Chapter 336

The little girl in the white skirt blinked, but the expected pain did not appear.

Is it a hallucination?

She raised her head and looked at the sharp blade of the black sickle in front of her. It was only an inch away from her shoulder, but it didn't move any further.

Then she noticed that the chest of the girl holding the sickle was pierced by a "C" shaped blood-red sharp blade, and behind the girl stood a black-haired boy with a stern face.

The moment she saw the boy, a sense of familiarity rose in her heart for no reason.

However, this sense of familiarity was illusory and was quickly forgotten by her.

She understood that she was saved.It's just that she didn't understand why this black-haired boy wanted to save himself.Is it because she looks cute?

Just as the little girl in the white skirt was thinking wildly, Pisley pulled out the blood-sucking mosquito sword from Yang Caoyue's chest.

The appearance of the black-haired boy immediately stunned the other three people with red names.

Yang Caoyue turned her head desperately, wanting to see who it was, and quietly appeared behind her in the form of a oriole when she was praying for the cicada.

When she saw the boy's face clearly, she was startled: "It's you poor man!"

Peasley: "???"

What's going on, why did you just call him poor?At any rate, he is now a small rich man with a net worth of thousands of green dragon coins. How dare you say that he is poor?It doesn't make sense!

In fact, what Pisley didn't know was that this Yang Caoyue was actually a thief.

In fact, when she was in the formation that day, she deliberately bumped into Peasley by herself.

I thought that Peasley looked rosy and looked like a kid from a rich family, but he didn't expect to be supported by the other party instead of bumping into him.But this does not affect a thief to continue to steal.

The moment Pisley supported the girl, the girl had already groped him all over.However, what made the girl almost vomit blood was that the boy didn't even have a personal ape coin.

At that time, she defined Peasley in her heart: Poor!
But Peasley has no chance to understand the truth of this matter anymore, because when she saw the brutal, bloody and hideous expression on Yang Caoyue's face when she attacked the little girl in white skirt, Pease Li understood in his heart that there was nothing wrong with the system, and what restricted his thinking was his own thinking inertia.

Even if this girl has such a cold and bloody side, the other three people, including the two lying on the ground, most likely deserve to be killed.

So which side to help, Peasley naturally already knew very well.

Fortunately, the Mosquito Sword was as thin as a cicada's wing, silent, and his speed was fast enough, otherwise he might not be able to catch up.

Now the mosquito sword pierced Yang Caoyue's chest like cutting tofu, blood splashed from her chest and landed on the face of the little girl in white skirt.

Looking at Yang Caoyue who was lying on the ground and still struggling to get up, Pisley felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

Is this what killing feels like?Why does it feel that there is no such unacceptable feeling as imagined?

No, not right.

He didn't kill people.

At this moment, including Yang Caoyue, although they have a human body, their hearts are driven by various desires, and they have already become beasts that do bad things to satisfy their desires.How could there be fewer people who died in their hands.

Such a villain can be killed with great joy.

So what Peasley killed was not a man, but a beast.These people are no longer qualified to be considered human beings by Peasley.So killing them will not cause too much psychological burden.

But if he was asked to kill a poor, innocent, and weak person, Peasley might not be able to do it.

This may be the difference between a normal person and a thug.

Peasley's sudden appearance changed the situation on the field suddenly.

The big bald man's attack was dissuaded by the energy beam of the little white cat, while the thin old man who didn't make a move and the barefoot young man with a stick also stared in shock at the black-haired boy who suddenly appeared in the field.

This boy actually seriously injured the fastest person in their team who was the best at concealment and assassination without making a sound?

This boy... is not simple!

In fact, the four of them plus the two on the ground were originally a gang of gangsters.

It's just that they entered the ruins in two groups, and then reunited using a special contact method.

The combination of six people is already quite a rampant team in this ruins where people above diamond warriors are not allowed to enter.

The purpose of their reunion is mainly to rob people, supplemented by their own search for natural treasures.

One day has passed, and they have already encountered no less than three teams or the Lone Ranger, and the harvest can be said to be full.But they didn't kill them, because at this time the harvest of people is not too much, they can let these people continue to search, and when they meet again next time, they can snatch it again.

However, it was not until they met the team of the little girl in the white skirt that some accidents occurred.

Originally, they relied on the number of people to force them to submit.However, this group of people refused to give in, so the battle began.

To their surprise, the little girl in the white skirt who had been ignored by them unexpectedly broke out with extremely powerful fighting power at a critical moment, injuring six of them in a row, and even knocking two of them unconscious.

The little girl herself is not very strong, although she has already reached the silver level at the age of ten, and she belongs to the very genius category.The future will be unlimited.

It's just that in the big environment, the silver warrior is obviously not enough to watch.Because of the six of them, the last one is also a silver senior.

However, the little white cat in the other party's arms was the little girl's real trump card.

This little white cat with two-color pupils was extremely powerful in combat, which was an important reason for the heavy losses of the six of them.

It's just that after some fighting, the six of them suffered a lot of losses, but the little girl and the others didn't feel well either. Two of the three died and one was injured.

No matter how strong the little white cat is, its fighting power will be greatly reduced when it needs to protect the little girl.

Under the siege of the remaining four of Yang Caoyue and the others, they wouldn't hold on for too long.

But at this moment, another black-haired boy appeared and directly injured one of them.

I saw the thin old man step forward, and shouted to the black-haired boy in a cold voice: "Who is coming? Tell me your name!"

Peasley narrowed his eyes: "My surname is Wo, and my name is Baba!"


The thin old man named Li Pai repeated the other party's name in doubt. Suddenly, he understood, and immediately flew into a rage: "Yellow-mouthed boy, you are courting death!"

After finishing speaking, the little old man suddenly waved his sleeves, and a group of hideous black insects with two mouths buzzed out of his sleeves, flying straight towards Peasley and the little girl in white skirt.

(End of this chapter)

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