The glory of the king

Chapter 313 Women's Intuition

Chapter 313 Women's Intuition

"I don't know the name of the senior brother who made Master mobilize everyone?" Peasley asked curiously.

"Zhong Yuan! I don't know if Mr. Xiao has heard of it." Wu Zetian said.

"Zhong You?" Pisley thought secretly, although the name was somewhat familiar, as if he had seen it in "The Analects of Confucius", but he was not familiar with it.

Wu Zetian saw his confusion and explained:

"Zhong Yuan, alias Zilu, also alias Jilu, was born in Bian, Lu State. He was straightforward and reckless, and he was the only one among the many students of the Master who dared to criticize the Master.

To put it bluntly, he was the only one who dared to scold his wife.But the master didn't hate him because of this, on the contrary, he had a very harmonious relationship with him, and he was deeply loved by the master.

It was such a person who was highly valued by the master, who died in a foreign country, that the master was so angry that he summoned his disciples to persecute a country. "

"So that's how it is..." Pisley secretly sighed in his heart, this Senior Brother Zhong You is also a person who can pretend to be coercive, even dare to scold his master.

But this is not from a certain point of view. Well-behaved students in the traditional sense are no longer so lovable. On the contrary, those who dare to "go against" the teacher are often more likely to be liked by the teacher.

Of course, this kind of "confrontation" is not to make trouble for no reason, but to refute the Master in terms of learning and knowledge.

It seems that the next time he sees Master, he will have to swear a few words... Maybe the scolding will make Master happy, and Master will reward him with some treasures like fists!
After chatting with the Empress for a few more words, Pisley took Ning Xuan to leave.

Before entering the ruins tomorrow, he has to prepare some dry food or something, otherwise, he will not be able to find food in the ruins for seven days a week, right?

Regardless of whether he could find it, even if he found it, he wouldn't dare to eat it if he couldn't be sure that the food would be harmless.

Seeing the boy leave, the empress didn't do much to keep him, and let him leave directly.

Just before leaving, Peasley looked again at the magic weapon blades in the seventy-seven and forty-nine crystal pillars, and the darkness in the depth of the crystal under his feet.

There are so many secrets in the Tang Palace that it really frightens him.

After Peasley left, Wu Zetian reclined lazily on the dragon chair again, and asked leisurely, "What do you two lovers think of this young man?"

The two men of His Highness were obviously used to the lazy and charming appearance of the Empress, and they did not show any surprise.

Di Renjie stretched out his hand to stroke the strand of three-colored hair on his head, and said in a loud voice: "The talent is average, but the fighting power is extremely strong."

"Oh? Di Aiqing is about to become a star, and would she think that a young man has strong fighting power? And she even used the word 'extremely strong'?" Wu Zetian widened her eyes in surprise.

Di Renjie said with a serious expression: "Although the other party is only a gold fighter, for some reason, he didn't have the slightest fear or nervousness in front of His Majesty, me, and Lao Cheng, who are at least diamond fighters.

To put it bluntly, it doesn't seem to take us very seriously.I guess there must be some hidden means in him, not to say that he can defeat us, but at least it is a means to have the confidence to escape from the front of our three strong men, and even from the palace.

That's why I said that his fighting power is extremely strong.Escape itself is part of the battle.

And for some reason, I felt a hint of danger from the other party.

Maybe this little gentleman's hole card is not just as simple as escaping, but may even kill me. "

After hearing what he said, Cheng Yaojin on the side also nodded: "I once fought with Mr. Xiao once, although we didn't fight much, judging from the aura exuded by the other party at that time, it seemed that it was far more than gold The strength of the warrior.

Perhaps what brother Di said is not accurate, the 15-year-old Golden Warrior is already very good in the eyes of the world, but in our opinion, it is really not that good.

But a 15-year-old Platinum Warrior is really a genius!Even we have to admit the horror of this genius.Maybe this little gentleman is hiding his strength. "

After hearing the remarks of the two ministers, Wu Zetian slowly closed his eyes, nodded and said:
"Since the two lovers have said so, then this young man is still worthy of being wooed. Pass down the order, and within the territory of the Tang Kingdom, everyone will be courteous to this little gentleman.

All his consumption in Tang country is half price.Even if you can't win over for the time being, you still need to have a good relationship with him.Our country of Tang has no shortage of talents, no shortage of geniuses, only the support of the master's side is lacking.

Of course, if this person goes to Wei State in the future and becomes our enemy, then send someone to pretend to be from Wei State and kill him.Then try to force the master to issue again... Taoli Order! "



"Young Master... Can Xuan'er really not go to the ruins with you?"

On the way away from the palace, Ning Xuan and Pisley walked side by side, when the girl suddenly asked.

Pisley turned his head, looked at the woman's beautiful profile, and said with a smile, "Why, are you really worried about what will happen to me and that Bai Shuangshuang?"

Ning Xuan shook her head: "Of course not! It's just... I heard from the empress today that the ruins are more dangerous than before, so Xuan'er is worried that something will happen to the young master...

You should understand that if a man is in a dangerous situation, his wife will always be in fear at home, worrying about the safety of her man!

But... But if the young master is willing to take Xuan'er with him, even if Xuan'er is put in a very dangerous situation, Xuan'er will not complain at all!

As long as she can see that the young master is safe and sound, Xuan'er can let go of her hanging heart. "

After speaking, she looked at Peasley with longing eyes.

Peasley smiled lightly, raised his right hand, put it on the girl's right shoulder, and said gently:
"Since you have said so, then... okay, if Bai Shuangshuang fails to bring Lu Xitian tomorrow morning, I will take you with her. But if she brings him, you can be obedient The inn is waiting for me to come back, do you understand?"

When Ning Xuan heard this, a joyful smile appeared on her small face, she nodded vigorously, and said "huh" crisply.

Although it is not necessary to take her there, at least there is half hope!
And judging from Lu Xitian's attitude towards Bai Shuangshuang that day, she felt that Lu Xitian would most likely not come.

This is her intuition as a woman.So in all likelihood, she could go with Peasley tomorrow.

Thinking of this, her heart became more excited, and the smile on her face became brighter.

However, it turns out that women's intuition is often inaccurate.

(End of this chapter)

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