The glory of the king

Chapter 260 Hei Lin

Chapter 260 Hei Lin
A black leather windbreaker was put on him, perfectly outlining his handsome figure.

Although Peasley thought he was handsome and handsome, he was incomparable.But I have to admit that the man in front of me has half his demeanor and good looks.Well, half...

But now is not the time to compare appearances. Just now, it was a black panther of the demon species. Why did it suddenly become a man in black with a wretched smile?
Peasley didn't know, so he opened his mouth and asked tentatively:

"Are you Lin Chong?"

The man in black: "???"

Peasley: "I asked you if it was the leopard just now! Isn't it?"

The man in black chuckled: "I am the tenth prince of the Devil Seed Empire, Hei Lin. You low-ranking people can call me, Lord Prince!"

"The Demon Seed Empire?! The Tenth Prince?" Pisley looked in disbelief, "When did you Demon Seeds establish an empire?!"

Hei Lin laughed: "Are you kidding me? My demons lived in the Glory Continent tens of thousands of years ago. The entire continent belongs to our demon empire!

It's just that due to some special reasons, my demon clan has collectively slept for countless years. After my clan members woke up one after another, they discovered that this world was actually occupied by a lowly creature called 'human'.

Creatures like you humans, although humble, have very strong vitality and reproductive ability.Especially some of these humans have mastered the method of cultivation, and their strength is quite strong. If we expose it rashly, we may suffer heavy losses...

But you won't be able to be proud for long, and when my demon empire has rectified its army, it will be the time when you lowly humans will be destroyed!
Oh, sorry, too much to say.For the sake of fate between you and me, I will choose the way of death for you. Tell me, how do you want to die? "

At this moment, Peasley's heart was filled with turbulent waves because of what the other party just said about the demon seed.

Before there were humans in the Glory Continent, there were already a group of creatures with high IQ?
Although the other party didn't finish his sentence, Peasley could tell that this so-called demon empire might launch a war against humans sooner or later!
Although all this was just the one-sided words of the man in front of him, Peasley did not doubt the authenticity of the man's words, but instead gave him a little more understanding of the existence and origin of the demon seed.

Although I don't know where the demon empire mentioned by the other party is, but judging from the past few decades, there are indeed many creatures that have been eroded and mutated by the power of the demon.

And it seems to be happening more and more often.

I'm afraid these monsters are planning to raise human beings as pigs and nibble away at them as food to revive their strength.

In this situation of ebb and flow, maybe it won't be long before the entire continent will be shrouded in the shadow of the demon seed!
Although a very small number of people who were eroded by the monsters had benign mutations due to special reasons, the vast majority of people who were eroded by the monsters turned into human-eating monsters.

Although the demons haven't done anything terrible yet, what about the future?Perhaps in the future, there is a great terror waiting for the human beings in the entire Glory Continent.

"You humble human being, my prince is asking you something, why are you in a daze! I can kill you any way you want!" Hei Lin's impatient voice sounded.

Peasley looked at Hei Lin, squeezed his chin and said, "I want to... die of old age?"

Hei Lin was obviously stunned for a moment, then his eyes narrowed slightly, and a murderous intent appeared in them.

"You must die today. I have done my best to choose the way of death for you. Don't push me too hard!"

"Then give me a beautiful woman, I want to die of pleasure." Pisley said without blushing.

"Hmph! Since you don't choose, I will choose for you. This prince chooses to cut in half, what do you think?" Hei Lin said with a half-smile.

Peasley smiled and said, "Don't worry about deciding how to die, I want to ask you a question first."


"How do you want to die?" Pisley looked at him with a smile in his eyes.

"Roar?" Hei Lin smiled bluntly, "Am I not mistaken, a mere gold warrior is asking how a diamond tycoon died? Hahahaha... You want to laugh at this prince to death so that he can inherit this prince?" Do you want to spend money on the ants?"

Peasley said nothing more.

Hei Lin didn't speak any more.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became oppressive.

Suddenly, Peasley and Hei Lin's eyes met.

Suddenly, Peasley moved.

He stepped forward, and a dozen black thunder guns appeared behind him, with awe-inspiring momentum, pointing directly at Hei Lin!

"Go!" Peasley shouted, and a dozen black thunder guns shot towards Hei Lin like crossbows.

Hei Lin sneered, stretched out his right palm, and countless black bats flew out from his palm, forming a round bat shield.

The first black thunder gun arrived in the blink of an eye, and it was about to be blocked by the bat shield.

However, at the next moment, black thunder suddenly grew on the surface of the black thunder gun, and then, with Hei Lin's frightened expression, he directly passed through the bat shield and pierced Hei Lin's body.


Gray and white numbers emerged from the top of Hei Lin's head.

Hei Lin, who had a total of 1000 drops of blood, was hit by this shot, and immediately lost 5.00% of his maximum health.

"Ignore defense?!" Hei Lin was very surprised!
He obviously didn't expect that this boy actually possessed such a weird skill, which could hurt him with one blow.

It seems that there is a reason why the other party didn't escape while he transformed.I underestimated the enemy a little.

More than a dozen black thunder guns were about to hit him. Naturally, Hei Lin would no longer be a living target, retracted the bat shield, and directly used [Royal Qi Volley], stepping through the sky, and facing the air Ascending, narrowly dodging the attack of more than a dozen black thunder guns.

Peasley sighed, it's a pity, if all the dozens of black thunder guns that can cause real damage can hit, then this Hei Lin must be seriously injured no matter what!
The Diamond Warrior's speed is really fast enough. Since the opponent knows the power of the Black Thunder Gun, this skill will not be of much use for the time being.

"Good boy, you surprised me a little bit. This prince has not been injured for hundreds of years, and you are the first human being who has injured him in these hundreds of years.

And it's still a little golden warrior...

As a compliment, I'll leave you dead.

Being able to die under the hands of this prince, you can also enjoy yourself with your dead relatives and friends when you go down! "

Just as Hei Lin finished speaking, his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Peasley was shocked. Although he possessed platinum advanced system strength, there was still a big gap between him and Diamond Warrior.

(End of this chapter)

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