The glory of the king

Chapter 338 The Laughing Buddha

Chapter 338 The Laughing Buddha

After saying this, under Bai Shuangshuang's slightly surprised eyes, Li Qiqi went straight to those two teammates, and took out the ring from their hands.

In the ruins, the [Void] of the Golden Warrior cannot be used.So for people other than the aliens like Peasley, this ring is the only place where they can store things.

Li Qiqi and the others' daily gains are now all taken by her alone.

After taking away his teammate's ring, Li Qiqi walked towards Yang Caoyue's body on the ground and the two people lying on the opposite side.

Obviously intending to accept the rings of these three people.

Bai Shuangshuang watched quietly from the side, and when the other party took off the three-person ring, she suddenly said:

"It was my friend who saved you anyway, why don't you leave something for him?"

Li Qiqi raised his head, glanced at the woman in the pink skirt, and then lowered his head to get the ring.

"If he speaks, I will thank him. You don't need to say more here."

Bai Shuangshuang curled her lips and said nothing.

On the other side, Peasley was chasing the three fleeing people in front at full speed.

And after the three fleeing people nervously escaped for a certain distance, they turned around and found that only one boy had chased them back.

"Is this kid out of his mind? Dare he chase him alone?" The bald man was talking to his two companions while jumping nimbly on the branches.

The thin old man Li Pai narrowed his eyes slightly, and said seriously: "If the other party is not a fool, then he is sure to keep us! Remember not to be careless. We will divide into three groups and meet after 1000 meters.

If that young man still chases after him at that time, we will kill him to return to the carbine! "

"Okay!" The bald man and the stick-wielding youth both responded, and then suddenly turned their directions, fleeing towards the left and right respectively.

Peasley, who had been chasing after them, was secretly startled. The escape speed of these three people was quite fast, obviously they had rich experience in escaping.If you know how to escape, you can run faster, if you know how to escape, you can save energy, and if you know where to click on the tree trunk, you can borrow more force.

Now the opponent fled in three directions in Peasley's eyes.

Peasley was not very good at chasing, so he paused in this situation.

In fact, if it was his previous style, the other party would just run away, and there would be no deep hatred for him.

But this time he chased them out because these people had red names on their heads, and they were the targets of his mission.

It is not illegal to kill people in the ruins, but after going out of the ruins and returning to the Glory Continent, especially in Tang Kingdom, it is not so easy to kill someone with a red name.

After all, killing is a crime, regardless of whether the killing is good or bad.

With a detective like Di Renjie around, he would definitely find out who committed the murder.

Although the other party may be tolerant towards him because of his identity, but when the real murder is found out, it is tantamount to falling into the hands of the other party. Not a good thing.

So now it's rare to meet a few famous people, of course he wants to complete the task as much as possible.

Now the opponent's troops are divided into three groups. After a slight pause, Peasley accelerated towards the place where Li Pai disappeared.

Peasley could see that this thin old man should be a think tank or even a leader among this group of people.

So chances are he has the most stuff in his ring.Even for this benefit, he will take this Li Pai as his first goal.

This Li Pai escaped very quickly, but Peasley was actually faster than the other party.

Because the opponent can't fly, but Peasley stepped on Yunsi and flew directly into the air.Now his [Yunteng Technique] is already level 10, and his fastest speed can reach 100 meters per second.

If it weren't for the many trees in the ruins, which somewhat hindered him, he would have caught up with the three people long ago.

But even so, as long as Peasley speeds up and catches up with Li Pai, it will be a matter of time.

With a thought in his mind, Pease's speed suddenly increased, quickly closing the distance between him and Li Pai.

The skinny old man had a very keen sense, and when he saw the young man suddenly speeding up, his heart trembled slightly!I'm afraid he won't have time to rendezvous with his companions.

At this moment, his eyeballs rolled straight away, thinking about the strategy to retreat from the enemy.Suddenly, as if he remembered something, his eyes lit up.

Jie Zuo then took out a newly acquired item from the ring.

It turned out to be a small Buddha statue the size of a palm.

The Buddha carved on the Buddha statue is a smiling Buddha.The carving is fine, and the expression of the Buddha statue is lively.

The figure of Li Pai suddenly turned around in mid-air, holding the Buddha statue in both hands, and suddenly said a Buddha's name in mid-air:

When the sound of the Buddha fell, the Buddha statue reacted immediately. It was covered with golden light, and a huge Buddha shadow directly spread out in midair.

The Buddha shadow sat in lotus position, folded his hands together, and opened his illusory mouth suddenly: "A-Mi-Tuo-Buddha!"

The same sound of the Buddha's horn sounded, but it was different from the shrill voice of the thin old man. The voice of the Buddha Shadow was thick and powerful, with a strong penetrating ability, and the voice swept directly towards Pisley like a gust of wind!

Peasley was horrified and wanted to run away.

However, this kind of attack similar to sound waves, after all, Peasley couldn't completely dodge now.

After all, the propagation speed of sound in the air is 340 meters per second, even if Pisley runs the [Yunteng Technique] fully, it cannot compare with this speed.

Therefore, the voice of Buddha Ying fell into Pisley's ears verbatim.

But after listening to it, to Peasley's surprise, there was no pain. Instead, beautiful scenes from the past appeared in front of his eyes, which made him laugh.

And this kind of laughter seems to have touched a certain nerve, making him laugh even more uncontrollably.

Immediately afterwards, he laughed more violently, and his whole body began to tremble uncontrollably.He couldn't even control the [Yunteng Technique], and fell unsteadily from mid-air, kneeling on the ground and laughing like a fool.

But he knew very well in his heart that he was obviously affected physically and mentally by the Buddha's voice of the smiling Buddha, and his whole body was scrambling.But he didn't know how to control himself at all.

At this moment, Lu Xitian finally arrived, looked at the boy kneeling on the ground laughing wildly, frowned and said:
"Brother, have you understood the truth of life, or have you realized the peerless skills? What kind of things can make you laugh up to the sky here?"

Hearing Lu Xitian's voice, the Buddha's voice in Pisley's mind was finally dispelled by the foreign voice, and the black-haired boy gradually stopped his figure that was about to collapse from laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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