damage! !

Lin Zhuo's 600 health points were immediately knocked out by 90 points. In addition to the serious injury to his leg, his health was only 460 points left.

Ignore defenses!

Not only does it ignore the red-haired old man's defensive power to cause real damage, but it also ignores the defensive effect of the water drop shield... This set of gold low-level skills that the master gave him is so powerful!

But to Peasley's regret, the black spear disappeared immediately after hitting Lin Cong.

After all, it is just an illusory gun created by skills, which can make the opponent lose blood, but it is still difficult to cause real damage to the opponent's physical body.

But just because it hit the opponent's heart, a critical strike was triggered, otherwise this

The effect of [Black Thunder Gun] is not so obvious.

If it was a real gun that pierced through Lin Zhuo's heart, he might be a corpse by now.

Lin Huan clutched his chest, his face was extremely pale, and he was terrified in his heart.At that moment just now, it seemed that the scythe of the god of death slashed at his neck. After a few cuts, the god of death suddenly said, "Sorry, I brought the wrong sickle."

He coughed violently twice, and looked at the boy with increasingly vicious eyes.

"What a horrible man!"

Although he hated the other party very much in his heart, Lin Zhuang knew that today he might not be able to get good fruit from this young man.

As the saying goes, "36 strategies, the best policy is to go!


It's better to sneak back and recover from the injury first!

He turned his head and glanced at Zhang Zhao.

To be honest, he wasn't very annoyed by Zhang Zhao's stupidity, because he himself couldn't figure out the boy's strength in time.

He has seen countless geniuses, but it is also the first time he has met this 15-year-old.It is stronger than him who has lived for half a century.

He felt helpless, but he did not deny that there were indeed geniuses and mediocre people in this world.

Peasley is undoubtedly a genius, but he himself is undoubtedly just an ordinary mediocre person.

In fact, if he could know that Peasley has been struggling since his mother's womb, and spent a lot of effort in cultivation, maybe he wouldn't think so.

At this time, when Zhang Zhao saw Lin Chuan's gaze, he knew what the other party was thinking.

Everything that happened from the beginning surprised him.

But in fact, no one noticed. From the beginning to the end, this young man did not show any expression of despair.

And at this moment, he suddenly laughed.

The smile was a little abrupt, and also a little sinister.

"I said, Mr. Lin, I told you before that Li Sipi will definitely die today. Don't you think I don't have some surefire strategies?"

Then Zhang Zhao looked at the black-haired boy and said with a smile:
"Student Li Sipi, you really surprised me. I didn't expect you to have reached the platinum level at this age. You can be called a peerless genius! But it's a pity that a peerless genius will die here today. ..."

Hearing this, Peasley couldn't help frowning, and a sense of uneasiness began to linger in his heart!
I saw Zhang Zhao clapping his hands suddenly, and the sound of Mu La resounded through the courtyard!
"Start the No. [-] battle plan!"

(End of this chapter)

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