The glory of the king

Chapter 353 Soaring Light!

Chapter 353 Soaring Light!

"Of course, including Chacha, if you think it's unnecessary or don't want to participate, don't take risks with me. I don't want everyone to be in any danger because of me." Pisrie said, looking at the Four others.

After listening to Pisley's words, Yun Chacha lowered her head in shame: "Well... If benefactor doesn't mind, Chacha is willing to take this risk with benefactor."

Peasley showed a joyful expression, and said with a smile: "If you are not afraid of death, just follow along. By the way, don't call me benefactor anymore. Just call me Xiaopi."

There was a shy expression on Yun Chacha's face, which made Pisri feel weird when he looked at the other party's delicate face.

You are so obviously a boy!Why are you so shy?

no!Can't bend, absolutely can't bend!I'm a man with a woman!

Peasley coughed lightly to get rid of the evil thoughts in his mind.Then he looked at Lu Xitian and Bai Shuangshuang.

Lu Xitian shrugged his shoulders: "I should accompany you."

Bai Shuangshuang also smiled: "The husband sings and the wife follows."

Peasley was startled, what a wave of unexpected dog food.

In the end, he looked at Li Qiqi, and Li Qiqi also looked at him, showing an expression of indifference on purpose, and said, "Whatever. Just treat it as fun. Just as long as you are happy."

Three consecutive "bei" words made Peasley a little at a loss.

But everyone reached a consensus, and Peasley was quietly relieved.

The people present now, after these four days of getting along, are already considered friends.Peasley didn't want any disagreements in the last three days, which would lead to unhappiness among his companions.

Then everyone looked for a direction and moved towards the nearest formation light.

Peasley and the others had already walked in that direction, and if they walked again now, they would naturally no longer look around for treasures as they did before.So the speed of travel is also fast.

Another day has passed.

Peasley and his party had already reached the edge of the formation before the legendary treasure was born.

However, when the light of the sixth day came, a group of five people who were admiring the "sunrise" suddenly felt the earth tremble.

The five of Peasley looked at each other in blank dismay, and then showed surprise expressions.

It seems that the time for the long-awaited treasure to be born has finally arrived.

The ground continued to tremble, countless birds and beasts were frightened, and the sound of birds and beasts running and fleeing could be heard everywhere in the ruins.

The five of Peasley noticed that in the huge ruins, there was suddenly a kind of light that shot straight into the sky, and it actually washed away the dark clouds in the sky.

However, what surprised the five of Peasley was that behind the scattered clouds was not a blue sky, but a black starry sky with countless light spots.

But Peasley and the others couldn't care less about admiring the scenery behind the clouds at this moment, all five of them took steps and rushed towards the soaring ray of light.

Their luck is good, judging from the distance of the light, it should only take less than a day.Going back and forth like this, he will definitely be able to catch up with the formation and return to Tang.

Anyway, the closing time of this formation will be extended for a period of time.So they are not worried about going back.The most important thing now is to see what is the treasure that came out, and is there any chance to snatch it?

By this time, the five of Peasley no longer cared too much about the natural treasures they met on the road, and their attention was mainly focused on the unknown treasure that just came out.

And along the way, they met more and more people.But everyone looked at each other coldly, and then quickly distanced themselves.Obviously, no one wants to conflict with others at this time.

However, many people couldn't help being surprised when they saw Peasley's five-member team.

Nima, our group of three is incredible, you guys are actually in a group of five?And there are two big beauties and one little beauties, it's just unreasonable.

"That... brother, can I form a team with you? Although I am poor, I can make money."

Occasionally, I would strike up a conversation with such a thick-skinned person.But there is no doubt that Bai Shuangshuang gave them a rolling letter.

Picking up a conversation may be just for the superficial purpose, but in fact, I still want to hug my thigh.

After all, Peasley's luxurious lineup is still very powerful in the next battle for treasures.

After driving forward at high speed for about half a day, the ray of light soaring into the sky was getting closer and closer, and the black-haired boy and the others became more and more panicked.

After all, at this time, it is estimated that someone has already arrived at the place where the treasure came out.If someone gets on the board first, wouldn't it be a waste of time?I don't even know who took the treasure.

Fortunately, after a long time, the soaring light still exists.This made the black-haired boy couldn't help guessing that it might not be so easy to get this treasure when it came out.

After all, a treasure that can make such a big noise is absolutely extraordinary.It might even be the legendary artifact of the king.

Although the historical origin of this relic is not very clear, it must have a long history.This can be vaguely seen from some ruins in the ruins.

Maybe it was a great power in ancient times who buried the treasure here after his fall.

Holding such a guess, after another hour, the five of Pisley finally arrived at the place where the soaring light was.

To the surprise of the black-haired boy, the range of the soaring light was a hundred meters in diameter.

Within a radius of 100 meters, beams of light were shining towards the sky.

Around the light beam, people came one after another.There were probably hundreds of people gathered at this moment.

But all of these people kept a safe distance from each other.But at this time, no one will make trouble.Because now is not the best time to make trouble.

Only when the large-scale energy beam disappears at this moment and the treasures of heaven, material and earth come out, will it be the time for heroes from all sides to compete.

The five Peasleys were standing on the top of a tall tree at the moment, looking down at their surroundings.

"I don't know what the unearthed treasure is? There is such a big battle?" Lu Xitian said.

Peasley smiled: "I hope it is a treasure with self-awareness. I can choose the owner myself, and save everyone from fighting over it."

Lu Xitian shook his head: "Brother Li's words are wrong. Even if this treasure will choose its own owner, the person who is finally selected will inevitably become everyone's target.

It would be better if everyone was in a state of chaos at the beginning, and those who got the treasure would have a better chance of escaping. "

The young man nodded, feeling that what Lu Xitian said made sense.

Afterwards, Peasley looked at the light beam again.

(End of this chapter)

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