Chapter 273
The reason why the scarred middle-aged man suddenly became cowardly was not because he was frightened by Peasley's domineering aura, but because he suddenly saw a pink beautiful little girl on the black-haired boy's shoulder. fox.

The most important thing is, the mula breath emanating from this little fox is actually stronger than that of this young man!

If he was just a young man, he might still be confident that he could fight, but now there are two beings who are stronger than him appearing in front of him. If he really tried his best, his chance of surviving would be even closer to zero!
At such a dangerous time, middle-aged people with scars naturally understand the truth of "keep the green hills alive, and don't be afraid of running out of firewood". Money is something extraneous to life, which is not worth mentioning at all.

So he took out another money bag from [Void], held it in both hands and handed it to Pisley, and said with a bitter face:
"Brother! This time it's really true, there is only so little money! I lied to you and killed the whole family!"

Peasley frowned slightly: "Don't get involved with your family if you have nothing to do!"

As he spoke, he pulled the money bag from the scarred middle-aged man's hand.

This time, the purse didn't have a hundred unicorn coins anymore, and there were even some tiny odds and ends.

Peasley somewhat believed that this was the other party's last purse.

He stretched out his hand and patted the middle-aged man's shoulder, and the clone and the thousands of black thunder guns behind him all disappeared:
"Wouldn't it be better to do this earlier! But don't worry about it, I was just joking with you just now, and I didn't intend to kill you at all."

Nani? !
The middle-aged man with the scar looked confused, but after thinking about it carefully, he wouldn't foolishly think that if he didn't spend enough money, this black-haired boy really wouldn't kill him.

"Now...can I leave?" the scarred middle-aged man asked cautiously.

Peasley saw that the robber was almost done, so in order not to make his conscience feel bad, he finally nodded and let this person go.

Seeing the figure of the other party fleeing in desperation, the spectators around suddenly felt bored, and dispersed after a while.

Ning Xuan walked towards the two of Peasley.

The fat man in black was a little dazed at the moment, and suddenly saw a stunning beauty approaching, his eyes lit up, and he was about to say something to strike up a conversation, but he saw the girl directly holding the black-haired boy's arm, looking extremely intimate.

Bai Sichong looked at this pair of boys and girls, and felt that they were indescribably compatible.

A hero with a beauty is indeed pleasing to the eye no matter how you look at it.

Bai Sichong took a step forward, bowed his hands earnestly to the black-haired boy and said, "Thank you brother for saving your life. I'm Bai Sichong, a native of Huangquan. Dare I ask you your name?"

Peasley looked at the other party with a smile, and didn't speak for a long time.

Bai Sichong's spine was chilled by the young man in front of him, suddenly he thought of something, he quickly jumped back while clutching his chest, stared at Pisley vigilantly and said:

"Dude! Even if you save my dick, I won't have sex with you. Didn't the beautiful women around you turn your sexual orientation around?"

"Pfft—" Ning Xuan smiled all over the city, and Bai Sichong was stunned.

But Peasley didn't smile, but stared at Bai Sichong closely, and asked the question he wanted to ask the most: "How is Xiaohe...?"

"Small river? What small river? Is it a small river crab in the Canyon of Kings?" Bai Sichong looked blank.

Pisley gritted his teeth, forced to suppress the urgency in his heart, and said word by word: "Liu, Qing, He!"

"Liu..." Bai Sichong froze for a moment, apparently remembering something about the name and the owner of the name.

He looked at Peasley, and suddenly felt that the boy in front of him looked more and more familiar!
"Oh, you are……"

Peasley nodded quickly: "Mmm, I am..."

"You are Li Guapi!" Bai Sichong shouted excitedly.

Peasley's smile gradually froze on his face...

"Believe it or not, I kicked your lower body?" Pisley said in a cold voice.

Hearing this, Bai Sichong quickly covered his crotch: "Don't, don't, I'm wrong, big brother! I'm just kidding you!"

Speaking of this, Bai Sichong suddenly leaned in front of Pisley, took a closer look, and asked tentatively, "Are you really... Lispi?"

Peasley smiled: "I remember that you have a poop-shaped birthmark on the lower left of your butt... Also, I remember that you liked to wear Hello Kaiti's panties when you were young... Also, you..."

Bai Sichong hurriedly went up to cover Pisley's mouth: "Brother! If there is a girl here, don't expose my scars again, okay!
Don't I still remember that Lispie who won the first-year champion in the Glory Fighter Competition, then successfully challenged the second-year champion in the Champion Challenge, and then disappeared suddenly?
Can't I still trust you, Xiaopi? "

Hearing the name "Xiaopi", Pisley's heart warmed slightly, and he didn't speak any more, just looked at the other party and smiled.

Bai Sichong put his hands on Li Sipi's shoulders, with endless regret in his eyes:

"It's been ten years...I never thought I'd see you again...I didn't say goodbye that day after the Moon Canyon, and I never saw you again. I thought you...was taken by a young lady from the Moon God Temple, I took you into my husband and raised you!"

Peasley patted the other person on the shoulder and cursed with a smile: "Be serious!"

At this moment, Ning Xuan spoke and said, "Okay, the street is not a good place to reminisce about the past, there just happens to be a pub, let's go in and have a drink and chat."

Bai Sichong looked at Ning Xuan, and asked Pisley, "By the way, Xiaopi, you haven't introduced this beauty to me yet!"

"Her name is Ning Xuan, and she is personal concubine." Pisley said with a guilty conscience.

Bai Sichong looked meaningfully at Ning Xuan's hand holding Pisley's, then nodded, stretched out his hand to Ning Xuan and said, "Hi, my name is Bai Sichong, and I was Li Sipi's roommate and elder brother when he was young."

Ning Xuan also reached out her hand and shook lightly with the other party: "Hello."

Then the three walked into the tavern, found a remote corner and sat down.

The reason why Bai Sichong had conflicts with the scarred middle-aged man before was to compete for a good seat by the window.

Now when they are fighting, this position has already been taken by others.

Bai Sichong looked at the person sitting in that position, and sighed in admiration: "It's really a fight between the snipe and the clam, and the fisherman benefits. When encountering such a thing in the future, we still have to be courteous so as not to suffer."

Pisley ordered a jug of sake, and after having a drink with Bai Sichong, he continued to ask anxiously: "Can you tell me how Xiaohe is doing now?"

Bai Sichong looked at Peasley and said after a long silence: "Actually... I don't know what's going on with her now..."

Peasley frowned: "What do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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