Chapter 320

Of course, it is only a general situation that people have a good impression of someone without feeling disgusted by being patted on the head. In this world, there will always be many special situations.

After the three of Peasley made their decision, they walked directly towards the mountain in front of them.

And not long after they left, two lantern-like eyes suddenly lit up in the lake behind them, staring eeriely at the departure of the three figures.

After a long time, the owner of the lantern eyes suddenly made a sighing sound, as if regretting that the prey did not reach his mouth, and then the two huge lantern eyes gradually went out...

The three of Peasley walked towards the mountain.

The mountain in front of me is about 600 meters high. Most of the places are steep, but there are also some relatively gentle places. For ordinary people, it may be difficult or even dangerous terrain, but for these Glory Fighters For the teacher, it is a trivial matter.

"Generally, wherever treasures of heaven, material and earth appear, there will be some extremely aggressive creatures."

At this moment, the three of them were advancing in front, middle and back.Lu Xitian walked in the front, and Bai Shuangshuang was sandwiched between the two of them, which was regarded as a kind of protection.

Although Bai Shuangshuang's words were nonsense, they also reminded Pisley.

Ordinary treasures of heaven, material and earth are fine if they are taken away by others, but if they are not taken away or destroyed, there are nine times out of ten that there is something guarding them.

Otherwise, after a long time, those tiny creatures in nature will more or less damage those treasures of heaven, material and earth.

Of course, there are also some treasures of heaven and earth who have absorbed the essence of heaven and earth for many years, and may even have developed spiritual wisdom and will protect themselves by themselves. This is all possible.

Peasley raised his head and looked at the shimmering sky through a gap in the woods.

This world is very big, the so-called one flower one world, one leaf one Bodhi.Although this is a relic, it gives Peasley a feeling of a new world.

He always feels that this world is real, but he doesn't know which dimension and orientation this world is in.

But he wondered if it was possible, going straight from this world in which direction, would it be possible to go to the Glory Continent?
Just when Peasley's thoughts were flying, he heard Lu Xitian's voice that didn't fluctuate:

"The trees on this mountain have more lush leaves, but for some reason, these trees are not very tall."

"Maybe it's because there is no sunlight?" Peasley, who has studied biology, said subconsciously.

"No, it shouldn't be. Or not at all. You know, whether a tree can grow taller depends on factors such as temperature, moisture, and fertilizer pruning, in addition to light conditions.

If it was because of the sunshine, the leaves of the trees here should not be so lush. "Lu Xitian's tone carried an affirmative meaning.

"You mean..." Peasley heard something from the other person's words, "You mean that there may be something good hidden in this mountain, so the nutrients needed to grow these trees, The fertilizer and even the temperature have been robbed?"

"I'm just guessing. I'm not very clear about the specific situation." Although Lu Xitian looked at Gao Leng, he was not arrogant.

"If this is the case, we can try to feel where the temperature is lower in this mountain. This is also the easiest change for us to perceive." Bai Shuangshuang said.

Hearing this, Lu Xitian glanced at the black-haired boy, seeing that the boy was still chewing on spicy sticks, and did not take any action.

He frowned slightly, and said, "Brother Li, eating spicy sticks all the time is not good for your health. What kind of flavor, give me one."

Peasley: "..."

Stuffing a spicy strip into his mouth, Lu Xitian frowned slightly: "It doesn't have the taste of my childhood anymore."

Peasley nodded silently, but then his eyes changed: "Is it time to discuss the taste of spicy bars?"

Lu Xitian thought for a while and felt that it made some sense, then looked at the boy and asked: "Is there no way, little brother, to sense the temperature difference in the air?"

Hearing the other party's words, Peasley couldn't help thinking of his pet Xiao Chi.

Spirit beasts are much more sensitive to temperature differences in the air than humans.It's a pity that he left Xiaoji by Ning Xuan's side to protect her.

Suddenly he thought of something, looked at Lu Xitian and said: "By the way, brother Lu has a blood porcupine beast. This kind of monster mutant beast should also be very sensitive to temperature."

"Also?" Lu Yantian asked with a smile, "Could it be that the seven-color snail has this ability?"

"Uh, no, I have another spirit beast." Peasley explained, so this guy still misses his snail.

"Spiritual beast?" Lu Xitian was surprised, "That's a creature that lives in the talisman paper. Could it be that Brother Li is still a noble warlock?"

"Oh, how can I become a warlock. I got that spirit beast by accident." Speaking of this, Peasley couldn't help but think of the incident when his parents were assassinated for the second time, and the expression on his face couldn't help A little serious.

Lu Xitian nodded and didn't ask any more questions.I saw him slowly closing his eyes, pointing his right index finger between his eyebrows.

A red mark suddenly appeared between the brows of the young man in blue, and a golden light shone on the edge of the mark.

In the next second, a stream of light flashed from between his brows, and the blood dolphin that Pisley had seen once before appeared in front of him again.

"Swallow~~" The blood porpoise let out a lazy cry as if it had just woken up, but when it looked up and saw Lu Xitian's stern gaze, it immediately trembled all over, its thorn-like hairs glowing red, The original lazy look disappeared immediately, replaced by a fierce expression.

"Sense which direction the air temperature is gradually getting colder with the distance." Lu Xitian ordered to the blood porcupine beast with a serious smile.

After receiving the order, the blood dolphin immediately lowered its head like a wild boar, and circled around the three of Peasley.

After a few laps, the Blood Dolphin suddenly crawled under Bai Shuangshuang's pink skirts, raised its pig nose, and lifted up the woman's skirt in front of Pisley and Lu Xitian. A pair of beautiful white and well-proportioned legs Immediately exposed to the air, there were two pairs of men's eyes.

The air was silent for three seconds.

Then, in the woman's scream of "ah", the atmosphere of silence was broken.

In desperation, Bai Shuangshuang punched the blood porpoise on the head with a fist, causing the blood porpoise to howl in pain.

Peasley coughed lightly and turned his head away.As for Lu Xitian, he didn't reprimand the Blood Dolphin Beast for a while, but instead stood there in a daze, as if he was looking back at the piece of snow that he saw just now.

(End of this chapter)

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