The glory of the king

Chapter 301 Li Taibai

Chapter 301 Li Taibai

Another half an hour passed, and Peasley's carriage finally entered Chang'an City.

To Pisley's surprise, what came to him was not a series of high-rise fairy pavilions, but a very huge square square!

Those real high-rise buildings are still a thousand meters away!

Countless people poured in from the city gate, spreading in different directions like a river.

This huge square with tens of thousands of square meters is used to buffer the flow of people.

Peasley lowered his head and found that the surface of the square floor made of white stone was actually not that simple, but with countless patterns painted on it.

At first, Peasley thought it was just an ordinary painting, but as the carriage moved forward slowly, he gradually noticed that the painting under the wheel was not random, but an extremely fine painting.

The painting on the painting seems to be a picture of a war.The gold and iron horses are everywhere, and the momentum is magnificent!
Whether it is soldiers, war horses, or the brave generals who fight bravely, or the calmly commanding counselors, they are all portrayed vividly.

Like Peasley, many who came to Chang'an City for the first time were attracted by the giant paintings at their feet.

Such a painting of tens of thousands of square meters, I don’t know how many people, how much effort, and how many years it took to complete it, it can be called a masterpiece!

But let such a masterpiece be trampled by countless horses and pedestrians, Peasley felt a little heartbroken!
Such behavior is a bit reckless!
However, it is impossible for those in power in the Tang Kingdom not to consider this situation, and obviously they also protected this painting. Almost anyone, even Peasley, who has the strength comparable to a platinum warrior, cannot protect this painting. Leave a trace.

That's right, even if you spit out a mouthful of phlegm, it will be melted away by invisible forces.Therefore, there is almost no dirty place in the whole painting, and it is a spotless scene.

But this "almost" speaks volumes.

Because there is only one place, although it is not considered dirty, but there is a three-meter-long, arm-wide crack, which makes the whole painting more flawed and sharp.

It is said to be a crack, but it is actually more like a sign that a sharp knife fell from the sky and was cut out fiercely.

What kind of thing, what kind of power, can actually break through the ground of the restricted square?
Could it be some strongest king?But even a king might not be able to create such an obvious crack half a meter deep, right?
Just when Peasley was secretly feeling emotional, he heard the onlookers discussing this sharp crack.

"Oh! This it left before the painting was finished!"

"I'm afraid you are dreaming! Who has no brains to leave such an obvious flaw in the painting? It was obviously cut out by someone later!"

"Who is so bold! Dare to do anything to this painting?"

"It's not a question of courage, it's a question of whether you have the ability!

If you have the ability, you can also make a mark, and someone will definitely recruit you into the palace to do great things in no time! "

"Um... Really! Then I'll go home and try my ancestral low-grade black iron hoe."

"You got it! Don't you feel that if someone stands on the ground of the square for a long time, there will be a thrust from the soles of his feet to force him to leave. The longer he stands, the stronger the thrust will be. How dare you use a black iron level hoe Smash it, maybe it will bounce back with a bronze-level force that will directly smash your hand!"

"Ah! Then what kind of handwriting is this crack?"

"I'm not sure, but it's said that it was a man in white with a sword. He walked here drunk and fell down, but he insisted that he was tripped by the empty square. He drew his sword to the sky, and slashed down angrily, leaving this crack! In fact, this is a sword mark!
Later that person was invited into the palace, and His Majesty the Empress asked him to be an official, but he refused. "

"I'll go! His Majesty asked him to be an official, but he didn't do it? What's the background of this person? Such a pretentiousness?"

"Do you think other people's vision can be compared with ordinary people like us? I haven't heard of this person's background. It seems to be called 'Li Taibai', a very stupid name."


... Listening to the conversations of passers-by, Peasley secretly felt awe-inspiring.

Li Taibai?Isn't that Li Bai, the famous poet of the Tang Dynasty in China on Earth?

It's just that in the Glory Continent, his identity is no longer just a poet who recites poems and poems, he also has an additional specialty, and that is swordsmanship.

In fact, on the square under Peasley's feet, he guessed that even the strongest king might not be able to leave such an obvious trace.

But Li Bai's swordsmanship is different from others' swordsmanship. His swordsmanship combines the power of nature.

If we say that the strongest king is the strongest group of human beings.Then Li Bai's swordsmanship is the strongest one in the world.

Because his swordsmanship gathers the power of nature.

If Li Bai is also the strongest king, then he must be a very powerful existence among the strongest kings.

Peasley once lied to Yixing that Li Bai gave him some advice.

Yixing guessed right at that time, which shows that Li Bai is still very famous among those strong men, but it seems that not many people know his title of sword fairy among ordinary people. After all, he is too low-key. , or is there any other reason?

Peasley didn't know. If we had a chance to meet him in the future, maybe we could ask him.

But the world is so big, it is not easy to find someone, just like him looking for Xiaohe after returning home, where will she be now after leaving Liangyuan City?Are you still waiting for him?
Thinking of this, Peasley felt somewhat melancholy.

"My lord, look!" Ning Xuan's excited voice rang in Pisley's ears, interrupting his thoughts.

Peasley looked in the direction of the girl's finger, and saw a circle of people on the square, watching some commotion.

Peasley drove past in a carriage.

With the help of the height of the carriage, Peasley and the others could now see clearly that it was two people competing in martial arts.And it's a battle between a man and a woman.

I saw that the man looked to be about 20 years old, dressed in blue Chinese clothes, as if he came from a famous family.But there is not the slightest dandyism on him.Presumably it was either the young man's resolute character, or his family education was very strict.

And the other beautiful girl in a pink dress looked about the same age as the blue-clothed youth, but she looked at the blue-clothed youth with eyes full of admiration.

But the fight between her and the young man in blue was very fierce.

This made Peasley a little strange. Could it be that this is the saying in the legend that "fighting is a relationship, scolding is love, and not beating or scolding is a scourge"?
(End of this chapter)

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