The glory of the king

Chapter 293 The Best Scenery

Chapter 293 The Best Scenery
It would not be an exaggeration to say that Dugu Hanqing felt like a lover to Meng Keer.

However, this may just be Dugu History's unilateral liking.Or, he himself didn't realize his own thoughts.

After all, Peasley has already experienced it both physically and mentally.In terms of emotions, there is still some experience.

He stepped forward, patted the silver-haired boy on the shoulder, and comforted Dugu Hanqing like he comforted Cao Xueling back then:

"Don't be too sad! Save her hand, take her back to Chaoge as soon as possible and ask the teacher to help her connect it. The teacher is the strongest king, and there should be a way."

Dugu Hanqing, who was originally immersed in pain, was taken aback after hearing what Peasley said, and then raised his head to look at Peasley in surprise:
"Yes! I can go to the teacher! Yes! I will take Ke'er to the teacher right away! Junior brother, thank you!"

As he spoke, he turned around holding Ning Xuan's severed hand and was about to leave.

But after taking two steps, he suddenly stopped, looked back at Cheng Yaojin, and said indifferently:
"Cheng Yaojin, from now on, we will not owe each other. But I hope you can quickly settle this matter! Otherwise, next time your subordinate dies, don't blame me again!"

Afterwards, under Cheng Yaojin's thoughtful gaze, Dugu Hanqing's figure turned into a swan goose, climbed up the hills on both sides again, and disappeared on the two hills with a group of people.

Peasley looked at the corpses of the soldiers and horses, the grief and indignation on the faces of the surviving soldiers, and the mess on the mountain path as if after a battle... He sighed faintly.

This is not a war, and there are already such tragic scenes.If a war really breaks out in the future, I am afraid that if a battle is fought, it will inevitably be a scene of millions of corpses and thousands of miles of blood.

Thinking of that suffocating scene, Peasley's resistance to war became even stronger.

What is war?
War is a collective, group, organization, nation, faction, country, or government that uses violence, attacks, and killings to achieve its own goals.

An armed battle between two hostile forces to achieve certain political, economic, or territorial integrity goals.

Just like today, Dugu History's ambush to kill the fake "Cheng Yaojin" was also for his own purpose.

Although this purpose is just to him, it is also a form of war, just a condensed version.

Since wars are often waged by politicians rather than soldiers, war is also seen as an extreme measure of politics and diplomacy.

To put it harshly, soldiers are nothing but pawns used by the rulers of various countries to play war games.

Ordinary people, on the other hand, are pitifully reduced to victims of war.

Broadly speaking, humans are not the only ones who have wars.Creatures such as ants and chimpanzees have acts of war.

But their behavior is purely for better survival.And it won't cause mass destruction.

But the wars waged by humans are completely different. Every war is a kind of harm to the environment of Glory Continent.

It's okay if it's just among ordinary people, after all, this is a continent that mainly uses cold weapons.

But once the Glory Fighter is substituted into the war, the damage caused may be unmatched by hot weapons on earth.

War is the highest form of struggle between political groups, between ethnic tribes, and between national alliances.

It is also the most violent means of resolving disputes, and is one of the means of solving problems in nature.

However, in Peasley's view, this is a barbaric method only used by primitive societies, because the loss of life caused by war is not recognized by him.

At the same time, war is also a very extreme behavior in terms of thought and action. Peasley didn't understand why there must be physical conflicts to resolve things that can be sat down and discussed.

Of course, this refers to between countries, not between individuals.

After all, conflicts between individuals are individual matters and have little impact, but if it rises to conflicts between countries, it is a physical conflict between countless people between two countries, which is quite a terrible thing.

The emergence of war is the behavior initiated by the leader for the benefit of himself or the group, and this behavior of gaining benefits does not hesitate to sacrifice his life.

Some people always say that before the country, there is no personal interest at all.

Peaslee thought this was ridiculous.

If those rich people and officials in this country can't eliminate the invaders, they will blindly command the frontline soldiers and even ordinary people in the back. It is their credit for winning the battle. If they can't win, they have already prepared their escape road.

Such a country is bound to be doomed.

However, all countries in the mainland are the best survivors of countless years of struggle, and there will no longer be such brainless rulers.

But just because everyone has become smarter, once a war is launched, the price paid will inevitably be greater than before.

It's a pity that the current Peasley, although his personal power doesn't seem to be very weak, but when facing the power of a group or a country, he still appears as weak as an ant.

Peasley knew that his future still had a long way to go.

Cheng Yaojin personally blasted out the pits with wooden pulls, put the dead man into them, and cut down a small tree nearby to make a wooden tablet, and engraved on it with his fingers: "Da Tang Warrior Lou Qiangdong's Tomb."

As for the other soldiers, Cheng Yaojin, Pisley, and Ning Xuan treated them with Mulla, and then went to pack up their horses or horse corpses.

When they were dealing with these matters in a low mood, Peasley wandered his eyes on these people, always looking for the spear that should appear today.

However, he did not find any of these soldiers possessed by the ghost spear.

Maybe it hasn't been met yet.

Thinking this way, Peasley inadvertently looked at the mountains on both sides.

He originally wanted to see how Dugu Hanqing climbed up, but when his eyes drifted over the mountain on the left, he suddenly found that there was half a white spear stuck in the middle of the mountain!

Hold the grass!Didn't it mean that the ghost spear will only appear on people?Is there something else out there?
Peasley looked at Ning Xuan, and found that Ning Xuan was looking at him.

"Uh...why are you looking at me?" Peasley pinched his nose, looking a little guilty.

"Because...Young Master is the best scenery here." Ning Xuan blinked her eyes, a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes, "Looking at Young Master, Xuan'er's mood will be much better..."

(End of this chapter)

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