The glory of the king

Chapter 357 Big Chapter

Chapter 357 Big Chapter ([-])

In short, the strength Yu Naiji possesses now is beyond the reach of Pisley and the others!

I saw the woman grabbing Li Qiqi's calf with one hand, and at the same time, she looked past Yun Chacha and the others, and landed on Pisley.

As Na Li Pai said, Yuna Ji met Lu Xitian, Bai Shuangshuang and Yun Chacha.In other words, the other two people were the two people her husband had chased after.Also the two murderers who killed her husband!
Thinking of this, Yunohime trembled with anger and sadness.

Killing intent arose in her eyes, and the empty hand was covered by the thick wooden pull, turning into a sharp hand knife, stabbing fiercely towards the little girl's lower abdomen!

"Wait a minute—!" the black-haired boy roared.Although he felt that the little girl was not his sister, he didn't want to implicate such a lovely girl because of his own reasons, so that there would be one less beautiful thing in this world.

After all, he killed the person, so if you have any questions, please come to him!

However, the woman was already insane and didn't pay attention to the boy's yelling.The sharp hand knife was about to stab into the little girl's body...

The pupils of the black-haired boy shrank, and the [Zen Step] was urged to the extreme.At this moment, his body suddenly felt weak, his body was unstable, and he almost fell to the ground!
And that [Tian Yu] little white cat also screamed heart-piercingly, and rushed towards the little girl frantically.However, its petite figure was entangled by the silk webs spit out by two white jade spiders summoned by the little old man Li Pai, and it would not be able to break free for a while!
With a puff, Yu Naiji's knife stabbed into the girl's body.

Blood splashes!
The little girl's face turned pale in an instant due to the pain, and the blood flowed down her lower abdomen, slid over the navel, and landed on her snow-white skirt, turning into bloody flowers!
Li Qiqi stretched out his hand in the direction where Pisley was, and mumbled his small mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything because of the severe pain.

Seeing the hopeful but desperate eyes of the little girl, Peasley felt pain in his heart for some reason, and rushed towards Li Qiqi more and more crazily!
However, this crazy woman became even more crazy after seeing the blood, and suddenly pulled her hand out of the little girl's delicate and fragile body, and shouted hysterically:
"Husband——!! Wait for me!! After Yu Naiji kills these beasts, I will go to accompany you!!

As soon as the words fell, she suddenly raised her left hand, lifting the little girl's heart to the same height as her abdomen, and her right hand turned into a sharp hand knife again, and stabbed towards the little girl's chest, almost opening the girl Breaking the trend!

The little girl closed her eyes in despair...

She felt a little regretful.

I regret that I didn't recognize that person before I died.Didn't he sneak out of the house just to find that so-called brother?

She has suffered a lot along the way, and she has complained about that person countless times, scolding him in her heart for why she left home for ten years and never returned!

She is probably the only younger sister in this world who has never seen her brother from birth to ten years old...

In the end, my parents still brag about how good and outstanding my brother is, and he is still the first-year champion of the Warrior Junior Academy!
Even though that person disappeared in the Warrior Junior Academy for many years, she often heard from others the heroic deeds that he left in the Warrior Junior Academy. Every time she heard it, she felt a little proud and happy. little pride.

The envious eyes cast upon her when someone knew she was that person's younger sister made her feel a strong sense of satisfaction... However, after being satisfied, she felt a deep sense of loss. Where is that idiot brother?
She really wanted to meet her brother, really wanted to see what he looked like, whether he was as handsome as the dog in the next class who often gave her little flowers; The squad leader is amazing...

The elder brother will stand up when his sister is being bullied and beat the person who bullies his sister into a dog or be beaten into a dog.

And when she was being bullied, she could only punch the other person in the face and brag to the other person that she had a brother, and that her brother was very strong, so she would come to her for revenge without fear of death...

However... I haven't seen my brother in ten years, but relying on my own fists, I gained a strong reputation in the Warrior Junior Academy... I was honored by people: Big Sister!
After becoming the eldest sister, she never mentioned the word brother again.Because she knew in her heart that no matter how much she said, this hateful person would not suddenly stand in front of her and block all disasters and infamy for her!
But in the end, a strong desire deep in her heart forced her to step out of the house and head north all the way to find her brother.

It took nearly a year from the southernmost end of Huangquan Kingdom to the northernmost end, and then into Tang Kingdom. Unexpectedly, in the end, he met the person he had been thinking about day and night in the ruins opened in Chang'an City, the capital of Tang Kingdom.

It was a young man with short black hair. The young man looked handsome, with healthy wheat-colored skin, a slightly stocky figure, and a suit of plain clothes.But in those eyes, there is a deep indifference and a gentleness with a smile.

Although it was somewhat different from her imagined brother's appearance, when she learned of the other party's identity, especially when she heard him call out her name Li Siqi, her heart was disturbed, and a sour feeling rushed straight to her nose.

She was angry and also very happy.A kind of complicated emotion aroused the arrogance in her heart, and she planned to be angry with the other party, not to recognize the other party directly.

