The glory of the king

Chapter 303 Vase

Chapter 303 Vase

The girl in the pink skirt answered crisply, with a touch of hostility.

Peasley shrugged innocently, but at this moment, Ning Xuan suddenly said:
"Sister, do you like that son just now?"

Bai Shuangshuang was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at the sweet-looking girl next to the young man, maybe because of jealousy, her attitude became even more indifferent: "What the hell are you, I want you to take care of my mother's affairs?"

Hearing such excessive words, Peasley frowned, but Ning Xuan stroked the black hair on her temples with a smile, and said calmly:
"I'm my son's toy, the toy of the person I like, unlike you, who can't even touch the back of the person I like."

Bai Shuangshuang frowned slightly, and turned around, as if planning to do something.

At this time, Ning Xuan continued to say calmly: "But... I think that young master just now seems to be interested in you too!"

Bai Shuangshuang was stunned for a moment, and she looked at Ning Xuan with a hint of confusion.

Ning Xuan laughed lightly: "If I were a man, I wouldn't be entangled with a woman I don't like 57 times."

"Eh..." Bai Shuangshuang opened her small mouth slightly, thinking about it carefully, what the girl said seemed to make sense!
If the guy she likes really doesn't like her, how can she give herself so many opportunities to challenge?

Thinking of this, a hint of sweetness suddenly surged in her heart.And this sweetness rushed to his face through his throat and became a sweet smile.

However, she soon realized that she had lost her composure, and there were two little kids watching her, she quickly suppressed her smile, her face turned cold again, coughed twice, and said to Ning Xuan: "But you are not a man."

"But I am." Peasley smiled, "If I hated a woman, I wouldn't look at her directly, let alone have any interaction with her, and give her so many opportunities to challenge herself."

After Bai Shuangshuang looked at Pisley in silence for a long time, the tone of her mouth finally softened a bit:

"A child is not a fish, how do you know what a fish thinks?"

Peasley shook his head with a smile: "You may have heard of an old saying that goes, 'Those who are in power are obsessed, but bystanders are clear'."

Bai Shuangshuang was dumbfounded.

Pisley went on to say: "I think that the second son of the Lu family likes you, but he may not be able to accept you temporarily for some reason, or he hopes to use this to temper you and make you stronger.

But no matter what the reason is, at least he doesn't hate you.But maybe I don't love you to the point where I can give up everything for you.

So, I want to teach you a dance. After you learn it, show it to him you like. I believe he will be more fascinated by you. "

"What you said is true?" Bai Shuangshuang looked at the black-haired boy suspiciously, "Is there really such a magical dance? It can't be a striptease, right?"

Ning Xuan chuckled: "The striptease is only danced by those brothel girls. Of course, if you want, you can show it to the person you like. Tempting him to commit a crime, and then, just raw rice and cooked rice, wouldn't everyone be happy? "

Bai Shuangshuang couldn't help but see the picture described by Ning Xuan in her mind, and a blush flew on both sides of her cheeks.She coughed lightly again, looked at Peasley and asked in a cold voice on purpose:

"How did you learn how to dance? Do you want money?"


In an inn room, there was a sudden burst of laughter.I don't know, I thought it was a man and a woman flirting.

Peasley looked at the woman in the pink skirt who was laughing so hard in front of her with a speechless face, and said, "Is it so funny? Xuan'er! Come here again."

"Okay, son." Ning Xuan replied with a smile, and then danced "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss" again under Bai Shuangshuang's amazed eyes.

After the dance, Bai Shuangshuang said infatuatedly: "This dance is really charming. After watching it, I have an urge to fuck your girlfriend."

Peasley's eyelids twitched, but he felt relieved when he remembered that the other party was a woman.

But if you think about it carefully, the other party may not be a woman, what if it is bigger than him!

So Pisley pulled Ning Xuan behind him, looked at Bai Shuangshuang vigilantly, and said, "Don't have any thoughts about my woman! Even if you are a woman, you can't! Come to me if you have anything!"

Bai Shuangshuang gave the black-haired boy an annoyed look: "I'm not interested in men other than Brother Xitian, so don't show such a disgusting look that I'm no one else."

Then, she looked at Ning Xuan again, and said with a smile: "However... Miss Ning Xuan's dance is really attractive to me. Maybe I learned it and danced it for him. It can really seduce him."

Speaking of this, a look of sadness suddenly appeared in her eyes.The feeling of wishing for nothing and wanting to be satisfied really made her a little sad.

However, she restrained her emotions afterwards and said, "When will you start teaching me?"

Peasley said: "Let's do it now. From now on, I will study here at [-] o'clock every morning, and strive to learn this dance within three days. I don't have much time."

In the afternoon, he would naturally have a good time with Ning Xuan in Chang'an, a world-famous city.

"Well, I will definitely come on time. I will go back today. You just came to Chang'an, so you should have a good time here. There are many delicious food and beautiful scenery here. I especially recommend Zuimenglou!"

Saying that, Bai Shuangshuang showed a meaningful smile and left the inn.

Half an hour later, Peasley and Ning Xuan stood outside the door of Drunken Dream Building with dazed faces, watching countless beauties in a huge courtyard smiling coquettishly, their big white legs were extremely eye-catching, he suddenly felt white Shuangshuang is a complete pit ratio.

Where there is food here, there is beautiful scenery, obviously there is only beauty!
"Unexpectedly, there is such a land of flowers and willows in Chang'an City..." Pisley said with emotion.

"Isn't this normal, after all, a considerable part of the income of the Imperial City comes from here!

Many corrupt officials come here to consume, and the country can use this to recover part of the income to the treasury.

Second, if the brothel is backed by the country's lord, it can still control which are corrupt officials and which are honest officials. Wouldn't it be wonderful to kill two birds with one stone? Ning Xuan said with a smile.

Peasley looked at the girl beside him: "Hey, I didn't expect my family Xuan'er to know so much!"

Ning Xuan blushed slightly: "That's not true! Xuan'er just heard from Hu Ximei and Di Xin that..."

Peasley nodded: "Let's go shopping elsewhere."

"Young master, don't you want to go in and play for a while? The top card in Chang'an City may taste delicious!" Ning Xuan looked at Pisley's back with a half-smile.

Peasley tilted his head and looked at Ning Xuan: "Do you really want me to go? I have you so stunning, how can I still admire those dirty vases in brothels?"

(End of this chapter)

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