The glory of the king

Chapter 264 Invisibility

Chapter 264 Invisibility
Maybe Di Xin knew that they were not easy to catch, so he didn't waste any more energy trying to catch them.

After all, after leaving Chaoge City, there is a vast world.That's not comparable to a small bowl like Chaoge City.

Since Shuyun City's guards were not strict, Pisley naturally wanted to rush into the city.

In order not to bump into others, he was going to go around the soldiers from behind their buttocks.

At this time, he found a soldier unbuttoning his trouser belt at the corner of the city wall, hissing there.

Originally, Peasley didn't care about him. After all, the soldiers guarding the city gate couldn't let go of the guards and go to the toilet to solve the problem when San was in a hurry.

Therefore, the corners or bushes near the city gate naturally became the places for these soldiers to excrete and excrete.

Originally, Peasley just glanced at it, and didn't intend to stay longer.However, at this moment, he suddenly heard a "meow~".

The cry was long and painful.

Peasley stopped and found that the groan was coming from the crotch of the hissing soldier.

Peasley looked there, and saw that the soldier was urinating his yellow urine on a kitten the size of an adult's palm.

The little kitty opened its mouth in pain and closed its eyes tightly, obviously hurt by the soldier's turbid urine.

But the soldier was whistling happily, and he didn't feel any guilt about his behavior of abusing small animals, instead he had a kind of morbid pleasure.

The kitten wanted to leave, but its moving speed was too slow. Wherever it went, it urinated. In the end, it could only shrink into a ball and shiver, while making distressing calls.

Seeing this cruel and inhumane behavior, Peasley was furious in his heart. He took a step forward and kicked the soldier's ass directly.


The soldier hadn't finished urinating when he was suddenly kicked. Before he could stop urinating, he was kicked down and lay down in the bushes like a turtle in embarrassment.

"Damn it! Which dog beat me!"

The soldier turned his head angrily, only to find that there was no one else around, and his colleagues were far away from him!
And the kitten who was bullied by him just now disappeared strangely.

A gust of cold wind blew by, and the soldier suddenly felt a chill down his back, and quickly looked around guiltily.

Suddenly, he got up from the ground with a groan, picked up his pants and ran towards his colleagues. While running, he looked back in horror, for fear of seeing something unclean.

Peasley stood not far away, looking at the cat who had reopened its eyes at his feet.

Just now he used Mula to clean up the body of this orange-yellow-patterned kitten, and repaired some of the damage on the body.

Then he put it on the ground.Daji's voice suddenly sounded:
"Get the gratitude value from the kitten +20!"

"Current cumulative gratitude value: 533."

Looking at the newly entered gratitude value, Peasley secretly sighed in his heart, in this world, some small animals know how to be grateful more than some insensitive people.

But after doing all this, Peasley didn't care about the cat's life any more.

He has already done what he should do, he already has Ning Xuan and Xiaoji to raise, but he has no time to raise other pets.

As for how this kitten will live in the future, it can only depend on its own good fortune.

Peasley soon entered the city.

General sea arrest documents will be posted on the notice board or on the wall inside the city wall.

However, Peasley carefully looked at these two places, and did not see any arrest documents for him and Ning Xuan.

This shows that either Chao Ge's sea arrest document has not been delivered here, or Di Xin gave up the hunt.

No matter which one it is, at least there is no major problem entering the city now.

He walked out of the city again, and came to the carriage incognito.Just about to speak, Ning Xuan suddenly said:
"Xiaoji, don't think that you have been with the young master for a longer time, the young master belongs to you alone. Bah, it belongs to you alone."

"Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!" Xiaoji defied Ning Xuan, with his long ears pricked up.

"Even if you like the young master, you are a beast after all, and the young master is a human being, so it's useless if you like him. You can't be together.

No, you can be together, but you can't have a deeper mutual understanding with the young master like me.Do you understand? "When Ning Xuan said this, there was a hint of complacency on her face.

When Xiaoji heard this, he suddenly fell silent, and the sturdy expression on the little fox's face gradually became extremely disappointed.

"嘤~~" Xiaoji called out weakly, and then stopped arguing with Ning Xuan, but turned his head on horseback and looked in the direction of Shuyun City, obviously waiting for his master's return.

Ning Xuan saw Xiao Ji's disappointment, and the pride on her face gradually disappeared. She looked at the lonely back of the little fox, and suddenly said in a low voice: "Actually... Actually, it's not like you have no chance at all."

"Hey?" Xiaoji turned his head slightly, and looked at the other party lightly with one eye.

"I heard that if the orcs can cultivate to the diamond level, they can transform into the form of orcs, and if they can cultivate to the level of Xingyao, they can even completely transform into human bodies..."

"Hey?!" Xiaoji seemed to have heard something heavenly, the disappointment on his face was swept away, he turned around and stared straight at Ning Xuan.

Ning Xuan suddenly turned her head to one side, and said, "I didn't say anything! You didn't hear anything!"

"Hey..." Xiaoji looked at Ning Xuan's appearance, tilted his little head, and showed a confused expression.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Peasley finally couldn't help laughing.

Hearing this familiar obscene laughter, Ning Xuan and Xiao Ji were startled, and then looked in the same direction.

Peasley's figure appeared in front of a man and a beast. Ning Xuan remembered the conversation she had just had with Xiao Ji, and her pretty face blushed...

"Master..." Ning Xuan opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say.

And Xiaoji let out a happy cry, and threw herself into Pisley's arms, acting coquettishly.

Peasley looked at Ning Xuan while stroking the little fox that was loitering in his arms, and said with a smile:

"I didn't hear anything just now, and you didn't say anything."

Hearing the young man's words, Ning Xuan lowered her head in shame.Peasley laughed loudly and said:
"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this. I just went around the city and found no sea arrest documents. We can rest assured to go in and take a rest."

"En." Ning Xuan lowered her head and responded lightly.

"Xuan'er, come and drive, I'm afraid there will be people who are targeting me watching from the dark, so I still use the sky-shielding mirror to hide myself."

(End of this chapter)

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