Chapter 318
The little soldier nodded, then took out three rings with the same number engraved on them from the box on the table, and handed them to Peasley, one for each of them.

"Here, this is the only storage item that you can use in the ruins. The [Void] of the Golden Warrior cannot be used in the ruins either.

You are number one thousand one hundred and eight.All the treasures of heaven, material and earth that you have hunted down can all be put in here.

And after you come out, the same serial number on this ring is the only evidence that you are on the same team, if you lose it, you need to pay for it.So please keep it safe. "

Then the short soldier pointed to the inside of the house: "Go inside and turn right, someone will take you to the opening point of the formation."

The three of Peasley glanced at each other, then walked towards the inside of the house.

But before leaving, Peasley thanked the little soldier very politely.

"Come on, don't be hypocritical, let's go in." The little soldier waved his hand, but Peasley noticed that there was a satisfied smile on the corner of the other's mouth.

Humans are such magical creatures. Although they say you are welcome, but if you are more polite to him, he will be happier in his heart.

Even if he was a human being in two lifetimes, Peasley still didn't understand such things as human nature.

Then the three of them, led by another soldier, finally came to the big formation.

Presented in front of Peasley's eyes was an octagonal high platform made of white wood, with a diameter of about 30 meters and a height of two meters.

On the surface of this high platform, a set of complex formation patterns are engraved with cinnabar.On the eight points of the octagonal high platform, there are eight stone statues of different beasts.

At this moment, dozens of people who came in before are already standing on the big formation. When there are 100 people in this wave, a magic circle will be activated.

Peasley walked up to the big formation and looked at the extremely complicated formation under his feet. At first glance, there was a feeling of ghostly drawing, but after careful inspection, he could feel an inexplicable sense of regularity.

"Is this the teleportation formation? It feels a bit powerful." Pisley stomped the cinnabar under his feet, but he didn't make a sound. The cinnabar didn't change at all, as if it was integrated with the wooden board.

"However, if the ruins are so big, will we be teleported apart?" Peasley asked suspiciously.

"No. The number engraved on our ring is not just for viewing, it will send people with the same number to the same place."

Bai Shuangshuang said with experience, and at the same time raised her hand, looking at the ordinary silver-white ring on her ring finger.

Looking at the position of the other party's ring, Peasley felt speechless for a while.Women, as creatures, seem to like to fantasize about things more than men.

He couldn't help but looked at the young man beside him, and found that his ring was actually on his little finger.

Peasley looked down at the ring on his thumb, and fell into deep thought...

At this moment, someone behind him suddenly bumped into him.

At this moment, a lot of people have gathered on the high platform magic circle, so it seems somewhat crowded.

However, as a golden warrior, Peasley would be able to detect any sudden approach of an unfamiliar person.

He turned around at the same time, but was surprised to see that it was a handsome young girl who bumped into him as if she had been pushed.

Seeing this, Peasley instinctively grabbed the opponent's shoulder.However, the girl fell into Pisley's arms, and a fresh fragrance of jasmine came over her face.

Peasley was slightly taken aback, but the next moment he took a step back and helped the girl up.

"Are you all right?" Peasley asked, but the next moment, his face suddenly changed.

Because above the opponent's head, there was a blood-red name: Yang Caoyue.

The girl raised her head and looked at the boy in front of her with a nervous and grateful expression: "Yes... I'm sorry! I didn't mean it."

Although he was horrified, Peasley still smiled calmly on the surface: "It's okay. There are many people here, so be careful."

"En~" The girl responded crisply, showing a sweet smile to Pisley, then turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait." Peasley suddenly called out to him.

The girl turned her head and smiled at the boy: "What's the matter, little brother?"

"May I ask your girl's name?"

The girl blinked her eyes, then chuckled lightly and said, "My surname is Yang, the Yang of the poplar tree."

Seeing the back of the opponent slipping into the crowd, Peasley pondered.

Why does this seemingly harmless girl have a red name on her head?Could it be that this girl is also some kind of demon that has to be killed?
The more Peasley thought about it, the more suspicious he became about the system.However, the system has accompanied him for 15 years and cheated him for 15 years, but it has never issued a task that violates his ideology.

So this really gave Peasley a headache.What's the difference between asking him to kill a harmless person and asking him to point the knife at a five-year-old who doesn't understand anything?
Just when Peasley was hesitating, Bai Shuangshuang at the side suddenly came over and said with a smile:
"You're a bit amazing, kid! You've hooked up with a girl so quickly, and she's the kind who throws herself into her arms...don't look at me like that, I won't tell sister Ning Xuan. Anyway, you guys don't They all like the new and dislike the old!"

"Who are you talking about!" Lu Yantian at the side said in a cold voice.

Bai Shuangshuang's complexion changed, she turned her head quickly, and smiled awkwardly: "Well... of course what they said didn't include you!"

"I'm not a man?" Lu Xitian's face became even more gloomy.

Bai Shuangshuang stuck out her slender tongue, clasped the blue-clothed young man's arm with both hands and shook it, and said in a whiny voice, "I'm just joking! Don't take it seriously!"

Lu Xitian rolled his eyes at the other party: "Is Mr. Li very familiar with you? You can also make this kind of joke?"

Bai Shuangshuang heard the words and looked at the black-haired boy beside him. After thinking about it carefully, it seemed that he was indeed not very familiar with him.

After a moment of silence, Bai Shuangshuang slowly lowered her head and said "I'm sorry" softly, it is unknown whether she said it to Pisley or Lu Xitian.

At this moment, I heard a general-like voice say loudly:
"Okay, this group of hundreds of people has been assembled, everyone stays together, this general is going to activate the formation!"

As he spoke, he saw the general insert a palm-sized crystal stone into the formation starter next to the formation, and turn it lightly.

It was dark for a while, and the feeling of weightlessness came suddenly.

Peasley only felt that the pattern drawn by the cinnabar under his feet suddenly trembled violently, and the red light flourished, and then the red light gradually brightened into yellow, and then shot up into the sky——

(End of this chapter)

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