Chapter 295

If it weren't for the existence of this ghost spear, Peasley really wouldn't be able to spot the opponent's figure.

Peasley drove the golden cloud and followed the white spear slowly.

The white spear suddenly stopped, and Peasley also stopped.

Seeing this, the white spear moved two steps to the left, and Peasley's gaze also moved slightly to the left.

The white spear moved two more steps to the right, and Peasley's eyes also moved slightly to the right.

"Can you really see me?!" The cold voice was mixed with deep surprise, but the figure of the black-haired girl did not appear, "I can't even see myself, how did you see it?!"

Peasley smiled: "It's not important, it's just personal ability. What I care about is, is your name, Yingli?"

"Is it none of your business?" The woman's voice suddenly became cold.

"I've seen a similar dagger with the word 'Yincheng' engraved on it..."

Before Peasley could finish his words, the woman in front of her suddenly appeared, with wonderful expressions on her face, including surprise, excitement, fear, but more of surprise.

"What you said is true?" The black-haired woman's voice trembled.

From the opponent's performance, Peasley saw many things.It seemed that the woman in front of her was indeed the girl Yu Bai Yincheng was looking for.

But thinking of the scene where the other party had just assassinated him, he had the idea of ​​teasing the other party, showing a sinister smile and saying:
"Of course I'm telling the truth. It's just..."

"Just what?" Yingli looked nervously at the young man in front of him.

"It's just that he's dead now." Peasley said casually.

Peasley's words were like a thunderbolt falling from the sky, and the girl in front of her turned pale as if struck by lightning.

She grasped the hand of the wall and slammed it into the stone wall.

"What did you say..." Yingli trembled, with an expression of unwillingness to believe, "You said he...he died? How could he die? Who killed him!!!"

Seeing the other party's instantly reddened eyes, Peasley suddenly felt that his joke was a bit too much, so he pinched his nose and said half-jokingly:
"He robbed me of spicy strips and was stabbed to death by me."

As a normal person, he should be able to hear that this sentence is a joke.

However, Pisley still seems to have underestimated the importance of Yu Baiyincheng in Yingxiu's heart.It's like if someone made fun of Liu Qinghe with him, he would go berserk too.

Ying Li's eyes turned red all of a sudden, and the berserk effect of being possessed by the ghost spear was also detonated at this moment.

She rushed towards Peasley like crazy!The left and right hands each have a snow-white dagger.

Peasley only felt a gust of wind blowing up, Yingli's figure disappeared, and then a gust of wind hit all around his vitals!
Peasley was helpless, if the opponent was someone else who had nothing to do with it, he would definitely fight back mercilessly.But now that this is a friend's woman in front of him, he naturally can't kill him.

So the clouds under his feet swam, and he quickly escaped from the gust of wind, then took out the Guanyin bottle, and unfolded a water drop shield.

After doing all this, Peasley breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, looking at the invisible wind attacking wildly outside the water drop shield, he saw countless spike-like things dented inwards on the thin surface of the water drop shield almost instantly.

Peasley was horrified, isn't this attack speed too fast?Without the protection of the shield, I'm afraid he would be poked out of countless blood holes.

"Hey! Yingli! I was joking with you just now, Yincheng is not dead! He and I are friends, how could he kill him because of spicy sticks? He has been looking for you for a long time, you..."

Before Peasley could speak, he suddenly heard a "pop" sound, the water drop shield actually shattered, and countless water droplets fell, and within the water curtain, there were two silvery-white rays of light, attacking Peasley's neck .

Peasley knew that he might not be able to talk to the other party properly, he had to subdue the other party to calm down the other party.

Thinking of this, Peasley retreated, opened his mouth wide, took a deep breath, and suddenly let it out!
A sound wave spewed out from his mouth like a substance, it was the 【Phantom Sound Art】 that Peasley didn't often use!
"[Phantom Sound Technique]: Active skill,

Can be used on enemies within 20 meters to stun them for 3 seconds. (Level: 4)


Ranged dizziness!
After using this move, Yingli's figure immediately appeared in front of Pisley. To his surprise, the figure of the other party was twisted in a very strange posture, with the lower body in front and the upper body almost completely facing forward. behind.

This is a posture of strength, no wonder the opponent can break the platinum-level armor.

The flexibility of this girl's body is quite terrifying.However, generally people with this kind of flexibility are indeed more talented in assassination.

Yingli's strength is not particularly high, only gold intermediate.But an assassin of this strength can sometimes even burst out with a strength comparable to platinum.

These three seconds of dizziness were enough for Peasley to do many things.

I saw him make a [Zen stance] move, quickly bully Jinying away from the side, grab her wrist, inject Mula into her body, directly lock her major meridians, so that she can no longer easily mobilize Mula .

The killing intent in Yingli's whole body immediately weakened, his blood red eyes gradually returned to normal, and his body directly limp in Pisley's arms.

Peasley was startled, the softness of the woman's body and the faint fragrance on her body made his mind flutter for a while.

But after all, he is a person who has experienced it, so he won't have bad thoughts just because of this little physical contact, let alone, the other party is his friend's woman.

He was going to carry Yingli back to Ning Xuan and the others, but then he thought that he had to help Yingli pull out the spear.

Coincidentally, the location of this phantom spear is right in the middle of Yingli's chest.If Yingli pulled out the spear in front of Ning Xuan, and Yingli made that sound because of the pain, it might cause unnecessary misunderstanding.

So Pisley turned around, and under Ning Xuan's extremely resentful eyes on the ground, he took Ying Li and flew towards the top of the mountain...

There are still many boulders on the top of the mountain, and occasionally you can see weird-shaped poop and slender bows and arrows.

Peasley found a clean place to put Ying Li down.

Although the black-haired woman had a weak expression, there was cold hatred in her eyes.

She stared at Peasley, and said in a weak but firm voice, "If you dare to touch me, I will definitely not let you go."

Hearing this, Peasley understood what the other party meant by "touch", and immediately felt very innocent.The other party obviously regarded him as a prostitute.

(End of this chapter)

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