The glory of the king

Chapter 252 Let's go!

Chapter 252 Let's go!

When they stopped at the gate of the village, an old man who looked like a village chief staggered up to Pisley and asked with a smile:
"The young man came from Chaoge, right? We're tired, why don't you rest in our village for a while before leaving? I'm the head of our village, Wei Long."

Peasley looked at the mole-like age spots on the village chief's face, and smiled politely:

"Hello, village chief, we are travelers from Chaoge, and we just want to visit your village to enjoy it!
Since the village chief kindly invited me, I and my maids are not respectful! "

Hearing this, the village head showed a simple smile on his face, and then led the two of them into the village.

As soon as I entered the village, a group of villagers immediately surrounded me, asking questions very enthusiastically, and even invited them to my home for a cup of tea.

Seeing how enthusiastic these people were, Peasley didn't refuse too much, and finally followed a handsome young woman in white into her home.

"Please sit down, both of you, I'll make you two tea." The young woman said softly, looking at Pisley with a hint of charm.

But Peasley turned a blind eye and sat down on the glazed wooden stool.

The young woman went to the kitchen to boil water, Ning Xuan looked at Pisley, pouted and asked:

"My lord, so many people invited you to drink tea, why did you choose this one? Is it because there is a beautiful young lady here?"

"Yes! What's the matter?" Peasley said with a serious face, but inwardly he said with a smile.

"It's nothing." Ning Xuan curled her lips and stopped looking at him.

At this moment, the door of the back room suddenly creaked.

The two of Peasley followed the sound and looked, only to see that the door was only opened a crack, and in the gap, there was a gloomy eye staring at them!

Peasley narrowed his eyes slightly, then stood up and walked towards the door.

The eyeballs of those eyes also rolled around, and began to stare at the boy.

Just when Pisley walked up to the door suspiciously, there was a "huh", the door suddenly opened, and a black figure rushed directly towards Peasley!

Pisley was startled, and instinctively turned the wooden puller into his hand, and using his hand as a blade, he slashed towards the shadow.

However, at the next moment, he suddenly saw clearly that it was not some monster that rushed towards him, but an old woman with a withered complexion!
Peasley withdrew the knife in his hand and turned to one side, avoiding the collision of the approaching people.

The old man didn't seem to have expected that the young man would react like lightning and dodge quickly, his figure leaned forward so suddenly that he was about to fall to the ground.

Peasley couldn't bear it, and Lightning made a move, holding the old man's shoulders, so that the old man could stabilize his figure, but the old man suddenly grabbed Peasley's arm with his backhand, and shouted at Peasley:

"Go! Go!"

Peasley frowned, and was about to ask something, when he saw the young woman in white suddenly rushing out of the kitchen, then pushed the old man into the room expressionlessly, and locked him with a lock outside. live.

After doing all this, the young woman in white was relieved, then turned around and bowed to Pisley:
"I made you laugh. This is my mother-in-law. Since her son, that is, my husband, died of illness, she has become crazy. Whenever she sees strangers, she will drive them away. If you offend you, please forgive me." Forgive me."

Peasley glanced at the tightly closed door, then smiled at the young woman in white:

It doesn't matter, the pain of the old man's bereavement is sympathetic.Sister, you have a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders. "

The young woman in white nodded: "Young master is right. Oh yes! My tea is ready, I'll bring it to you to taste."

After speaking, she went back into the kitchen and came out with two cups of tea.

Pisley glanced at Ning Xuan, and Ning Xuan also glanced at Pisley.

"I'm sorry, both of you. Our house is bare and we only have some camellias to entertain you. Please forgive me."

While speaking, the young woman in white handed the tray to the two of Pisley.

Pisley picked up a cup of tea, and Ning Xuan just wanted to pick up a cup of tea, but just as he stretched out his hand, Pisley grabbed it.

The young woman's smiling face froze slightly, but then she returned to nature and asked:
"Why don't you give this young lady a drink?"

Peasley looked at a tea leaf floating on the surface of the tea in front of him, and replied:
"Oh! It's nothing, it's just that my maid had a high fever two days ago, and now my body is still a little weak and cold, and I can't drink strong tea."

Hearing this, the young woman looked at Ning Xuan.But Ning Xuan smiled gently and nodded:

"My son is right. I really can't drink tea now, and I have failed my wife's kindness."

"What's the matter? Since you can't drink tea, let me get you a pear. Pears are also good for fever."

The young woman in white spoke warmly and kindly, then turned around and went to another room to get some fruit.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Peasley leaned close to Ning Xuan's ear and whispered something.Ning Xuan's face changed slightly, and then she nodded heavily.

After a while, the young woman in white wrapped a pear in a clean handkerchief and handed it to Ning Xuan.

After Ning Xuan said thank you, she took the pears.Then he took a bite and exclaimed, "Mmm! So sweet~"

Peasley also took a sip of tea, and sighed in admiration:
"This tea tastes good, it leaves a fragrance on the lips and teeth, and the aftertaste is endless."

Seeing the two drinking tea and eating fruit, the smile on the young woman's face suddenly became brighter.

But at this moment, Peasley felt that his whole body suddenly lost strength, his figure shook for a while, and then he suddenly fainted on the spot, and the tea spilled all over the floor.

Ning Xuan, who was at the side, only gnawed a small half of the pear, and then fainted on the ground.

The young woman in white snorted triumphantly, then clapped her hands.

Suddenly, a large group of people came in from the young woman's house.

The leader of the faltering people was the village chief, Wei Long, who greeted Pisley and the others earlier.

Leaning on crutches, Wei Long walked up to the two people who had fallen to the ground. After careful examination, he said:
"Xiu'er, you've done a great job this time!

These young men seem to be particularly interested in young women, and always like to run to your house.

It's a good thing I gave you an extra dose of medicine beforehand, otherwise there would be nothing wrong with these two. "

The young woman in white smiled and said, "The village chief is flattering me. It is Xiu'er's honor to do my part for our village."

The village chief laughed and said, "Xiu'er has made a great contribution, so I will take your mother-in-law to my house to drink celebration wine tonight!"

When the young woman in white heard the words, a trace of displeasure suddenly appeared on her face:
"You don't know, village chief, my mother-in-law was almost exposed just now, she ran out of the room and told these two people to go away!

Fortunately, I was witty and secretly changed the concept, making them think that this "go fast" meant to drive away, not to remind.Otherwise, I'm afraid it will arouse the suspicion of these two people. "

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of Wunuanming children's shoes, and thank you for the reward from the students, Miss Jifeng!
(End of this chapter)

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