The glory of the king

Chapter 285 Half an hour ago I seemed to be flying

Chapter 285 Half an hour ago I seemed to be flying

With deep doubts, Peasley looked at Cheng Zhijie and asked, "Your name is Cheng Zhijie?"

Cheng Zhijie was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Hey! You are indeed a student of Master, you even know the name I am changing now that is not very famous."

Peasley couldn't understand the meaning of the other party's words, but he didn't get too entangled in this aspect, but continued to ask:

"Did you come to see me half an hour ago?"

"Half an hour ago?" Cheng Zhijie rubbed the back of his head, "I seemed to be dragging half an hour ago."

Peasley: "..."

Cheng Zhijie waved his hand: "La Xiang is not the point, the point is that this is the first time I see you, Mr. Li Sipi!"

"Are you sure?" Peasley looked at him suspiciously.

Cheng Zhijie was puzzled: "What's so uncertain about this?"

Hearing this, Peasley pondered for a long time, then looked at Cheng Zhijie and said:
"If I said that I saw you once half an hour ago, would you believe it?"

Cheng Zhijie was silent for a moment, then nodded: "I believe. I, Cheng Yaojin, have fans all over the world. Isn't it normal for someone to dream of me as the lover of their dreams?"

Peasley's expression changed, and he asked in surprise, "What did you just say? You are Cheng Yaojin? Aren't you Cheng Zhijie? Why did you become Cheng Yaojin again?"

Cheng Yaojin rubbed his head and said, "Didn't I just say that Cheng Zhijie is my new name, and Cheng Yaojin is my real name! Do you understand, Mr. Xiao?"

Peasley thought to himself: "No wonder, no wonder you are a diamond warrior... From the time I was born until now, among all the heroes in Glory of Kings that I have met, there is almost no one who is lower than a diamond warrior!"

He looked at Cheng Yaojin, nodded, and said:
"If my guess is correct, someone wanted to take me away from Tang Kingdom half an hour ago."

At that moment, Peasley just stood in the air and told Cheng Yaojin carefully what happened half an hour ago.

Cheng Yaojin's expression gradually became serious.

"Deliberately tarnish the reputation of my Tang people, and drive a wedge between you and my Tang country. This seems like a small conspiracy, but if it succeeds, I'm afraid it will directly make you and my Tang country hostile.

You are now a student of the Master, which is a symbol of the Master.The other party wants the master to form a faction against my Tang country!

Fortunately, Her Majesty the Empress sent me to welcome you, otherwise, I am afraid that in your heart, I, the Tang Kingdom, will become a person with no eyes and no nostrils. "

Peasley smiled and said: "I'll just say it! The number one power that can stand at the pinnacle of the continent for a long time, if the whole country is proud and self-righteous, how can it last forever?
Now seeing the various performances of Senior Yaojin just now, Tang Guoguo's style can be seen!This is in line with the demeanor of a big country! "

Cheng Yaojin laughed out loud, apparently very pleased with Peasley's words.

However, the cavalry brought by Ning Xuan and Cheng Yaojin below were a little confused.

Nima just now, the two of them were aggressive and wanted to fight, why did they get together and laugh obscenely now?

Could it be that there is some adultery?
The two chatted for a while, this time, Peasley did not refuse Cheng Yaojin's invitation again.

Afterwards, under the leadership and protection of the elite cavalry led by Cheng Yaojin, Peasley drove the carriage towards the checkpoint on the border of Tang State.

Regarding Cheng Yaojin's impersonation, Peasley didn't know who did it, but he clearly remembered that when those people left, they were heading east.

Maybe it was Wei Guo who sent someone to prepare to trick him away.But because they miscalculated his strength, and the other party's arrogance caused Pisley's displeasure, part of their plan fell through.

Today's Peasley seems to have gradually begun to be valued by more people.

This is a good thing, which shows that his strength is gradually recognized and valued by various forces, and they all want to win him over, but it is also a bad thing, because those who cannot win over him will regard him as a thorn in their side!

Recalling the carefree life when I was five years old, it seems that it no longer exists.

Thinking about being carefree in the future, I am afraid that it will be possible only after becoming the strongest king.

Just as Pease was dreaming about these things, they soon saw a black line hundreds of meters long appearing where the sky and the earth connected.

From a distance, it looks like an ancient dragon lying there, blocking all future enemies!
"That's... the Great Wall?" Peasley exclaimed. He didn't expect to see the Great Wall. Could it be that the legendary guards of the Great Wall are also here?The heroic heroine Mulan sister is also here?
Thinking of this, Peasley was a little excited.

But Cheng Yaojin's next sentence disappointed Pisley:
"This is the North Great Wall of Tang Dynasty. The Great Wall guards led by General Mulan are fighting against the orcs and various alien races on the Northwest Great Wall of the Western Regions! Her side is much busier than this side. If you want to see her, you have to go there in person find her!

Of course, if you want to join our Tang Kingdom and become a member of our Tang Kingdom, I can transfer you to the Western Regions to be General Mulan's personal secretary. What do you think?I heard that General Mulan was busy fighting wars, but he never fell in love! "

Hearing these attractive words, Peasley smiled, and did not explicitly refuse, but did not reply either.

After all, he is a native of Huangquan country, and his motherland is Huangquan country. No matter how broken or poor his own country is, he grew up eating from his own country, and he is also a part of Huangquan country.

Unless one day the kingdom of Huangquan is destroyed, Peasley will not accept the solicitation of any country.Even if it is the country of Tang that he likes better.

As for Hua Mulan, Peasley just has some admiration for this national heroine.

After all, Mulan disguised herself as a man, joined the army for her father, fought against Rouran, and made great military exploits. Peasley had heard of it when she was very young.

Although it was a pity that he didn't have the chance to meet him this time, he still wouldn't join Tang Guo just because of her.

Now that he has Ning Xuan in his arms, Liu Qinghe in his heart, and Daji in his mind, how dare he mess with a fourth woman now?

Soon, Peasley and the others came under the Great Wall. Looking at the barriers of the Great Wall, which were more than ten meters high, the young man felt a tinge of passion and awe in his heart for some reason!
Those who offend China will be punished even if they are far away! !
In the previous life, the earth where Peasley lived, the motherland where he lived, the majestic Great Wall, how many enemies have been resisted, how many bloods of the Chinese sons and daughters have been stained, how many heroes have been sacrificed...

This is a dragon, a real dragon that guards the territory! ! !
It's a pity that in the Glory Continent, only Tang has such a real dragon!

(End of this chapter)

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