The glory of the king

Chapter 291 If there is no country, how can there be a home?

Chapter 291 If there is no country, how can there be a home?
Peasley was silent.

What Cheng Yaojin said makes sense. Without a country, how can one have a home?

Only when the country is stable, can he live a happy and stable life in a beautiful river and mountain, traveling in mountains and rivers.

If the country is ruined and the family is destroyed, and the bones are everywhere, there is no good scenery to watch.Shall I pick up a skull from the ground and praise its immaculate whiteness?
However, Peasley is not a dead-headed person. If he cannot change the fate of a country with his own strength, then he will not be a man of arms and do some meaningless things.

Maybe in the future, I will really go out for the country as Cheng Yaojin said!

But now is not the time to think about it.

"For the future, let's decide in the future." Pisley said calmly, looking into the distance.

Cheng Yaojin looked at the boy's profile, hesitated for a moment, and said:
"I, the Tang Army, should be the strongest army in the world. If you are interested..."

"No, there's no need. Even if I join the army, I will join the army of my motherland." Peasley's tone was extremely firm. This is a kind of national sentiment and love for the motherland.

Cheng Yaojin showed disappointment, but at this time, Peasley continued: "But if the leader of our country makes a wrong decision, which is contrary to my ideas, or that country is not worthy of my love , I will consider coming to your Tang country."

Hearing this sentence, Cheng Yaojin was overjoyed, he liked this flexible boy very much.

He wanted to say something else, but suddenly, the mountains on both sides were full of cannons!Dozens of figures suddenly appeared on the originally empty hilltop!

These figures are all holding weapons in their hands, including bows and arrows, crossbows, spears, boulders, and some people are holding a few lumps... Huh?Why is it papa? ?
On the hill to the right of Peasley, someone shouted loudly: "Hit me hard!"

Just now, I was discussing with the boy that this place might become an ambush, but it turned out that I was actually ambushed after a while.

Cheng Yaojin was a general for a long time, and he remained calm in times of crisis.And this cavalry was obviously experienced in many battles. Under Cheng Yaojin's order, they immediately lined up and surrounded the carriage in the middle.

However, in the face of the attacking objects thrown down from the mountain tens of meters high, these soldiers, who were more outstanding among ordinary people, also showed an expression of resignation.

After all, this is a light cavalry composed of ordinary people, because they did not think about

There will also be people who dare to attack them.

So except for the thin armor, there is only an iron spear, and some of them are even swords instead of guns!

Facing the densely packed arrows, boulders, and even poops falling from the sky, they hardly have much defensive ability and can only resist with their bodies.

And the result of using the body to resist, nine out of ten is death!

The first wave of attacks fell suddenly!
These cavalrymen raised their left hands to protect their heads, and brandished long swords and spears with their right hands, trying to push away the oncoming objects as much as possible.

However, even so, these soldiers are still very dangerous.At this time, the role of Cheng Yaojin as a leader is reflected.

After all, this is a diamond fighter, and his personal strength is still very strong.

I saw him volleying in the air, quickly turning around in mid-air, and receiving most of the attacks.

But the reason why an ambush is called an ambush is because of its surprise.

So in a panic, Cheng Yaojin's diamond warrior's strength could not be fully displayed.

But with him there, at least it also resisted most of the damage for the soldiers below.

Although there were still quite a few arrows flying towards the soldiers, generally speaking, they no longer posed a fatal threat.

However, at this moment, there was a burst of "ah!"

With a loud cry, a soldier standing at the very edge of the line suddenly had a head-sized hole in his chest!

Blood spattered, and red shadows flickered.

Such a bloody scene made Ning Xuan, who was beside Pisley, turn pale with fright, and hurriedly buried her face in Pisley's arms.

"There are assassins--!!! There are assassins--!!!" A soldier shouted in panic!

Peasley looked at the fallen soldiers.It is impossible for such a large wound to be injured by something falling from above.

And it wasn't caused by ordinary assassins. Obviously, only Glory Warriors can do this kind of silently leaving such a big hole in a well-trained soldier, but no one noticed this kind of thing in the first place .

All of a sudden, not only the pressure from above, but now even the ground below hides unexpected murderous intentions.

For Peasley, and for Cheng Yaojin, it was simply inconceivable that such a thing would happen in a country that had always been safe.

Especially to attack Cheng Yaojin, a soldier led by the left guard general?
But they all knew in their hearts that this was not an ordinary ambush, because Glory Warriors had already participated in it.

However, in order to resist the attack from above, he had no time to go back to the ground to search for the assassin, so he looked at Peasley for help.But he was annoyed to find that the black-haired boy was in a daze.

At this moment, Peasley was looking at a soldier guarding in front of their carriage. He was trembling with fear, but he still firmly stood in front of the two of them.

Maybe he is just an ordinary person, while Peasley and Ning Xuan are more powerful Glory Warriors.But in terms of identity, he is a soldier, and behind him are ordinary people who need to be protected.

These are the soldiers of the Tang State, the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty!
Serving the people is their purpose!
Peasley was in awe.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed that there were some changes in the ground next to the soldier's feet!
Peasley was startled, and shot almost the moment he noticed the abnormal movement.

The mosquito sword was thrown out suddenly, and under Cheng Yaojin's surprised gaze, it shot towards the soldiers in front of him.

Although the Mosquito Sword was invisible, at Cheng Yaojin's level, he could see something vaguely attacking his soldiers behind them.

Cheng Yaojin's eyes instantly turned blood red!Why did this Lispie attack his soldiers?

Could it be that he, Li Sipi, did this ambush? !
But the next moment, his doubts were immediately broken.

Before the Mosquito Sword touched the soldier, it suddenly made a "ding" sound half a meter behind the soldier, and a slender and petite figure immediately appeared in front of everyone.

It turned out to be a little sister with twin ponytails dressed in black?
At first glance, I thought it was a lost lamb, but upon closer inspection, this little sister's eyes radiated an incomparably cold light.

In the hands of this petite girl was a hammer with a strange appearance the size of a human head.

The top of the hammer exuded a strange green light, with bright red blood on it. Obviously, this strange hammer, and the twin ponytails holding the strange hammer, were the culprits who just silently killed that soldier!

(End of this chapter)

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