The glory of the king

Chapter 350 The Flute

Chapter 350 The Flute
That's right!

[Red Moon] has such a powerful effect, how could [Spirit Mountain] of the same level be worse than it?
Peasley only felt a sudden burning sensation in his chest, as if it was penetrating from the inside of the heart.Even though he was immune to fire, he still felt a burning pain.

But Peasley knew in his heart that this burning sensation could be transferred.That is to say, it is transferred to the equipment that needs to be sacrificed.

When he got here, Peasley suddenly understood, if one day, he no longer has high-level equipment, can he use his own body as a sacrifice to contribute his last life for someone or for something else? Power?
Although it feels a bit tragic, this moment is not the time to have such emotions.

He directly took out a knife from the system that he had obtained from the rings of the corpses in the [Forest Corpse Formation].

Although he didn't know the name of the knife in his hand, it was indeed a platinum low-level equipment.After practicing for more than ten years, Peasley still has this vision.

With a thought, Pease stuck the back of the bronze-colored long knife to his heart.

I saw that the big knife, which was originally bronze-colored, was suddenly ignited, from the back of the knife to the blade, completely swallowed by a purple flame.

Peasley was startled, but he was surprised to find that the flame didn't do him any harm, and the burning sensation in his heart just now had disappeared.

Obviously, the burning was transferred to the knife in his hand.

At this moment, Da Ge watched as the boy with the wig suddenly pulled out a knife, and then a strange purple flame surged from the knife.Immediately after that, the knife was melted and shrunk, while the purple flame grew stronger and more lush!

For some reason, a trace of uneasiness emerged in his heart.

This unease became more and more intense, and even made him feel an unprecedented crisis!
But he didn't just run away.Because he unconsciously fixed his eyes on the purple flame, unable to look away at all.Even his whole body couldn't move.

When he woke up, thousands of panic surged in his heart.However, at this time, there was a playful smile on the corner of the young man's mouth, his lips moved slightly, and the word "Go" seemed to be announcing his death sentence!

At a critical juncture, Da Ge couldn't care less about keeping his hole cards for the subsequent battle for [Tianzhu].

He bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, and a small piece of flesh was swallowed into his body along with essence and blood.

The powerful force that surged from the depths of his body in an instant caused the bandages all over his body to break one after another, revealing the strange tattoo-like pattern on his upper body.

And after the bandage on his face broke, there was nothing there!There is no other eye! !

That's right, it is indeed none, not blind.The place where there should be a left waist is a flat piece of bone and flesh, without eye sockets or depressions, flat and flat, as if there shouldn't be a second eye in the first place.

No one knows whether he is born or acquired

The pattern on his upper body that looks like some kind of beast is emitting black light at the moment. As the light becomes stronger, the aura on his body is also rising, and he is about to break through the platinum peak and reach the level of a diamond warrior!

However, at this moment, Da Ge suddenly felt some pain in his stomach.

He looked down and found it strange that his intestines and stomach were flowing out.

He reached out and wanted to stuff his internal organs back through the hole that appeared in his abdomen.

However, as soon as he touched his own organs, purple flames suddenly burst out from those organs, piercing and stabbing, completely burning his internal organs.

"Strange, why doesn't it hurt?" Da Ge was still talking to himself.I didn't notice it at all, and the aura that almost broke through to the diamond suddenly fell back to the peak of platinum.

And what accompanied the fall was his breath of life.

Although Da Ge had always had a strange expression on his face, he had actually realized in his heart that he was about to die.

I have thought about my own death countless times, but I never thought that I would die like this.

Da Ge was a little unwilling, but at the last moment before he died, there was still a bit of reluctance in his eyes.

"Yunohime, take a step ahead for your husband."

With this in mind, he slowly closed his eyes, a hole was burned in his stomach by the purple flames, and more flames continued to emerge from the depths of his cells, and finally his body full of strange patterns was destroyed. burnt to ashes...

Looking at the other person's body above the body, there is only one ring left in the end.

With an indifferent expression, Peasley stepped forward to pick up the ring and put it in his pocket.At the same time remove all equipment on the body.

This time the equipment was exhausted, but it only served as a deterrent, and did not play their substantive role.But it doesn't matter, as long as the result is good.

Putting away the ring, Peasley immediately returned to Li Qiqi who was hiding not far away, picked up the shocked little girl again, and rushed towards the place where they were 800 meters away.

Da Ge died.Died under the effect of the Heavenly Book Fragment [Spirit Mountain].

The purple flame produced by Lingshan is a directional skill, and it is instant, triggering the effect instantly.

If Da Ge showed her hole card before Pisley said the word "Go", and broke through her strength to Diamond Warrior, then she really might not die.

But when Peasley said that word, it was already too late.

To Peasley's surprise, after using [Spirit Mountain], he didn't feel any discomfort except that this fragment of the Heavenly Book could no longer be used within ten days.This made Pisley feel relieved, and his forward speed became faster and faster.

Da Ge died, I'm afraid his so-called wife should have sensed it too.There was no guarantee that the other party would run away because of this, because he was worried about this, he didn't even have time to check what was in Da Ge's ring, so he moved in a hurry.

At this moment, on Lu Xitian's side, they were in an empty canyon.

There are many huge stones in the canyon, and at this moment, many stones have been shattered because of the battle just now.

At this moment in this canyon, there is a melodious flute sound.

The sound of the flute is full-bodied, with delicate rhyme, fast and slow, and distinct strengths and weaknesses.

The canyon, which was extremely noisy due to the raging wind, was completely overwhelmed by the sound of the flute.

Under the help of the gust of wind, the originally beautiful flute sound, as if it had found a helper, clearly passed into the ears of every listener with a whistling sound.

And the audience here is naturally Gui Xitian and the others.

If it wasn't for the battle at this moment, the scene of the partridge flying far and near, fluctuating high and low, and soaring in the sky may have begun to appear in their minds.

However, the severe situation in the canyon at the moment does not allow them to do such pleasant things.

(End of this chapter)

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