The glory of the king

Chapter 229 The Supreme Treasure

Chapter 229 The Supreme Treasure

The young man in purple glanced at Peasley, and then said:

"Because I became interested in this formation, I wanted to find the owner of this formation, and wanted to borrow this formation from him to play around with.

I originally thought that the one with such a novel formation should also be a Xingyao or King-level powerhouse.

It's just that when I came here, I was disappointed to find that the master of the array was actually just a young man who hadn't grown up.Since he is not such a strong person, then the 'borrow' I just mentioned naturally becomes a 'require'!
Well, do you have any questions? "

When the young man in purple said this, his tone was still aggressive.But when he heard that the other party was not with the pig demon, Pisley still breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he still had a question in his mind, and asked:

"My formation is called [Entering the Urn]. The difference between this formation and other formations is not only reflected in the formation flags, but also that if you want to enter this formation, you must obtain the permission of the formation owner under normal circumstances. In order to enter this formation through the guidance of [Entering the Urn].

But why can Your Excellency enter into my formation silently without my knowledge? "

Hearing this question, the young man hesitated for a while, and suddenly took the cuboid navy blue treasure box from his waist in his hand.

"This thing is called [Moonlight Treasure Box], an artifact of the king, which allows me to travel back and forth in any special world I perceive nearby.

Of course, its most extreme power is that it can travel through time and space, the future and the past, and go wherever it wants.

It's just that traveling through time and space requires a considerable price. "

"So it's like this... Moonlight Treasure Box... Well, why does this word sound so familiar?"

Peasley was annoyed by the lingering sense of familiarity in his heart. Suddenly, the three words "Zhou Xingchi" appeared in his mind!
Immediately afterwards, a series of things seemed to be pulled out from the depths of my mind, and rushed into my mind at once——

"I once had a sincere love in front of me. I didn't cherish it. I regretted it when I lost it. The most painful thing in the world is this.

If God can give me another chance, I will say three words to that girl: I love you. If I have to add a time limit to this love, I hope it will be... 1 years. "


"My crush is a hero.

Since God arranged for him to pull out my Ziqing sword, he must be an extraordinary person, he can't be wrong!

I know that one day he will appear in a situation that attracts everyone's attention, wearing a golden armor and holy clothes, and stepping on colorful auspicious clouds to marry me! "

"My ideal person is a hero of the world, one day he will step on the clouds of seven colors to marry me... I guessed the beginning but I can't guess the ending."


"Look, that man looks like a dog."


"Hey, hey! Everyone, don't be angry, you will violate the precept of anger, Wukong, you are too naughty, I told you not to throw things around, why are you... Look, I haven't finished talking about you Just throw away the stick! The Moonlight Box is a treasure, if you throw it away, it will pollute the environment, what if you hit a child, even if you can’t hit a child, it’s wrong to hit a flower.”


"The moment Zhizunbao puts on the tight band, it means that he loses the right to love."


Countless classic shots and lines of "A Chinese Journey to the West" appeared in Peasley's mind...

And the purple-clothed youth in front of him undoubtedly resembled the legendary Supreme Treasure very much.

Peasley opened his mouth and asked, "Your it called Supreme Treasure?"

The leisurely and complacent look on the face of the young man in purple froze for a moment, and then gradually turned serious. His star eyes moved slightly, and he looked at the young man and asked, "How did you know?"

Peasley didn't answer the other party's question, and continued to ask: "The stick in your hand, is it the legendary Ruyi Golden Cudgel that can be big or small, long or short?"

The surprise in Zhizunbao's eyes was even worse, but he could only nod silently: "Exactly."

Peasley looked at the Ruyi golden cudgel in the opponent's hand, and suddenly understood in his heart why so many women on earth in his previous life would regard him as a male god so infatuatedly.

Not only is the other party handsome and has a fearless personality, but perhaps the most important point is that the other party has a big iron rod that stretches freely.

Peasley looked at Supreme Treasure with a confused face, and asked the last question:
"You, do you know a woman named Zixia? I'm his first cousin!"

Supreme Treasure scratched the ends of his hair, and under Peasley's extremely expectant eyes, shook his head: "I don't know."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Pisley's eyes. He originally hoped that the other party could know the woman he had fallen in love with and killed, so that he and Zixia could have some relationship, and maybe the other party would not want him to be "into the urn".

Seeing that the boy stopped talking, Supreme Treasure, who endured for a long time, finally asked anxiously:

"How did you know my name? How did you know the name of my stick?"

Peasley was taken aback for a moment, then pondered for a while, before talking nonsense in a serious manner:

"I dreamed of an immortal last night. He said that today I will meet a strongest king named Supreme Treasure. He wears a moonlight treasure box around his waist and carries a wish-fulfilling stick on his shoulder. He has the ability to fight against the sky!"

Supreme Treasure narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "What does the immortal look like? What else did he say?"

Peasley pretended to recall, and said after a while:

"The fairy is a woman, wearing gauze-like ornaments on her head, holding a jade bottle in her hand, and sitting on a lotus platform. She also said... you will become a monkey wearing a tight headband in the future."

Supreme Treasure spat out the hairy grass in his mouth with a "bah", and said with a sneer:
"I believe that I have the ability to fight against the sky, but I don't believe that I will become a monkey in the future.

My Supreme Treasure has always been a real human from birth to now!It was in the past, it is now, and it will be in the future!It will never be possible to become a humble monkey! "

"But that's no ordinary monkey. It's a monkey stronger than humans! He has an earth-shattering title called: Qi-Tian-Da-Sage!"

After hearing the boy's words, Supreme Treasure showed a slightly surprised look on his face:
"Qi, Tian, ​​Da, Sheng... This title sounds a bit pleasing to the ear... But even so! I will still not be a monkey in this life!"

Peasley was slightly taken aback, looking at Supreme Treasure with a displeased face, and suddenly thought that this is not "Journey to the West" after all, nor "Journey to the West", maybe in this world, as the strongest king, he would not Become a monkey.

So, in order to prevent the other party from going berserk, Peasley quickly comforted him:
"Your Excellency, calm down. After all, what I just said is just my dream, and it may not be true."

 My sweetheart is a stunning big beauty, one day.She would marry me on a fire-breathing dinosaur, but in the end, I only saw her mount, not her.Maybe...

(End of this chapter)

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