The glory of the king

Chapter 325 Finding the Target

Chapter 325 Finding the Target
The antennae of male ants are generally forward, and the antennae, like the body, are also segmented, with a few being divided into 4 segments, and many even having 13 segments.

It's just that the ants that Peasley and the others see are usually too small, so few people pay attention to their antennae.

Even if someone observes, it is difficult to see how many knots the ant's antennae have.

But this one in front of Peasley...he counted carefully, there are 21 knots in total!
Although the number of antennae segments of an ant creature does not seem to mean anything, but the number of antennae segments of the magic ice ant in front of him, Peasley felt that it was not that simple.

At this moment, the magic ice ant exudes a bitingly cold aura, and there seem to be countless small eyes in its two big eyes. It looks in the direction of the cave entrance, and seems to notice something, but it doesn't find anything.

The compound eyes of ants are still relatively small, and there is a tendency to degenerate.

Common ants also have three monocular eyes located above the head.Some worker ants do not have so-called ocelli.

What are compound eyes and monocular?
Animal eyes have three main points: monocular, compound, and a single-lens eye, which are all terms Peasley learned while studying biology on Earth.

Monocular means that in vertebrates, there are only sensitive and common eyes that do not need to perform imaging.

The ocelli are photoreceptors with a simple structure.Consists of visual cells, hexagonal cornea, and conical crystals.Can only feel the intensity of light, can not see things.

Peasley carefully looked at the terrifying-looking magic ice ant in front of him, but he didn't see the so-called single eye.

Obviously the magic ice ant in front of him has evolved to a very advanced level.

Compound eyes, on the other hand, are the eyes of higher invertebrates and are more common in arthropods.

Compound eyes are visual organs composed of an indefinite number of small eyes, which mainly appear in arthropods such as insects and crustaceans.

The oculi in compound eyes are generally hexagonal in shape.The number, size and shape of ommatidia vary greatly among various insects, and the compound eyes of male scale insects are only composed of several round ommatidia.

The human eye has a certain relationship with the monocular eye, but it is more advanced than the monocular eye. It is a spherical monocular eye, which mainly senses images.

Peasley conjectured that maybe everything that human eyes see may not be the same as the shape of real objects, and even everyone sees the world differently.

It's just that this difference should not be much different from the real situation.

After reading his eyes, Peasley finally focused his gaze on the terrifying big mouth of the magic ice ant.

The mouthparts of common ants are well developed, the upper lip is degenerated, and the upper jaw has various shapes, wide or large, long or short, straight or curved, or simple teeth.

But the magic ice ant in front of Peasley had sharp dark red teeth in a bite shape.

Thinking of the traces on the stone wall of the tunnel before, it was probably made by the teeth of the magic ice ant.

In short, this magic ice ant has a ferocious appearance, with two tentacles fluttering strangely, and a pair of disgusting-looking compound eyes observing 360 degrees without blind spots.

Seeing such a large ant-like creature with a length of about one meter and a width of half a meter moving in front of him, Peasley felt for a moment that it wasn't that the other party had grown bigger, but that he had become smaller and was in the ant nest. .

Peasley didn't dare to act rashly, and the opponent didn't intend to attack him.It seems that for [Zhetianjing], these magic ice ants are not enough to see.

It's just that the other party is blocking the exit of this tunnel, how should he get in.

Seeing that the other party is shaking his head and tail as if he is doing stretching exercises, he probably won't leave for a while.

Although it is night at this moment, it may become day at any time.When the ants are dispatched, I'm afraid he can only retreat and not move forward.

Maybe it would be better to enter when most of them left the nest during the day, but Bai Shuangshuang said that these magic ice ants would be very powerful during the day, but at night they would be much more sluggish.

And he had to wait for daytime, and he didn't know how long he would have to wait.It was a waste of time, and it might bring danger to Lu Xitian and the others, so for the present plan, we can only lure this magic ice ant away.

Pease thought about it, and while backing away, he took out a big Janggeum spicy stick from the system backpack and threw it outside the cave.

The aroma of spicy strips mixed with the aroma of [Tianling Milk], it does smell a little weird.

Facts have proved that the magic ice ant's sense of smell is really not covered.

Peasley only felt a foul-smelling black wind passing by his side, which made him tremble with fright.

Then he saw the magic ice ant that was blocking the entrance of the corridor just like a hungry wolf gnawing on the spicy stick.

I go!How is this thing so fast?Is it talent or hunger?

Thinking of this, Peasley couldn't help but recall the scene in his previous life when he was in junior high school and went to the cafeteria after school at noon.

At that time, he looked at those classmates who were walking like flying, and always felt that these people were specially trained national first-level athletes, and their running speed was even inferior to that of Bolt, right?
But Peasley didn't have time to think about these things. While the other party was still rejecting the delicious spicy noodles, he quickly and silently returned to the exit of the corridor, and then glanced inside.

In Peasley's impression, the ant's nest should be winding, circling, complex and changeable, but what is presented to Peasley at this moment is a huge and empty cave. The milky white light shines like the world of milk.

And at the bottom of this cave, there are countless raised stones. On top of these stones, there are mostly one or two magic ice ants, big and small.

The small one is only as big as a human head, but the big one is as big as a strong adult man.

At this moment, these ferocious creatures were lazily crouching on the rocks to recuperate, and there were about sixty or seventy of them in number. Peasley was a little relieved that there was no such thing as the exaggerated hundreds of them.

But even these sixty or seventy are quite a large number.

If these were Glory Warriors, it would be a headache for Peasley to face so many opponents alone, even if they were much weaker than him.

Peasley's eyes wandered in the cave, and suddenly, at the center of the bottom of the cave, he saw a piece of milky white liquid the size of the mouth of a pot.

The young man felt ecstasy, could it be that Lu Xitian and the others were talking about [Heavenly Spirit Milk]?Taking a closer look inside the cave, it seems that this thing is more in line with the image of the three characters "Tianling Milk"!

(End of this chapter)

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