Chapter 327
"Grasshold! Platinum Warrior!?"

Feeling the aura emanating from the little magic ice ant, Peasley thought it was his own illusion for the first time, but he checked again with the [Tianmu], there was nothing wrong, it was indeed a Platinum Warrior.

And it's at the pinnacle level of platinum!
It is even stronger than Peasley's current system that is close to the peak of platinum!
Nima, this little thing has such terrifying power not long after he was born?Doesn't the person with the outermost punch have to have the strength of a king? !
Peasley looked at the outermost [-] magic ice ants, the size of adult men, and thought he was wrong!
No matter how perverted this ruin is, it is unlikely that there are more than 20 strongest kings in such a small place.

Thinking about it this way, Peasley suddenly realized that he was misled by inertial thinking.

He used to think that the younger the body, the younger the age, and thus the lower the strength.

However, this magic ice ant is completely opposite.

When they were first born, they were huge in size, and then as they grew up and nourished by the aura of [Heavenly Spirit Milk], they gradually became shorter and smaller, leaner and stronger, and stronger!
Originally, Peasley thought that the ant colony had become more generous.Will give up good cultivation resources to future generations, but at this moment, in fact, it is still a performance of the jungle!
In vain Feipisli also admired that this is a group of sentient creatures, and in the end it is still a group of selfish creatures.

But Peasley didn't have time to sigh at the moment.The little devil ice ant erupted with such a frightening momentum that Peasley immediately stopped moving.

Only then did the little magic ice ant feel slightly relieved.But Peasley noticed that the opponent's other four short legs were moving silently, getting closer to [Heavenly Spirit Milk].

At this moment, Peasley didn't move, nor didn't he move. At such a critical moment, he gritted his teeth and heart, and directly discarded the spoon, picked up the cauldron and gouged out [Tianling Milk]!
Peasley's sudden movement caused all the magic ice ants in the cave to roar in fury.

Peasley's movements were quick, and he immediately took out half of the pot.

However, he didn't have time to be happy, he directly put the cauldron into the system, stepped on Yunsi and flew towards the sky.

As soon as he stood up on his front feet, he was horrified to find that the [Heavenly Spirit Milk] under his feet had been covered by the dark red liquid sprayed from the mouths of this group of magic ice ants who suddenly became extremely irritable.

And the dark red liquid froze into blocks as soon as it hit the ground, completely freezing the remaining [Heavenly Spirit Milk].

A shocking chill emanated from these dark red ice cubes, and the entire cave began to vibrate!
Lying in a big trough!This...isn't it just getting some facial cleanser from you guys!As for losing your temper?
No, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, it is better to leave as soon as possible!
Thinking of this, Peasley looked towards the exit.His body froze as he walked forward, and his expression turned ugly.

I saw that the dozen or so magic ice ants lying on the wall had already sprayed out dark red ice liquid, freezing the exit tightly.

For the boy at this moment, the only exit has been blocked!Seeing that the temperature in the cave dropped extremely rapidly, if he couldn't leave here in a short time, Peasley might be frozen to death because of the temperature far below freezing point!
Although Glory Warrior's physical resistance is much stronger than that of ordinary people, no matter how strong he is, he is still human!It is also a warm-blooded organism that can be affected by environmental changes.

But at such a critical moment, Peasley still forced himself to calm down.

At this time, the most direct method seems to be to break through. However, after seeing the speed at which these magic ice ants exploded at the critical moment, even if he can deal with the dozens of magic ice ants on the wall in the first time, he still cannot Break through the thick layer of ice covering the hole for the first time.

And once he launches an attack, his figure will be exposed, and he will naturally be targeted by the more magic ice ants at the bottom of the cave. Even if he breaks through the ice and escapes, the opponent will probably attack him Pursuing him relentlessly may even bring danger to Lu Xitian and Bai Shuangshuang at the foot of the mountain.

Is it time to show the power of [Red Moon]?But the last three days may encounter more dangerous situations. If he uses the power of [Red Moon] now, he will not be able to use [Red Moon] for the second time during the period of the ruins.

So after much deliberation, Peasley still decided not to use this precious kingly power.

Suddenly, it occurred to him that besides [Red Moon], he also had one more thing that he could escape for - the white token that Dugu Hanqing gave him, which could be teleported to any place within [-] meters!

Although this is also a life-saving item that should be used at the most critical moment, Peasley has no choice but to use this token at this moment.

So he stepped on Yunsi to approach the exit of the cave, and then he crushed the white token in his hand violently!
Hearing a "whoosh", Peasley's figure suddenly disappeared into the cave.

The inside of the cave was still shaking extremely, and all the magic ice ants were extremely flustered! [Tianling milk] was stolen by invisible thieves, and suddenly lost so much!
This made these magic ice ants who depended for their survival suddenly feel that the whole world had collapsed.So they blocked the exit at the first time. Although they couldn't see the thief, he must not be able to escape here in time.

They just need to keep spitting out the frozen liquid to freeze the entire cave. They simply but firmly believe that this way will definitely freeze the thief to death and get back the stolen [Heavenly Spirit Milk]!
However, the facts are beyond the comprehension of these magical ice ants who have just opened their minds.

At this moment, somewhere about 100 meters away from the cave, a space with a diameter of two meters suddenly twisted.

Immediately afterwards, a thin figure suddenly appeared from the distorted space.

The man was shivering with a chill all over his body, and he just said, "I've been lying in a big hole! I finally escaped."

Naturally, this person was none other than Peasley who escaped using the white token.

While running the mula to drive away the chill in the body, he felt the slight trembling from the whole mountain.

Peasley knew that the group of magic ice ants might already be on the verge of collapse, that is to say, if they continued to stay in this mountain, there was no guarantee that the other party would not suddenly rush out of the cave to seek revenge on them.

Now that the treasure was obtained, Peasley naturally didn't dare to stay here any longer, and hurriedly ran down the mountain.

At this moment, it has been about an hour since Peasley left, Lu Xitian and Bai Shuangshuang, who had been waiting on the mountainside, began to have a trace of anxiety in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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