The glory of the king

Chapter 240 Panlong Spirit Ginseng

Chapter 240 Panlong Spirit Ginseng
"The bid for room 23 is [-]!!"

Although the woman in the purple skirt and the black-haired boy were not in the same room, when they finally heard the third offer, they clicked the corners of their mouths almost at the same time in a very tacit understanding, showing a smile with the same meaning, and they both stopped bidding.

When Supreme Treasure was about to sing the next line "I have~what's the change~", instead of hearing the expected bids for the other two rooms, the girl in the pink skirt said:
"Once for 10, twice for [-], three times for [-], deal!"

The hammer hammers the final word!
Supreme Treasure was stunned in place, with thousands of grass and mud horses running past in his heart:
"mmp! Labor and capital have been tricked!"

Although there was a lot of unhappiness in his heart, he still suppressed his violent temper.

In this auction house, he vaguely felt the existence of an aura that was not weaker than him.

This shows what?It means that in this five-story building, there are either other strongest kings sitting in command, or there is something that can threaten a noble and powerful strongest king.

After all, although the king-level artifact is the sharp blade of the kings, it can also become an existence they are afraid of.

This is one of the largest large-scale auction houses in the capital of the Shang Dynasty, so it is impossible that there are not so few king artifacts.

Therefore, even though Supreme Treasure has the arrogance of being the strongest king, it is not enough to put itself in unnecessary danger for the sake of 10 unicorn coins.

Can the strongest king really do whatever he wants?

That's right, they can really do whatever they want... But, that doesn't mean that they don't have anything to fear.

Although they are more comfortable than 90.00% of the [-]% people in the Glory Continent, the remaining [-]% is what they are afraid of—powerhouses of the same level.


After selling this [Beast Soul Pill], Lu Qing'er was quietly relieved.

In room 22, Peasley hugged Ning Xuan's soft and boneless body, smiling from ear to ear.

Seeing her man's rare and hearty smile, Ning Xuan was unknowingly affected by the other party's emotions, and laughed foolishly.

Maybe the so-called love is like this. When you see the person you like happy, you feel happy for no reason. When you see the person you like sad, you feel sad for no reason.

Love is so unreasonable...

Peasley didn't know who the person in Room 23 was.If he knew that the person he cheated this time was a person he just met yesterday, and he was also the strongest king, he didn't know whether he would be terrified or complacent.

But at this moment, he only wants to use one word to describe the people in room 23, that is: stupid people with a lot of money.

At this time, the auction has been held for nearly two hours.

Even though Lu Qing'er was also a Glory Warrior, she still felt a little tired after standing and talking for two hours.

Fortunately, the next item is the last item in this round of auction.

She raised her sleeves, wiped the sweat from her forehead, then continued with a charming smile:
"Okay, guests, the last item in this round of auction is also the finale item of this auction."

Saying that, Lu Qing'er took a square brocade box presented by the attendant, then opened the brocade box, and showed it to everyone in each room.

I saw that in this brocade box, there was actually a little dragon coiled into a ball!

But if you look closely, the dragon is motionless, with cyan roots all over its body, it looks like a plant that looks like a dragon.

"I believe all the guests have already guessed it. That's right, this is not a real dragon. It is a spiritual ginseng. It has been nurtured by dragon energy for many years, and thus has a dragon shape of nearly a thousand years [Panlong Linggin]! "

As soon as Lu Qing'er finished speaking, Peasley felt that the whole floor seemed to move.

It is estimated that many buyers got up from the sofa excitedly when they heard the name of [Panlong Spirit Ginseng], and even leaned in front of the glass to carefully look at the faint blue light of the spirit ginseng.

Peasley was not as excited as they were, but picked up his cup and sipped his tea slowly.

Although it is a thousand-year-old spiritual ginseng, to him, naturally, he doesn't have much thought about it.

Spirit ginseng is generally similar to ginseng, but the aura is more abundant.Most of them have the effects of tonifying vitality, nourishing the spleen and lungs, promoting body fluid to quench thirst, calming the nerves and improving intelligence.

As a Glory Fighter, Peasley didn't show any symptoms of physical weakness even though he broke his body recently and had sex for two consecutive nights.

If it hadn't been for such a sudden movement in another room, which aroused his curiosity, he might have left right now.

But I heard Lu Qing'er said unhurriedly: "This [Panlong Spirit Ginseng] is different from ordinary ginseng spirit ginseng. It can not only nourish the body, but also has the effect of repairing the soul and nourishing the essence!"


The cup in Peasley's hand was crushed by him, and the tea in it immediately leaked out.

Ning Xuan at the side had sharp eyes and quick hands, and a breath of Mu La guided all the water stains before they fell on Pisley's body.

Countless crystal clear drops of water are strung together like a string of necklaces, shaking slightly from time to time, and being guided into another cup by the girl's mula.

The girl looked at Pisley in puzzlement, and asked, "What's wrong, Master?"

Pisley turned his head to look at the green ginseng in Lu Qing'er's hand, and said lightly:
"This thing, I am bound to get it today!"

"The base price of this item is [-] unicorn coins, and the price will increase every time, no less than [-]! The bidding begins!"

Hearing Lu Qinger tell the price, Peasley was about to write the number on the sign, but at this moment, Lu Qinger suddenly spoke in a sweet voice:

"Room 16, the price is [-]."

"Room 11, the price is [-]."

"Room 6, the price is [-]."


In just a few minutes, the price has already been raised to [-] by more than a dozen rooms!

Why are these people so eager for this 【Panlong Spirit Ginseng】that has the effect of nourishing the soul?
That's because the soul, an invisible thing, has a huge relationship with a person's cultivation talent.

People live in the world, and if the soul is never repaired or nourished in the process of growth, it will gradually be eroded by various desires in the world, thus making its cultivation ability weaker and weaker.

Why are some people born with extraordinary talents?That's because the purity of this person's soul is higher than that of other children.

This may be caused by various things the mother encountered during pregnancy, and of course it has a certain relationship with genes.

There are often many people with extremely simple thoughts, or people with extremely strange thoughts, who have bumps and bumps in life, but they are like divine help on the way of cultivation, making rapid progress.

This is because their souls are clean, they don't have many distracting thoughts, they are easy to concentrate, and it is easy to accomplish a certain thing.

(End of this chapter)

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