The glory of the king

Chapter 346 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 346 Chasing and Killing
After Lu Xitian finished speaking, Bai Shuangshuang also nodded.Since Lu Xitian accepted her love, as long as it's not a big deal, she will do everything according to Lu Xitian's wishes.

Yun Chacha also expressed her attitude before, and Li Qiqi also said that she didn't want to meddle in this matter.

Peasley heaved a sigh of relief, then took the rabbit from Lu Xitian's hand, and grabbed the rabbit's tender ears.Put it into the system backpack.

"But Engong, even if we go out, our things have to be handed over to Tang officials. Is there any way for you to take things out without being discovered?" Yun Chacha said a little confused.

Peasley smiled and nodded: "That's what I want to tell you. In fact, I have a way to avoid those inspections after I go out. So if you have something you like, I can help you when the time comes take it out.

Although the gate of the house can indeed detect many things, but as the saying goes, I don’t believe that the gate of Youlan can detect everything in the world, just like I don’t believe that all those who enter the ruins are people below diamonds Same.

So there must be some people, including me, who have the means to hide things like this. "

"So that's how it is." Yun Chacha showed a dazed expression.

Afterwards, everyone distributed the remaining things.The biggest contribution to the harvest in the [Forest Corpse Formation] is Li Qiqi's.So Li Qiqi divided it into [-]%.

And Yunchacha provides information, but does nothing else, so it is divided into [-]%.

Pisley and Lu Xitian also took great risks to break into the [Forest Corpse Formation], and each of them will share [-]%.

As for Bai Shuangshuang, it seemed that apart from protecting Li Qiqi and Yun Chacha, he didn't pay much, so he only shared [-]%.

Everyone was not dissatisfied with this distribution.

After distributing the income, everyone found a place to sit and rest for a while.

At this moment, the sky has darkened again, and it has been almost a day since they entered the ruins.

After experiencing a moment of light in the entire ruins, it fell into dead darkness again.

It's just that in this seemingly quiet darkness, there are countless undercurrents surging, and countless rustling sounds resounding.

It's just that Peasley and the others have gotten used to this kind of sound, and they are no longer as uncomfortable as when they first entered the ruins.

I haven't closed my eyes all day, although for Glory fighters like Peasley, there is no such thing as sleepiness.

But this day he sneaked into the magic ice ant's cave, and then fought against the black-haired female corpse, confronted Li Pai and others, and finally broke into the [Forest Corpse Formation] and escaped for a long time. The consumption was really not small, so he gave birth to some Difficulty meaning.

However, not long after he closed his eyes, Daji's voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "1000 meters behind, there are two auras of platinum peak powerhouses coming in this direction! The target is most likely you!"

Peasley's eyes suddenly opened, and he thought to himself: "Two platinum pinnacles?! That's not something we can deal with now.

In all likelihood, it is the owner of the [Forest Corpse Formation]!But we are already thousands of meters away, how can we still be found? "

Peasley didn't understand how the other party did it, but now was not the time to think about it, he quickly got up and roared directly: "Get up, the master of the [Forest Corpse Formation] is here!"

The other drowsy people were all awakened by the words that Mulla shook, and all of them looked at Pisley with surprise.

"It's too late to explain now! Run first and then talk!" After saying this, Peasley took the lead in fleeing into the distance, turning around and yelling, "Two platinum peaks, why don't you run away and wait to be slaughtered?"

It was only then that the crowd came to their senses, and hurriedly transported the wooden pull to their feet, and ran away.

About a minute later, a dazzling thunder flashed across the sky, and two figures quietly appeared where the five of Pisley had just stopped.

It was the bandaged man Dage and the scantily clad woman Yunohime who stayed in front of the [Forest Corpse Formation] before.

I saw the man in the bandage looking at the empty hill, with a rather gloomy expression on his face.

Yunoji stomped her feet resentfully: "We are already very fast, why do these guys seem to have noticed our arrival in advance and escaped again!"

The man in the bandage squatted down silently, put his right hand on the cold ground, closed his eyes for three seconds, and then suddenly opened them:

"There is still warmth on the ground, so we shouldn't have gone far! With our speed, even if the other party can sense our arrival, we can definitely catch up with them next time! I want to see who this group of people is! "

After saying this, the figures of the two disappeared in place again.And where they were standing just now, a spider web-like crack appeared on the ground.

At this moment, the five Peasleys were heading in one direction like the wind.

Li Qiqi, a little girl in a white dress, blushed. Looking at the black-haired boy walking forward with her back on his back, smelling the scent of unknown brand of soap on him, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Because the other four are all gold-level strengths, but she only has silver.Although Silver Advanced and Gold seem to be not far away, they are actually separated by several mountains.

So in order not to drag them down, we can only let one of them carry it.

Logically speaking, since they are all girls, it should be most suitable for Bai Shuangshuang to carry them.

However, to everyone's surprise, the little girl in the white skirt actually asked Pisley to carry it by name.

Although Peasley was a little astonished, he didn't think it was a hard job.What's more, the situation was urgent, so she didn't think too much, so at this moment, she was carried away by Pisley.

Peasley didn't have time to feel the tenderness behind him, because Daji's voice kept thinking in his mind.

"They're catching up!"

"500 meters left!"

"400 meters left!"

"300 meters left!"

"... so fast!" Peasley growled in his heart, "How could they track so accurately, and they can keep up with us?"

"Maybe something on your body has been imprinted, so the other party can track you so accurately. There are still 200 meters!" Daji's voice was thinking in her heart.

Peasley was silent for a moment, then suddenly said to the people around him: "The other party is approaching soon. I'm afraid that something or something on us has been marked.

In this way, we are divided into two groups.Brother Lu, you bring Chacha and Shuangshuang, and I bring Qiqi.There are two people on the other side.If the opposite side is also divided into two groups, then it shouldn't be a big problem for you to deal with one person for the time being.I'll help you guys when I get rid of an opponent here..."

(End of this chapter)

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