Chapter 255
Most people of the older generation think that this is because the mountain god needs sacrifices, so that one person dies every month.

Once there are sacrifices, the mountain god will not embarrass them.

So they heard that Peasley was going to eradicate this so-called "mountain god"

At that time, many people still strongly disagreed.

But Peasley told them solemnly that the so-called mountain gods did not exist at all, and the reason why such a series of strange things that they could not understand happened was because they were too weak and their level was not high enough to see the truth clearly.

And Peasley told them that although this time, he, Peasley, could spare them from drugging, but what about next time?

If you continue to use this method of murdering passers-by, once you miss it and meet a senior Glory Warrior with a bad temper, you may directly slaughter the entire village in a fit of anger!At that time, the gain outweighs the loss.

After persuading them with reason and emotion, most of the people finally started to support Peasley's approach.

Although there are still some diehards who insist on their own opinions, thinking that doing so will offend the mountain god, but Peasley doesn't care anymore.

He consulted the villagers for their opinions and persuaded them, just hoping that when he solved these problems, the villagers would be more grateful to him, so that he could earn more gratitude points.

... At noon three days later, after being warmly entertained, Peasley led Ning Xuan towards the hill to the east of the village.

Their destination is very clear, which is the col in the middle of the hill.

From a distance, this hill is lush and lush, and just looking at it gives people a sense of vitality.

However, who would have known that dozens of lives had already been swallowed up in this mountain.

Walking on the rugged mountain road, Peasley looked back at Ning Xuan, and said with dissatisfaction:

"I don't know if it's dangerous to go this time. I asked you to wait for me in the village, but you insisted on following me. I really don't know what to say about you..."

Ning Xuan wrinkled her little nose and said with a smile: "Could it be that the young master can safely throw Xuan'er, a weak girl, into that group of hypocritical villagers?

If you lose it, you will never find it again~”

Pease thought about it for a while, and felt that what she said was reasonable, so he didn't say anything more.

But Ning Xuan asked Pisley instead: "My lord, forgive Xuan'er for speaking bluntly, but Xuan'er doesn't quite understand why your lord doesn't kill those who have poisoned us, but wants to help them solve their problems instead?"

Peasley guessed that the girl would be suspicious, and said with a smile, "Your son naturally has his reasons for doing things."

Ning Xuan pursed her lips and smiled, and didn't ask any more questions.

Ning Xuan naturally didn't know about [Boundless System].

This is not a matter of trust or distrust, but a matter of life.

Peasley was worried that once he spoke out, Ning Xuan might be involved in the future.

And to tell Ning Xuan the secret of owning the system, there must be a lot of explanations, which will become very troublesome.

So even though Ning Xuan was already his woman and someone he absolutely trusted, he didn't tell her about the existence of [Boundless System].

Perhaps one day in the future, when the time is ripe, Pisley will reveal all the secrets to Ning Xuan.

The mountains and forests are lush and full of wild animals.

From time to time, I would meet a bouncing little black rabbit, blinking its terrified but curious eyes, looking at the two of Peasley through the gaps in the bushes.

Occasionally, a venomous snake with bright patterns would suddenly jump out and bite Peasley's arm.

Immediately afterwards, the tooth was broken, the tongue was broken, and the snake hissed in pain, then fled into the dense jungle and disappeared.

Peasley has been to this mountain forest four or five times in the past two days, and he has some understanding of the nearby terrain.

As for the altar in the col, Peasley also carefully surveyed it.

The altar is about 20 square meters in size. It looks like a trapezoid when viewed from the side, but a square when viewed from above.And in this square, there is another circle, like a huge pot, which still contains a long-dried corpse.

This is the last person who was sacrificed.

Peasley walked up to the altar and looked at the gnawed clean corpse. For some reason, he suddenly remembered a terrifying opponent in the Warrior Master Competition of the Warrior Junior Academy ten years ago.

At that time, the student suddenly mutated into a monster in the process of fighting with him, and almost swallowed him.

And this kind of monster had swallowed a student and a cat in the college before, and he only devoured the body below the head of the prey, but the head didn't seem to like it.

But the corpse in front of him was completely devoured including the head.

Although there are some differences in the two eating habits, the uncomfortable smell left from the corpse seems to be somewhat similar to the monster from ten years ago.

Could it be that the strange things that happened in this village were also done by monsters?

Even if it wasn't, it should have something to do with a monster.

Peasley looked at Ning Xuan whose face was pale with fright, and couldn't help smiling.

Usually, this girl is decisive and heroic, but when she saw the corpse, she instinctively began to fear.

Peasley stretched out his hands, pressed on the young girl's fair and tender face, and then squeezed hard in the middle.

The girl's pink lips were suddenly squeezed into a duck's mouth.

"Grand... Gongzhi ~ the table is purple~" Ning Xuan blinked and looked at Pisley, her little face was a little red with embarrassment.

Seeing the blush on the girl's face, Peasley nodded in satisfaction:

"It's better to be rosy and rosy, those monsters in Chaoge City, all of them painted their faces as white as dead people, and they still look like they think they are beautiful.

It's better for you girls who are naturally beautiful, even without makeup, you are ten thousand times more beautiful than those monsters.

I don't object to girls' makeup, but it can only be light makeup, not thick, otherwise it will be no different from vulgar powder. "

Ning Xuan nodded obediently: "Xuan'er will either have no makeup or light makeup in the future, and will never wear heavy makeup, which will make you hate it!"

Peasley nodded with a smile: "Okay, now is not the time to talk about these things, just tie me up as the villagers usually sacrifice."

Ning Xuan looked at the rope that Pisley took out, blinked her eyes, her cheeks suddenly flushed, she didn't know what she thought of.

However, she didn't let Peasley discover his abnormality, but she tied it up very skillfully for Peasley, and placed the final knot at Peasley's hand, so that he could break free from the shackles at any time.

Seeing Ning Xuan tying himself up tightly, Peasley couldn't help asking curiously, "Your skills are so proficient. Did you often tie people up like this when you didn't know me?"

(End of this chapter)

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