The glory of the king

Chapter 308 New Skills

Chapter 308 New Skills

Peasley stood up, looked at the girl in the pink skirt and said:
"Okay, I don't have much time left. Don't be an idiot here. Bai Shuangshuang, leave Lu Xitian's matter to you.

Xuan'er and I have one more thing to deal with. In the early morning four days later, let's gather at the gate of this inn.

Of course, if Lu Xitian doesn't want to, then we can just go.Stop looking for people I don't know well. "

The reason why Ning Xuan was not allowed to go was because Ning Xuan only had the strength of Bai Yin, and Pisley didn't want her to put herself in danger.

Bai Shuangshuang nodded, she also became nervous when Lu Xitian's matter was involved.He was the first to leave the room.

And the next thing Peasley has to do is to find the last person who learns to dance.

Ning Xuan didn't ask much about the seemingly unusual things he did.Peasley didn't say much either.

Maybe Ning Xuan felt that everything her man did was reasonable.

As for the reason why Peasley didn't say anything, there is no need to repeat it.

Three days later...

Pisley and Ning Xuan were walking on the way to the palace, followed by Cheng Yaojin, the diamond warrior whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Has the matter been resolved, General Yaojin?" Peasley asked looking at the back.

Cheng Yaojin didn't look back, nor did he speak.

Peasley frowned slightly, knowing that this matter might not be as simple as he thought, since the other party didn't want to say more, he wouldn't ask more.

But seeing the other party's frowning expression this morning, Peasley could already guess something.

Without thinking too much, Peasley opened his status bar while walking.

Rating: 49
Experience: 435/490
Mulla Level: Gold Level [-]

Fragment of the Book of Heaven (2/12):
[Red Moon]: You can have the power of the strongest king within 1 minute. (After the effect ends, it will immediately enter a weak state. Mula's power cannot be used within 10 days, and all skills related to Mula cannot be used. Cooling time: 10 days. Current status: Available.)
[Spirit Mountain]: Sacrifice any piece of equipment to unconditionally kill one and the level of the equipment
Comparable to any creature.Skill range: within 100 meters. (The target strength must be below Xingyao. Cooling time: 10 days. Current status: available.)
Attack: 575 (+40)

Defense: 645 (+110)

Critical Hit Rate:
20% (+5%)

Evasion rate: 20% (+10%)
HP: 1590/1590
Energy: 800/800
Prestige: 523/1000 (Dihua Zhixiu: Get 10 Kirin Coins and 1 experience point at midnight every day.)


[Tianmu]: Active skill, you can check the status of opponents whose level is not higher than your own level 20, and can see through any object for 10 seconds. (energy consumption: 10, level: 12)

[Qi Poison Blade]: Active skill, emits a strong poisonous gas blade from the hand, which can make the attacked lose 5% of the remaining HP every second within 1 minutes. (Energy Consumption: 15, Level: 9)

[Zen Step]: Active skill, increase your own movement speed within 30 seconds, and can create 8 afterimages that can be controlled for 10 seconds. (energy consumption: 25, level: 15)

[Sea Heart Technique]: After 3 seconds of guidance, it can restore 20% of the maximum blood volume of oneself including teammates within 50 meters. (Energy Consumption: 100, Active Skill, Level: 7)

[Tiger Might Fist]: Active skill, increase to 20 times fist strength within 3 seconds. (Initial level: black iron low level, current level: 10)

[Diamond Shield]: Active skill, increase defense power to 20 times within 3 seconds. (Initial level: Black Iron Intermediate, current level: 9)

[Yunteng Technique]: The body turns into a swimming snake and turns into a cloud into the sea.Active skill, it can fly at the fastest speed of 100 meters per second for 100 seconds within a height of 100 meters. (Energy Consumption: 50, Level: 10)

[Phantom Sound Technique]: Active skill,

Can be used on enemies within 20 meters to stun them for 3 seconds. (Level: 4)

[Xiaoqiang's Struggle]: Passive skill, when the life value is lower than half, it is triggered in an instant, immune to all damage within 4 seconds. (Grade 1)

[Black Thunder Gun]: Active skill, ignoring defense, extremely fast, hitting the target will directly cause real damage equal to 5.00% of the target's maximum health.Attack range: within 50 meters (initial level: gold low level, current level: level 3.)
[Fire Immunity]: Passive skill, literally.

[Pure Land]: Active skill, summoning a seductive dancer, causing a psychedelic and charming effect on the enemy.At the same time, the dancer can be controlled, and can instantly switch positions with the skill initiator.Skill range: 10 meters. (Energy Consumption: 20, Level: 1.)
Infinity Store: (Draw a prize for every 100 Kirin coins. The drawn items are random items.)
System Backpack:

觳觫 (húsù) pill × 5 (can make the user fall into a state of extreme fear and mental disorder.)
【Special item】:
Golden rune paper (pink fox, golden pinnacle);
Liu Qingfeng's soul (utility: unknown).

Moon Bakugan × 1 (It can cause fatal damage to anyone below platinum.)
Purple scroll (thank you for your purchase)
[Entering the Urn]: Platinum is low-level, it can transform into a formation with a diameter of [-] meters, and trap the target in the [Into the Urn].If the trapped people can't break through the formation in time, they will soon be melted into blood.

【Smelly socks】

: It stinks beyond your imagination!Works wonders against fog attacks.

【Tianluo Formation】

Golden intermediate formation.

【Sea Soul Formation】

Gold Advanced Formation.

[Panlong Spirit Ginseng]: Not only can it be used to nourish the body, but it also has the effect of repairing the soul and nourishing the essence.

A red high-grade storage bag

A pair of purple gold rings can be combined into a heart shape

Iron Piece: Mysterious Map.

White Token: It can be teleported to any place within [-] meters.

[Tang Lin]: There are two kinds of sword arrays, offensive and defensive.Skills can be triggered without using Mullah.

[Slaughter]: Kill 10 villains with red names on their heads!

Task requirements: 10 people


Tasks completed: 0

Remaining mission time: 29 days and 22 hours

Task completion reward: experience +100, reputation +100.

Task not completed penalty: Attack -15. "

Peasley had already completed the task of "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss" this morning.

In the previous three days, Peasley randomly found a beautiful young lady on the street, spent a little money, and spent three whole mornings and afternoons to teach her how to dance.

As a result, after learning the dance, the pretty young lady didn't seem to want to leave, so she asked Peasley coquettishly if she needed anything else.

Peasley was stunned for a long time before he could react, and then under Ning Xuan's staring eyes, he invited the young lady out.

Since having Ning Xuan, he can no longer flirt with other beautiful ladies like before.

After the task was completed, Peasley was quite happy, especially the generous task reward-learned a new skill!
(End of this chapter)

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