The glory of the king

Chapter 238 Endless Darkness

Chapter 238 Endless Darkness

"However, Xuan'er should be the luckiest one among these people.

For someone like Xuan'er who can become a young master, being by his side and being held in his arms by the young master is really extremely happy. "

As she spoke, two lines of tears silently fell from the girl's eyes.The pain of the past seems to disappear with the tears, or buried deep in my heart...

Peasley stretched out his hand, wiped away the tears on the face of the man in his arms, then picked up the sign beside him, wrote "10000" on it, and then raised the sign towards the window.

"Room 22, the price is 10000 unicorn coins!" Lu Qing'er's surprised voice sounded.

Ning Xuan raised her head and looked at Pisley in surprise: "Master... how about this?"

Peasley gave the girl a white look: "What do you think?"

The girl lowered her eyes slightly, and said: "Xuan'er understands that the young master wants to save her. And the young master saved her because of Xuan'er."

Peasley smiled slightly: "It's good that you can understand."


Ning Xuan showed a worried look: "There are so many women who can't help themselves, how can you save them all.

In the final analysis, they and us are irrelevant people, spending too much for irrelevant people... Forgive Xuan'er to say bluntly, Xuan'er thinks it's not worth it. "

Peasley nodded slightly, expressing his understanding: "I understand that. It's fine if you don't meet, since you did.

Then I will try my best to save them at the lowest cost, but if the price exceeds the range I can accept, then I will naturally stop meddling. "

When Ning Xuan heard this, the worry in her eyes gradually disappeared.

However, Peasley obviously underestimated the other auctioneers' interest in this beast girl.

Although he opened his mouth to get [-] unicorn coins, which really shocked many people, but soon, more people offered a much higher price than him.

"Room 39, the price is 4!" Lu Qing'er's voice was full of excitement.

At this time, in room 39, Zhang Zhao was leaning on the sofa, crossing his legs.Hugging the two beauties on the left and right, but staring straight at the plump breasts of the orc woman in the auction cage.

"Tsk tsk tsk, young master, I have lived so long, and I have played with women for so many years, but I have never played with this orc girl. I am sure to get this thing today! Let me see who dares to fight with me!"

"Room 23, bid 5 million!"

As soon as Zhang Zhao finished speaking, Lu Qing'er's voice sounded again.

Zhang Zhao's face immediately became ugly: "This number 23 is a bit rough! But, you are arguing with me, aren't you bringing shame on yourself?"

Then, Lu Qing'er's voice sounded again: "Room 39, the price is [-]!"

This time, No. 23 seemed frightened and did not follow up immediately.

Zhang Zhao shook his legs triumphantly: "I want to fight with the young master, you peasants are still young..."

Before he finished his snarky words, Lu Qing'er suddenly spoke again, with an unbelievable voice in his voice:
"No. 23, bid... [-]!!"

Zhang Zhao's leg shaking stopped abruptly, his eyes gradually became cold, accompanied by a strong killing intent, but in fact there was nothing he could do.

In this tightly guarded auction house, other than fighting with money, almost no other methods will work.

He gritted his teeth and was about to follow up the price again, when the woman in his right arm said softly:

"My lord, don't follow me anymore! I don't think there is any difference between orc girls and our human girls! Don't they all have two mouths and two lumps of flesh on the chest?

Besides, if your father found out that you spent so much money, would he kill you alive? "

Zhang Zhao snorted coldly and said, "I'm just tired of playing with you vulgar fans, so I want to try some different flavors!

As for my father, hehe, he is only my son, doesn't he spend all his money for me?

At most, I will be scolded by him when I go back, but it is not unacceptable for me to be scolded by my father! "

After saying this, he raised the sign again: "15!"

Lu Qing'er was obviously taken aback when she saw that No. 23 was being offered at a high price again.

According to their prior valuation, it is already a matter of heaven for this orc girl to sell for 10.

The 15 that came out now really surprised and delighted her.

This time, Lu Qing'er looked at Room 23 again, only to find that the person inside picked up the toothpick-shaped object and began to pick his ears again, apparently not intending to follow the price.

Just when Zhang Zhao thought that this time he was sure of everything, Lu Qing'er stroked the black hair on her temples, and said with a trembling voice:

"Room 1, the bid is 20."

"Nani!" Zhang Zhao couldn't sit still any longer, he stood up directly from the sofa, and looked at Lu Qing'er with a livid face.

Lu Qing'er saw the other party's eyes that seemed to be eating people, so she could only smile apologetically.

In Room [-] at the moment, a man and a woman are sitting.

The man has a mustache, while the woman is reclining on the sofa enchantingly, smoking lazily with a jade blue bong.

The man with the mustache looked at the woman on the opposite sofa and said with a worried expression:

"Miss Siya, this is not right. It can reach 15 yuan, which is already much better than our estimate. Now that I have raised another 5 yuan, I am afraid that the master on the 39th will not follow me anymore, and this beast girl will not be sold." out."

When the woman in purple heard the words, white smoke spewed out from her sexy lips, but she waved her hand very casually:

"Boss Qian, don't worry, I know the man on the 39th, he is a playboy who is addicted to sex.

Since he is willing to pay 23 even though he paid 10 on the [-]rd, it shows that he has the potential to win this beast girl.

Now I have increased the price by a mere [-], not to mention more, the other party will follow at least one more time.

No matter how much he pays next time, we just don't follow.Wouldn't this just give us an extra 5 yuan for the auction house, wouldn't it? "

After she finished speaking, Lu Qing'er's voice rang again: "Room 39, the price is 21!"

The character mustache looked at Siya, showing admiration, and raised his thumb to her: "Miss Siya, you are taller! You are taller!"

With a lazy smile on her face, Siya stopped talking.

And this orc girl was also bought by Zhang Zhao as he wished.He couldn't wait to pay the money immediately, and took the beast girl back to his house to have fun...

Peasley sighed softly, wondering which local tyrant bought the orc girl back.After all, the other party has spent so much money, I hope I can treat her better, so that she can live more easily.

However, Zhang Zhao's ugly face involuntarily appeared in his mind.

If this beast girl was bought back by Zhang Zhao, I'm afraid her future will only be left with endless darkness.

After all, he still knows a thing or two about Zhang Zhao's cruel methods.

(End of this chapter)

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