The glory of the king

Chapter 258 Chapter 264

Chapter 258 Chapter 264
The so-called gossip refers to the eight hexagram images of "Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun (xùn), Kan, Li, Gen (gèn), and Dui".

Each hexagram symbolizes the eight natures and natural phenomena of "heaven, earth, thunder, wind, water, fire, mountain, and lake".

The gossip surfaced, and the chic figures of the eight generals immediately appeared in Peasley's mind.

Looking at these eight people with extraordinary temperament, Peasley suddenly felt a sense of pride standing on the general platform, selecting generals, waving the battle flag, and going to battle to kill the enemy!
Only then did he realize that this [Little Eight Diagrams Formation] can have the formation master himself choose the generals to appear on the stage, and he can also decide the will of these high imitation generals.

Whether it is fighting or retreating, it is all in his mind.

This feeling was never experienced by the user named Ning Yi back then.

Because Ning Yi was only a silver warrior at that time, he could only passively use mula to stimulate the power of the formation, but he couldn't really control the formation at all.

But he, Pisley, is now at the eighth level of gold, obviously he can fully grasp the power of this [Little Bagua Formation] and bring it out.

This [Little Eight Diagrams Formation] can send generals out of the order of the Eight Diagrams, and it is entirely up to Pisley to decide who to send.

Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun (xùn), Kan, Li, Gen (gèn), Dui.

Heaven, Earth, Thunder, Wind, Water, Fire, Mountain, Ze.

The generals represented by the three attributes are Liu Bei, Sun Shangxiang, and Zhao Yun. These are the three who Pisley has personally fought against them.

As for the latter five attributes, they naturally represent the other five people.

Although these characters are not real people, they all have the strength of silver warriors.

But this is not the scary part of this formation. What is really scary is that the characters in it are almost the same as me in terms of intelligence!
At this moment, Peasley saw that the demon black panther was barking its teeth and claws in the darkness, roaring continuously.

Pease thought about it ideally, the opponent is good at speed, so let's send generals who also correspond to the "wind" attribute to play.

As soon as his thoughts moved, the figure representing "wind" quietly merged into the darkness.

On the other side, under the feet of the demon-seeded black panther, a huge white font suddenly appeared: Xun!

Hei Panther was startled by the sudden appearance of large characters under his feet, and jumped three feet high!

Then he lay on the ground very vigilantly, stretched out his claws after a long time, and tentatively scratched at the font...

After finding that the font didn't respond, it coughed lightly and stood up confidently, as if nothing had happened just now.

At this moment, the sound of heavy footsteps suddenly came from the darkness, accompanied by a coquettish sentence:

"Rongcheng is my home, daddy is the greatest... Emma!"

From the darkness came the sound of something falling heavily to the ground.

The black panther of the demon species looked vigilantly at a certain direction in the darkness. After a while, in the words "I wiped it, it's broken", it saw a huge robot appearing in its field of vision.

This is a panda robot covered in emerald green. Above the robot is the driving position. There is a kid who looks only thirteen or fourteen years old sitting in the cab, controlling the big guy below him.

The little kid drove the panda mechanism vehicle he made, and walked out of the darkness with a sway.

He is none other than Liu Bei's son, Zhuge Liang's student, a genius mechanism builder, and Liu Chan, known as the "Queen of Shu" in history!

Although Liu Chan's panda mechanism vehicle looks clumsy, once activated, it is super fast and flexible.

However, when the black panther of the demon species saw this big guy, it smiled disdainfully.

It already possesses a spiritual intelligence that is close to that of a human being, and it more or less understands that there is something called a "array".It is clear that at this moment, it is trapped in the formation.

In its understanding, the so-called "array" is actually similar to a trap.It's just a lot more complicated than a normal trap.

And at this moment, in this "trap", a behemoth suddenly appeared.Presumably it is the effect of this "trap" after it is activated.

It's just that this clumsy thing can also be its opponent?
The panther sneered, bent its hind legs, and sat on the ground contentedly.

It wants to see how this stupid and cute thing can hurt it.

Just when it was complacent, Liu Chan on the panda mechanism spoke, and the voice was indeed somewhat childish:
"Who is here, dare to trespass into our Rongcheng territory!"

"I broke into your brother-in-law's Rongcheng. I was brought here by that ugly black-haired boy." The demon-seeded black panther scolded angrily.

"Hmph! How dare you talk nonsense in front of me, the little overlord of Rongcheng! Hand over your life!"

Liu Chan controlled the organ panda and started running.Every time the organ panda's heavy body took a step, the ground would tremble violently.

The corners of the black panther's mouth curled up, with a mocking smile, but its figure remained motionless.

The green panda quickly approached the demon-seeded black panther squatting there, and slammed its huge fist at the panther.

However, this punch only hit the big characters on the ground, shaking the white luminous characters on the ground, but it didn't hit the target he wanted to hit.

The demon-seeded black panther appeared behind Liu Chan at some point, still maintaining a squatting posture with a mocking smile on his face.

"Dong dong dong dong" was several more punches, and the ground trembled violently, but they didn't hit the demon-seeded black panther once.

The demon black panther played with the panda robot like it was playing with a toy.

It's not that the speed of the organ panda is not fast enough, but that the speed of the black panther is too fast.With Liu Chan's speed, it is difficult to catch the target.

At this moment, Peasley, who was watching the battle in his mind, frowned slightly, and felt that it was a wrong decision for him to send Liu Chan.

After all, although he can determine Liu Chan's will, he cannot control his behavior.

Is Liu Adou, the Empress of the Shu Han Dynasty, really as good as the legend says?

Peasley didn't believe it.

According to his understanding of history, although "The Romance" described Liu Chan as very incompetent, he learned from "Three Kingdoms" and other historical books that Liu Chan reigned for 41 years from becoming emperor to destroying the country.

During these 41 years, the people of Shu have recuperated and enjoyed peace and prosperity.The Kingdom of Shu has never experienced internal and external troubles, which actually proves that he is a wise man.

In history, Liu Chan ascended the throne in 223 AD, and did not become the king of subjugation until 263 AD. He proclaimed himself emperor for a total of 41 years, and he was the longest reigning monarch among the monarchs in the Three Kingdoms period.

You must know that in the years when the Three Kingdoms were divided into separate regimes and wars continued, it was impossible to be able to govern for such a long time without considerable talents.

(End of this chapter)

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