The glory of the king

Chapter 278 Dead Horses as Living Horse Doctors

Chapter 278 Dead Horses as Living Horse Doctors
Peasley curled his lips: "Believe it or not. This is what my teacher told me. I am currently trying this method gradually. If you don't believe it, don't ask me again."

Bai Sichong was puzzled: "Who is your teacher? Is it so important to speak?"

Peasley smiled: "My teacher is Master."

Bai Sichong chuckled: "Old Tie, what are you kidding! Master, can an old man like you? If Master is your teacher, wouldn't MHT be my grandfather?"

Peasley: "Meow meow?"

Ning Xuan covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Master Bai, my son is not joking with you. He is indeed Master's student, and he has studied at Master's Jixia Academy for ten years!"

Maybe Bai Sichong didn't believe what Pisley said, but he was quite convinced when Ning Xuan said it.Especially the phrase "Bai Gongzi", it is undisputed!
"Are you really Master's student?" Bai Sichong still looked at Peasley suspiciously.

Peasley picked up his wine glass with a smile, and said with a smile, "Believe it or not, I've done my best anyway."

Bai Sichong was silent for a moment, then nodded solemnly: "Well, anyway, my strength has stagnated now, so I might as well be a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Maybe it is as you said, and I can raise another rank!"

Then Bai Sichong chatted with Peasley for a long time, feeling a lot, until late at night, the three returned to the residence drunk.

Peasley opened a room for Bai Si and let him stay in the "Really Not" Inn.

The next day, after Bai Sichong had another breakfast with Peasley, he bid farewell to the two of them and continued heading north.

Although he also wanted to stay here for a few more days, to chat more with this good buddy whom he hadn't seen in ten years.But after all, he is a person with important responsibilities.

Peasley also urged him not to delay the important event, after all, the future is long.

It's just that this time we will see each other again, and I don't know when it will be...

Seeing the back of the other party leaving, Peasley was full of emotion in his heart.

After that, Pisley and Ning Xuan stayed in the city for a few more days before continuing to drive the carriage towards the south.

Their next destination was the southern border of Shang Kingdom.

After crossing Shang Kingdom, that is the boundary of Tang Kingdom, the country his father dreamed of, and he will arrive soon!

At this moment, Peasley is sitting in the carriage, and Ning Xuan will take the lead while he is in the carriage, looking at his status bar:


Rating: 49
Experience: 335/490
Mulla Level: Gold Level [-]

Fragment of the Book of Heaven (2/12):
[Red Moon]: You can have the power of the strongest king within 1 minute. (After the effect ends, it will immediately enter a weak state. Mula's power cannot be used within 10 days, and all skills related to Mula cannot be used. Cooling time: 10 days. Current status: Available.)
[Spirit Mountain]: Sacrifice any piece of equipment to unconditionally kill one and the level of the equipment
Comparable to any creature.Skill range: within 100 meters. (The target strength must be below Xingyao. Cooling time: 10 days. Current status: available.)
Attack: 570 (+40)

Defense: 640 (+110)

Critical Hit Rate:
20% (+5%)

Evasion rate: 20% (+10%)
HP: 1590/1590
Energy: 800/800
Prestige: 523/1000 (Dihua Zhixiu: Get 10 Kirin Coins and 1 experience point at midnight every day.)


[Tianmu]: Active skill, can
Check the status of opponents whose level is not higher than your own level 20, and can see through any object for 10 seconds. (energy consumption: 10, level: 12)

[Qi Poison Blade]: Active skill, emits a strong poisonous gas blade from the hand, which can make the attacked lose 5% of the remaining HP every second within 1 minutes.Power Cost: 15
(Level: 9)



[Tiger Might Fist]: Active skill, increase to 20 times fist strength within 3 seconds. (Initial level: black iron low level, current level: 10)

[Diamond Shield]: Active skill, increase defense power to 20 times within 3 seconds. (Initial level: Black Iron Intermediate, current level: 9)


[Phantom Sound Technique]: Active skill,

Can be used on enemies within 20 meters to stun them for 3 seconds. (Level: 4)

[Xiaoqiang's Struggle]: Passive skill, when the life value is lower than half, it is triggered in an instant, immune to all damage within 4 seconds. (Grade 1)

[Black Thunder Gun]: Active skill, ignoring defense, extremely fast, hitting the target will directly cause real damage equal to 5.00% of the target's maximum health.

Attack range: within 50 meters (initial level: gold low level, current level: level 3.)
[Fire Immunity]: Passive skill, literally.


(Head): [Master's Wig] Platinum low-level, defense +40 (Passive: Can be directly immune to the first damage to the body. Cooling time: one day)
(Necklace): [Demon Hunting Necklace] Gold Advanced, Crit Rate +10%;
(Upper body): [Golden Armor] Defense +100;

(Left hand): [thorns]

Silver advanced, attack +10, crit rate +5%, dodge rate +5%.

(Right hand): [Mosquito Sword] Gold Low Level, Attack +30, Life Steal: 5%.

(Lower body): [Reincarnation Pants] Silver advanced, defense +10, damage reduced by 10%.

(both feet): [wind chasing shoes] dodge rate +5%;
System Backpack:

Small red potion × 5 (immediately restore 100 HP);

Medium red potion × 5 (immediately restore 300 HP);

Large red potion x 1 (immediately restore 600 HP);

Small energy potion × 6 (immediately restore 50 energy);
Medium energy potion × 2 (150 energy is restored immediately)

Large energy potion × 1 (immediately restore 400 energy)

Banlan Dan × 2 (can restore full health immediately)
Small gossip array (Gold is low-level. Attack +10, defense +10, special skill: land in an array, trap up to 8 enemies in the array. Those trapped will be attacked by the eight guards in the array.)
Heart-grinding lamp (the king is low-level, temporarily unavailable)

[Iron Cold Shield]: Gold Advanced
[Dragon Fire Soft Armor]: Platinum Advanced
[Avalokitesvara bottle]: Platinum low-level
Infinity Store: (Draw a prize for every 100 Kirin coins. The drawn items are random items.)
觳觫 (húsù) pill × 5 (can make the user fall into a state of extreme fear and mental disorder.)

(End of this chapter)

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