However, she didn't expect that there were so many opportunities to meet each other before, but at this moment, it seems that there will be no chance to meet each other again... She hates it so much!Hate my own stupidity and ignorance!I hate my arrogance and lack of appreciation.

However, no matter how much she hated her, she couldn't stop You Naiji's knife from stabbing at her heart like a poisonous dragon!

At this moment, Peasley's mind was running wildly like never before!
Is there any way to save the other party!
Both fragments of the Heavenly Book are cooling down and cannot be used again at all!
In full gear?No, it takes time to wear it, and there is no time to catch up!

What about other skills?There is no one who can stop the other party in this flash!
There is no way... There is no way at all!There is no way! !

It was the first time for Peasley to feel such a sense of powerlessness. Even though he was already strong enough among his peers, why couldn't he get what he wanted? This kind of thing that he couldn't change would still happen!

A deep sense of frustration was accompanied by silent pain. Peasley felt as if something was stuck in his throat, or someone was pinching his neck. A strong sense of suffocation kept coming to his heart.

Just when all the people who didn't want Li Qiqi to have an accident were full of despair, the whole space seemed to stand still for a moment.

Then everyone was surprised to find that they couldn't move!
Peasley maintained a forward posture, with both feet one meter above the ground.

That skinny old man in Li Pai was taking out some poisonous insect from his sleeve. Half of the poisonous insect was outside and half was still in the sleeve. It could be vaguely seen that the poisonous insect had a purple-black shell and two rows of countless tiny crawling legs.

Yuno Ji's hand knife had already penetrated into Li Qiqi's delicate skin, but fortunately her finger was caught by the gap between the ribs, and it hadn't penetrated into the heart yet.There were drops of blood splashing from the wound, but at this moment, they were all floating in the sky as if weightless, motionless.

Everything at this moment is as if someone has pressed the pause button, and there is no further movement.The whole world fell silent at this moment.

This stillness is not absolute, however.Because Peasley and their thoughts have not been static.

At this moment, when Peasley discovered this change, he was at a loss, but also a little happy, because Li Qiqi did not die, and her life stayed in the moment before death.

However, apart from being happy, he was also full of sadness.Because once this inexplicable stillness ends, Li Qiqi will still be stabbed in the heart, or will die...

Unless——who can kill that big-breasted woman who has barely any clothes on her body and only a few strands of tulle covering her key parts during the time when the space is still!
At the moment when the space stillness began, a blue toothpick suddenly fell from the sky.For some reason, this toothpick is not affected by the stillness of space, and it looks like it has just been picked by someone, with a piece of shredded meat on the tip...

This toothpick seems to have fallen from a height of ten thousand feet, and it seems to appear suddenly from the sky, appearing abruptly, and falling very fast!The most important thing is that it swelled against the wind and quickly grew in size. Coincidentally, it appeared directly above Yunohime's head!

The original small toothpick, when it landed on the top of Yu Naihime's head, had already turned into a blue iron rod with a length of [-] meters and the thickness of a young man's wrist!

Then, under the unbelievable eyes of everyone, one end of the blue iron rod entered from Naiji's Tianling Gai and exited from the chrysanthemum with the force of a meteorite falling to the ground. At a slightly inclined angle, the gray-white brain was accompanied by the broken body. The internal organs hit the ground heavily!

The vitality in You Naiji's eyes dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a dead body fixed on the ground.She didn't expect that her husband's internal organs were completely burnt and he died a terrible death.And she herself, like her husband, also died inexplicably and miserably!
Peasley clearly saw that the blood-red name on You Naiji's head gradually faded until it disappeared.

The boy was surprised at first, and then ecstatic!The death of You Naiji means that Li Qiqi can survive! !This is the result Peasley would like to see most.

But, who on earth... rescued the little girl?
Just when everyone was confused, colorful rays of light suddenly appeared in the distant sky.The light is so dazzling that people cannot look directly at it.

Among the colorful rays of light, there was a figure riding the clouds, and the loud and clear singing resounded through the earth:



I want to be a fairy and be happy
Conjure up a myth that spreads in the wind
Sincerely go through every moment
Let's talk to the kids again

I want to be a fairy and be happy
Make yourself worthy of a beautiful fable
I am between heaven and earth
There are always stories for future generations to read

After singing, I saw the man in brocade clothes sitting on top of the colorful auspicious clouds, with a glazed treasure box on his waist and hips, and a delicate short braid, leaning forward slightly, and said with a smile:
"Oh! I almost missed a good show. Young man, look at your anxious and exaggerated expression, could this little girl be the object of your loli nurturing?!
Your eyes...huh?Not bad.A cute little girl, she will definitely bring disaster to the country and the people when she grows up. "

After his words fell, the originally static space suddenly became active again.

Peasley's forward posture changed into a forward movement, and he still rushed towards Li Qiqi at an unabated speed.

Li Pai's action of pulling out the poisonous insect from his sleeve also started again, and he threw a one-foot-long centipede towards the stern-faced little white cat.

The hand that Naiji inserted into Li Qiqi's ribs no longer had the strength to penetrate into the heart.The drop of blood spattered from Li Qiqi's wound hit You Naiji's corpse with a thud.

