The glory of the king

Chapter 227 The Fifth White Piece

Chapter 227 The fifth white stone

At this moment, in a beautiful pink peach forest somewhere in the formation, Pisley was sitting on a snow-white stone bench, resting his chin with both hands on the stone table, looking at a Go board in front of him.

There are four white stones on the board, one on the upper left of the board.The other two are slightly to the right of it and are connected together.

Every 5 minutes, the single white piece will jump one frame in other directions to avoid the surrounding sunspots.

The other two white pieces, however, were continuously forced towards the top of the board by a row of black pieces.

As for the fourth white piece, it is at the bottom of the board, guarded by a circle of black pieces in the middle.

What is displayed on this chessboard is obviously the scene in [Into the Urn].

The formation props produced by the system are indeed the best of the best.This [Into the Urn] is obviously different from the ordinary formation. What they are currently in is actually a real small world.

The flowers, plants, trees, birds, animals, fish and insects are all real living things.

That white porcelain bowl is actually not a simple formation, but a medium to send people to this small world.

Only those who have mastered the white porcelain bowl can master this small world!

The three white stones on the top of the chessboard are naturally Pig Demon, Lin Cong, and Zhang Zhao.And the white piece at the bottom is Pisley himself.

If you want to break the formation, you have to come to him and destroy the chessboard. Otherwise, unless the strength of these people exceeds that of platinum warriors and reaches diamonds, they will not have any chance to forcibly break the formation.

Peasley had a handful of black stones in his hand, and whenever the white stone that symbolized the pig demon started to move, he would put down a black stone in front of the white stone, making the pig devil feel unbearable.

However, Lin Cong and Zhang Zhao also felt uncomfortable. On the one hand, there was a fog approaching, and on the other hand, they didn't even know that there was also a row of sunspots waiting for them at the top edge of the chessboard.

Peasley is like a god, silently teasing the human beings in the world.

About half an hour later, the white stone representing the pig demon was finally blocked by a large group of black stones, unable to move.

The pieces representing Lin Cong and Zhang Zhao were also forced to the top of the board.Sandwiched between two rows of sunspots, unable to move.

The location of the pig demon at this moment——

In a bamboo forest, a pig-headed humanoid creature, covered in cuts and bruises, was looking angrily at the surrounding bamboos.

These bamboos are golden. Compared with those ordinary green bamboos and yellow bamboos, these golden bamboos are like solid iron bars, extremely hard.

It was the pig demon who punched Mu La with all his strength, but it only left a faint trace on the surface of the golden bamboo.

As long as he moved a step, these bamboos would immediately seem to come to life, turning into hard knotted whips, whipping towards his body.

The pig demon couldn't smash these golden bamboos at all, and he couldn't get out of this golden bamboo forest. If he continued to fight against the bamboos, he couldn't get out of this bamboo forest alive, and sooner or later he would be consumed by the bamboos to death.

At this moment, apart from anger, there was also a trace of remorse in the pig demon's heart.

Originally, he just killed a small golden warrior, but the golden warrior suddenly became a platinum warrior.

But it doesn't matter, after the increase of the formation, his pig demon has reached the level of "pseudo-diamond" no matter what, and he confronted the boy head-on, completely suppressing the opponent.

However, who would have thought that the other party would actually have such a terrifying formation that would torture him, a platinum peak powerhouse, into such a state.

It is very difficult to kill him with this formation in a short time.After all, the physical body and self-healing ability of their orcs are much stronger than human fighters of the same level.

But if time goes by and he doesn't get self-cultivation, sooner or later he will still be beaten alive by bamboo into a dead pig.

This is not the result he wanted...

On the other side, Lin Cong and Zhang Zhao were shivering while hiding in the water drop shield.

When Lin Cong's face was pale, Zhang Zhao's face was almost bloodless from fright.

Because the entire water drop shield has been surrounded by two things.

Ahead is a pink skeleton in the white mist.These skeletons are very ladylike, very quiet, lying on the water drop shield without making noise, just staring at Lin Cong with a pair of black eyes.

This silent terror was more frightening than their rushing up with claws and teeth. Lin Zhuo and Zhang Zhao felt their hearts were trembling.

Because they knew that if the water drop shield was broken, these seemingly calm skeletons would rush in immediately and tear them to pieces.

These skeletons are waiting, waiting for their chance.And this opportunity came from a group of things behind Lin Zhuo and the others.

At this moment, half of the water drop shield has been covered by a dense group of black bugs.

Each of these little creatures is the size of a human fist, with a black carapace on their back, but three wriggling mouths on their abdomen, which looks really disgusting and frightening.

If these bugs landed on him, he would probably be dismembered immediately.

It is simply that they have water drop shields, and they are constantly injecting mura into the water drop shields to maintain their defense. For a while, even though these bugs are constantly biting the water drop shields, they can still hold on for a while.

It's just that once the water drop shield is broken, waiting for their results, one can imagine——

Peasley looked at the isolated white pieces on the chessboard in front of him, and smiled contentedly.

But it's a pity that although these three people have aroused his murderous intentions, he still can't kill these three guys.

After all, he will leave with the caravan in two days. If any one of these three people is killed at this time, it may cause martial law in the whole city. He doesn't know when he will have to wait for the next opportunity to leave. up.

However, although they could be spared, how could such a shrewd person as Peasley not take advantage of the other party?

Peasley stood up and wanted to start negotiating with this group of people.

But just as he stood up, suddenly, a sudden change occurred on the chessboard!
Originally, there were only four white pieces on the chessboard, but a fifth white piece suddenly appeared without a sound!
This white piece appeared at the left edge of the lower half of the chessboard, and it jumped by one square every 10 seconds, approaching the position where Peasley was at very fast speed!

All the sunspots who blocked him on the way were bounced away.

A turbulent sea surged in Peasley's heart!
If this [Into Urn] hadn't been involved when the formation was activated, it would be almost impossible for anyone to enter this small closed world again.

But what happened to this white piece?

Could it be that Zhang Zhao and the others have some means to invite a diamond, or even a king-level boss to come to rescue them?

If this is the case, today's him, I am afraid that his life will really hang by a thread.

(End of this chapter)

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