The glory of the king

Chapter 280 Is this the end?

Chapter 280 Is this the end?

After receiving the money, the horse fork worm's attitude towards Peasley was obviously much better. He looked at the boy and said very politely:

"Young master, I forgot to tell you. In fact, we are just some small soldiers guarding the gate. If you want to go through the back door, it is useless to find us! You have to find our general guarding the gate. Only when he nods can he dare to give you the back door open.

Otherwise, we small soldiers, how dare we open the back door for you so easily! "

"What! If you didn't tell me earlier, my money would have been given to you for nothing!" Peasley had a regretful expression on his face.

The corners of Stomach Worm's mouth twitched violently.Nima, this guy!Are you speaking so bluntly?

"Gain +10 anger value from scorpion bugs."

"Current cumulative anger value: 75."

Seeing the angry look of the horse fork, Pisley was very happy, but he still smiled on the surface and said, "Master, don't mind, I'm just joking with you!"

Squirrel looked at the boy speechlessly, making fun of your sister!Didn't this boy get kicked in the head by a donkey?He was startled when he spoke.

I have pulled out my 40-meter sword several times, but I have to take it back.

But after all, he took the other party's money, coughed twice, and said: "Actually, our general who guards the gate is not difficult to talk to. As long as you have enough red envelopes, you can say a lot of good things, and you have all the documents and you are not a suspicious person." , it is naturally easy to pass.

No, a man entered the customs last month and gave our general hundreds of Qinglong coins. Our general let him go without saying a word! "

"So that's how it is! I've been taught." Upon hearing the important news that the gatekeeper was greedy for money, Peasley understood that another wave of blood was about to be shed.

He raised his head and looked at a burly figure standing on the gate tower above.

But before he left, Peasley suddenly turned his head and said to the bug, "Master, I forgot to tell you, your zipper is open!"

"Huh?" The horse fork bug lowered his head.

Pisley took advantage of this opportunity and ran away. Sure enough, a second later, Daji's voice sounded in his mind again:

"Get the anger value from the horse fork bug +20!"

"Current accumulated anger value: 95."


After bribing a group of people, Peasley ran up the checkpoint gate tower without hindrance, and finally met the gatekeeper general.

I saw that the general guarding the gate was hugging two enchanting women on the left and right, his two big hands were groping for the woman, and from time to time he let out a wretched laugh.

Peasley was speechless, thinking that in such an important border area, the general guarding the border actually still has the leisure to enjoy the beauty here.In case of an enemy invasion, I am afraid that the general will not be able to respond in time for a while.

The appearance of Peasley was naturally noticed by the guard general at the first time.He glared at the boy and shouted:

"Who are you! How dare you trespass on a critical place!"

Before Peasley opened his mouth, a message suddenly came over:

"Get the anger value from Sun Yang +50!"

"Current accumulated anger value: 145."

Peasley was shocked!
I go!What's the situation, I haven't even spoken yet, just standing here and you give me anger points, how much you hate me!

Did I bother you touching women?

Although thousands of thoughts flowed through his heart, Peasley still kept a calm smile on his face.

A real strong man, because of his strength, can behave so indifferently at any time.

Peasley cupped his hands at Sun Yang and said, "I don't have any other intentions. I just want to leave the country because of an urgent matter. I beg the general to open a small back door for you. Oh, this is a little respect. I hope the general will accept it with a smile."

As he spoke, Peasley respectfully handed over a money bag.

"Oh?" Seeing the juvenile's understanding and interesting performance, Sun Yang immediately became more fond of him.

However, when he opened the purse and saw a bag of ape coins, a burst of anger burst out of his heart!
He slammed the table hard and made a loud noise!At the same time, Mu La surged all over his body, stood up and yelled at Pisley angrily:

"What the hell are you sending beggars away!!!"

"Get the anger value from Sun Yang +100!"

"Current accumulated anger value: 245."

Seeing the large amount of anger in the new income, Peasley couldn't help laughing out loud!

But this laugh made Sun Yang almost jump up in anger and slap him to death!

"Get the anger value from Sun Yang +120!"

"Current accumulated anger value: 365."

Although Peasley was very happy in his heart, he didn't dare to laugh again, he was afraid that if he laughed again, this Sun Yang would fight him.

He is not afraid that he will not be able to defeat the opponent alone, but the opponent has thousands of troops here after all.And most importantly, if there is a conflict, maybe he won't be able to make it through the level.

This is not what he wants to see.

So he quickly took out another money bag from [Void], handed it to Sun Yang respectfully, and said:
"General, please calm down! General, please calm down... how dare you use such a small amount of money to send you off, it's because you carelessly took the wrong money bag! This is to honor you, my lord!"

Forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, Sun Yang opened the mouth of the money bag with two fingers, and his eyes lit up when he saw the patterns of blue dragons on the surface of the coins inside!
100 Azure Dragon Coins!

I go!Another huge sum of money!
Have I worshiped the right god in the past two months!Get so much money twice in a row?

When my term of office is up, I will be transferred back to Chaoge. With so much money, why don't I just do whatever I want!

Seeing the joy in Sun Yang's eyes, Peasley was also extremely happy in his heart.

Although it cost him a hundred Azure Dragon Coins, it not only allowed him to pass the test, but also allowed him to get so many anger points. It can be said that the value of things outside of the body such as money has fully exerted their value.Then he, Peasley, won't suffer at all!
Peasley drove the carriage, carrying Ning Xuan, and slowly left through the side door of the checkpoint under the envious eyes of countless people queuing up.

But while walking, he still didn't forget to stand on the car, raised his hand high, and raised his middle finger to the group of people in line.

Peasley just felt a sudden surge of something in his head.

I just heard Daji say leisurely:
"Get 683 anger points from the people!"

"Current accumulation of rage points: 1048! Congratulations on completing the task! Get the task reward! Since it takes you very little time to complete the task, the system rewards you with a free draw! The new task has been refreshed!"

Peasley's carriage gradually disappeared from the eyes of the group of queuing people, but Peasley himself was a little dazed.

This mission... just, is it over?
(End of this chapter)

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