The glory of the king

Chapter 297 Take off your pants

Chapter 297 Take off your pants

Yingli looked at Pisley in surprise: "It really hurts! I didn't pay attention at first, I thought it was because of you!"

Peasley: "..."

Yingli went on to say: "So it turned out that he was poisoned... I never thought that group of people would be so vicious! I was already extremely guarded against them, but I still fell for them!"

Peasley pinched his nose, thinking that he was a little embarrassed to let those people take the blame.

"But how did you find out? Are you a doctor?"

Yingli continued to ask, his eyes still filled with confusion.

Peasley shook his head pretentiously, and said, "It's not important, what's important is that I know very well that if you can't get rid of your poison within ten days, you will die."

Ying Li was silent for a moment, a trace of worry appeared on his face.

"Then can you detoxify me? I don't want to die until I see Yincheng."

Peasley smiled: "It's not impossible. But..."

"But what?"

"But you have to promise me that next time we meet, treat me to spicy strips!" Pisley chuckled.

Yingli was obviously stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing: "Why are you so funny! Okay, okay, next time we meet, Yincheng and I will treat you to spicy strips!"

Peasley smiled, and stopped joking, but continued to talk nonsense: "Your poison is called 'heart-corrosion poison', and there is no drug that can completely remove this poison, and I can only use my exclusive method." Detoxify you from the outside.

However, the process of detoxification will be very painful for you, can you hold on? "

Yingli smiled wryly: "In this world, is there any pain that can compare to the pain of longing?"

Peasley was slightly taken aback, then nodded thoughtfully: "You are right."

Then, he stretched out his hand towards Yingli's chest.

Yingli didn't cover his chest any more, instead he blushed and asked, "Want... do you want to take it off?"

Peasley shook his head with a smile: "No need... don't show that kind of eyes that look at a prostitute, okay? I won't do anything to you."

As he spoke, Peasley held the white spear on Yingli's chest that only he could see, and then gently pulled it upwards.

Yingli's complexion immediately changed, and the already pale face lost even a trace of blood in an instant.

But as she herself said, the pain of longing has been endured for more than ten seconds, can this pain be unbearable?
Compared with him and Liu Qinghe, the relationship between Yingli and Yu Baiyincheng is obviously much more miserable.

Ying Li gritted his teeth, but didn't make too much noise.

... Half an hour later, the black-haired woman collapsed on the stone man, her plump chest heaving up and down violently, as if she had done a strenuous exercise.

Peasley also wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said to Yingli with a smile: "Okay, it's finally been removed."

Yingli looked at the young man in front of him, a smile appeared on his always icy face, giving people a feeling of melting ice and snow, and his face was full of spring breeze.

"Thank you. I feel more comfortable than ever before!" Yingli said gratefully, looking at the black-haired boy.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, there was an extra figure on the top of the mountain at some point.

Peasley turned his head and found that it was none other than Ning Xuan who was still in the carriage before!
Ning Xuan looked at the beautiful woman lying on the ground panting, and at the sweat on Pisley's forehead. The expression on her face was already extremely ugly.

Seeing this, Peasley immediately understood that the silly girl had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "Xuan'er, this, we, are not what you think!"


Ning Xuan smiled, with a hint of bewilderment in her smile, "It's okay. You don't have to hide it in front of Xuan'er. Xuan'er is just your concubine, and she is here to provide you with happiness.

As long as Young Master is happy, Xuan'er will be happy... I'm really sorry for disturbing Young Master, Xuan'er will leave now. "

After speaking, Ning Xuan turned around and walked towards the edge of the hill.

"Xuan'er!" Pisley called out, stepped forward quickly, and hugged Ning Xuan tightly from behind.

The wind from the mountain stream blew Ning Xuan's long hair and brushed Pisley's face, itching and with an elegant fragrance.

"Fool, it's really not what you think. I was helping her detoxify just now, do you think we have done something wrong with our neat clothes?" Pisley explained in a low voice next to Ning Xuan's ear.

Being hugged by the man she loves, Ning Xuan's originally melancholy mood suddenly improved.

She raised her head faintly.

Peasley was surprised to find that the girl's eyes were already red and swollen.

Fortunately, he hugged her in time, and the other party's tears still stayed at the edge of the lacrimal gland and did not appear.

The girl looked at Pisley, then at Yingli, and suddenly pouted again and said:
"But she's wearing a skirt, so you don't need to take off your clothes..."

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly realized that she had said something she shouldn't have said, so she quickly closed her mouth, lowered her head, and said nothing more.

At this time, Yingli struggled to stand up from the ground, and said weakly:
"Sister, you should be more confident in yourself. First, I am not as beautiful as you, and second, I am not as young as you. Third, I also have someone I like, and I won't have anything to do with your man.

He is my man's friend.I won't explain too much, if you don't believe it, you can take off his pants and check it.

I have something to do and I will leave first, thank you man for helping me detoxify.We will have an indefinite future! "

After saying this, Yingli glanced at Pisley, a trace of gratitude flashed in his eyes, and then his figure disappeared in front of the two of them.

Without the ghost spear, Peasley couldn't see Yingli's figure anymore, but he guessed that the other party should have left.

Peasley looked at Ning Xuan, who kept her head down and said nothing, and opened her arms with a smile: "Do you want to check? Anyway, there is no one else here."

Ning Xuan's pretty face blushed, she looked at the tip of her shoe and said, "Xuan'er believes in you, Master."

Peasley stretched out his hand and pinched the other person's nose: "My lovely Xuan'er, you don't seem to trust me at all, I'm your man, don't you even trust your man?"

Ning Xuan raised her head, looked at Pisley resentfully and said, "Young master said to pick flowers for Xuan'er, but the flower you mentioned is a beauty flower!"

"Uh... this, this is an accident! I was going to pick flowers for you, but I didn't expect to encounter an assassin who was lurking.

As you saw just now, I had a fight with her, but later I found out that she was my friend's woman, and she was poisoned, and if she couldn't get rid of the poison within ten days, she would die.

I happened to study this terrible poison in Jixia Academy, so I helped her get rid of it.

After all, she is my friend's woman, so I can't just leave her alone!

The process of detoxification is very painful, but after detoxification, there is indeed a particularly comfortable feeling, so you just heard what she said that made you misunderstand. "

(End of this chapter)

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