The long blue metal stick in the woman's body turned into a stream of light and flew back to the hand of the man in brocade clothes who was sitting on the cloud.With no support, Yu Naiji's body immediately softened and fell to the ground.

And Li Qiqi's body, which was originally grabbed by Naiji, also fell from midair.

But before she fell to the ground, a pair of warm hands firmly caught her.

Li Qiqi opened his weak eyes and looked at the face of the extremely anxious young man in front of him. Although there were continuous severe pains in his lower abdomen and chest, for some reason, his heart was filled with warmth and satisfaction.

Her cherry red mouth moved, and she said the same two words, but her body was too weak due to excessive bleeding, her voice was as thin as a gossamer.

Peasley looked at the girl in his arms, and said anxiously: "Don't talk, I'll heal your wounds."

Then the boy put his hand on Li Qiqi's injured lower abdomen, intending to heal him with thick wood.

However, with a thought, he wanted to activate the Eye of Mulla, but he was shocked to find that... there was not even a trace of Mulla in his body! to do this?Peasley didn't have time to feel embarrassed, he looked at Lu Xitian, Yun Chacha and others behind him, and found that they were stunned in shock because of the second strongest king who appeared today.

The space was still just now, obviously it was a good thing done by the guy named Supreme Treasure on the colorful auspicious clouds!
However, although the space is no longer static at this moment, those unreliable guys seem to be static because of the appearance of Supreme Treasure.Pease ideally asked them to help them, but it was obviously impossible.

Suddenly, he remembered the magical healing skill he possessed - Sea Mind Technique!

"[Sea Heart Technique]: After 3 seconds of guidance, it can recover 20% of the maximum blood volume of oneself and teammates within 50 meters. (Energy consumption: 100, active skill, level: 7)


Just now, because I was anxious, worried about the injury of the little girl in my arms, and because Mu La couldn't use it, I was a little flustered, so I didn't think of this skill for a while.

Now that he remembered it, he was naturally very happy.Under the gaze of Li Qiqi's weak eyes, his face changed from cloudy to clear like a child's.The boy was about to perform the [Sea Mind Technique], but at this moment, the body of the girl in his arms suddenly seemed to be pulled by an invisible force, and slowly floated up.

Peasley looked up, and it was indeed what the Supreme Treasure did.Judging from what the other party meant, it should be to help the little girl heal.

Pisley was overjoyed, showed a very rare expression of humility, and bowed his hands respectfully to Supreme Treasure: "Please help me, Lord King!"

The boy's attitude caused a flash of surprise in Zhi Zunbao's eyes. Who is this little girl? Why is he willing to let go of his pride for her?
The little girl fell in front of Supreme Treasure. Originally, Pisley was full of joy and hoped that the other party would heal the little girl.After all, the opponent is the real strongest king, and treating such semi-fatal injuries is not a matter of hand.

However, to Pisley's surprise, Li Qiqi was floating in front of Supreme Treasure, but this idiot monkey did not treat her at all, but looked at the black-haired boy with a half-smile and said:
"It's not impossible for me to save her, but you don't want to come up with something, and you want to ask a king to do something?"

Peasley frowned slightly, he didn't expect this monkey to be so busy.But he still endured his temper and asked, "What do you want?"

Seeing the young man responding to his request without hesitation, Supreme Treasure felt more and more that the girl in the white skirt in front of him had an unusual relationship with the young man.Not only is it unusual, but it might be like what he said, it is the goal of this young loli.

In fact, Peasley himself didn't know why he cared so much about this little girl.Although after a few days of getting along, he still treats each other as a little sister.However, to put it harshly, they are just passers-by who have no special relationship with each other after all.

But as soon as the boy saw the little girl, he felt an inexplicable feeling of intimacy in his heart, which made him quite confused.

At this time, Supreme Treasure thought for a while, and said to the boy with great interest: "In this case, give me the [Tianzhu] you just got."

What the young man in brocade clothes said surprised Peasley, and he couldn't help frowning even deeper.Since the other party knew that he had obtained [Tianzhu], that is to say, he should have known about the fact that he had just become the strongest king.

Sure enough, Zhizunbao then mentioned this matter: "The kingly aura I felt in Shang Kingdom last time, I suspected that it was from you.

Today, I finally gained some knowledge. I didn't expect that there is a way to raise the golden warrior to the strongest king in a short time in this world.

If you don't want to hand over [Tianzhu], you can give me this magical method. "

Hearing Zhizunbao's increasingly excessive demands, and seeing Li Qiqi's still bleeding wound, Pisley's complexion darkened, and he said, "If Your Excellency doesn't want to treat her, then forget it, put her down quickly and I will treat her myself! "

"If I don't let you go, what will you do to me?" Supreme Treasure looked at the black-haired boy with a half-smile, and the powerful aura in his body pressed towards Pisley like a real mountain.

Pisley was startled. Facing the coercion of the strongest king, he didn't have any ability to resist at all. He lifted his hands upwards, as if he was really lifting a mountain, and his feet sank deeply into the ground. into the ground.

Peasley gritted his teeth and said, "The mightiest king, bullying a golden fighter, what kind of ability is that!?"

(End of this chapter)

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