The glory of the king

Chapter 368 Big Chapter

Chapter 368 Big Chapter (13)

Peasley's voice echoed in the stone room, and even alarmed Yun Chacha and Ning Xuan in the outer cave.

At this moment, the two rushed in. They saw the bright red light in the stone room, and saw the black-haired boy hugging the pale and bloodless Tianzhu in a panic.

Feeling the warmth in the young man's arms, Tianzhu's eyeballs rolled slightly, and his stiff face suddenly turned a little rosy.

Her lips trembled slightly, and she blew lightly into the boy's ear.

Feeling the cold wind in his ears, Pisley quickly supported Tianzhu's shoulders, looked at the woman, forcibly suppressed the panic in his heart, and said in a gentle voice:

"Tianzhu, tell me, what's wrong with you? Are you sick? How can I save you!"

"Fool...I'm's just that I'm at the end of my life..." Tianzhu's weak voice was filled with a forced smile.

Peasley was taken aback for a moment, and an indescribable fear surged from the bottom of his heart.

With a trembling voice, he asked, "You...don't be kidding! What do you mean... what do you mean by the end of your lifespan?
Aren't you a king-level treasure of heaven, material and earth?How can life end?You must be kidding me, right?right! ! "

Speaking of the latter, Peasley became a little hysterical.

Looking at the young man's nervous expression, Tianzhu felt warm in his heart.

She said with a smile: "From the day I was unearthed, my lifespan is only 30 days. Every day, a petal will fall off.

When the petals are finished, I will wither.This is the law of survival of our race, and there is nothing special about it. "

"But...but don't geraniums live for many years? Why do you only live for one month?"

Peasley's eyes were red, and his voice was a little choked up. Although the woman in his arms was not too close to him, he still didn't want to believe that this silly girl's life was over like this.

"Fool..." Tianzhu smiled, with a desolate smile, "I am not an ordinary geranium, I am a geranium.

Although it has powerful spiritual power, its lifespan is extremely short.So we geraniums have been looking for a way to extend life..."

When Peasley heard that there might be a solution, his eyes flickered, and he asked anxiously, "Where is the solution? Have you found the solution?"

Tianzhu was silent for a moment, then stretched out his fingers tremblingly and pointed at Pisley's heart.

"Want... want my heart?" Pisley was stunned, with a look of surprise on his face.

Tianzhu nodded silently.

This time it was Peasley's turn to be silent, and his face showed a difficult expression.

If you want his heart, don't you want his life?Anything else is fine, but there is only one life!

He still has a lot of things to do, he hasn't returned home, he hasn't met his parents, he hasn't found Xiaohe yet, and he hasn't even completed the deal with the kings of the Tang Kingdom...

Just put your life in your arms, isn't this a very close person?
Looking at the pained choice on the boy's face, Tianzhu couldn't help laughing.Peasley raised his head abruptly, thinking that the other party's weakness and what he said just now were all joking with him!
However, when he raised his head, he saw that Tianzhu was still in that precarious state, and his body was getting colder and colder...

Peasley's heart sank to the bottom.

However, at this time, Tianzhu slowly opened his mouth and said:

"Seeing that you are willing to show such a tangled expression for me, I am actually very satisfied.

This shows that my position in your heart can already be measured against your own life.

I'm very happy... very satisfied!In fact, what can save me is not your life, but the fragments of the heavenly book in your body..."

Peasley's heart moved, and he quickly said, "Is the fragment of the book okay? I have two pieces in my body! I can take out one piece to save you! Tell me how to do it!"

Tianzhu opened his mouth slightly, and then pursed his lips into a smile: "I didn't expect that the person I like is so simple, and there is more than a piece of heavenly scripture in his body... If I had known this, I would not be polite to you. But... it is too late now."

When Peasley heard this, his body froze.

"From the moment the last petal fell from my head, all the essence in my body was lost. There is no possibility of revival..."

Tianzhu still had a faint smile on her face, but two lines of tears fell silently from the corners of her eyes.

Because she already felt that this body was reaching its limit...

"There are two fragments of the heavenly book in your body, which means that you will definitely have a great achievement in the future...

Tianzhu is incompetent, willing to use his life to make the person he likes stronger, so that you can do more things you want to do.Not bound by any laws of this world...

The flower in your palm is the whole essence of my body, it can greatly improve your cultivation progress, and can continuously provide you with aura until all the petals disappear...

I like you... I know you don't like me, but I just like you.Feelings are really unreasonable... Liking you is obviously not good for me, but I just can't control myself...

But it doesn't matter, whether I like it or not, my life is over... I can know you, I can leave a little impression in your heart, maybe I will... have no regrets in this life... "

Tianzhu's hands slipped from the boy's shoulders.

The flower in the boy's right palm trembled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the flowers turned back into patterns and returned to Peasley's palm.

And Tianzhu's "corpse" turned into countless fluorescent lights that rose slowly, landed on Pisley's left hand, and became a flower stem without petals.

And the clothes of Peasley worn by Tianzhu before were also empty and shriveled, and there was no girl's body inside anymore.

The clothes fell into Peasley's arms, still carrying a faint fragrance.

Peasley froze on the spot, finding it hard to accept this for a while.

How could he never have imagined that this silly girl's lifespan was only 30 days.

For every petal that falls, she loses one day of life.

This month, she didn't tell him anything.Instead, he silently gave all the best part of his body to himself.

Every day, she sticks to her cheekily, without any self-consciousness as a woman, and even at the end she doesn't forget to save her by saying that she has to use her own heart...

It's only been a month since I met this guy. Although I can't say I like him, he is definitely not as repulsive as he was at the beginning.

As Tianzhu said, unconsciously, he seemed to have placed the other party in a very important position in his heart.

Or maybe I put too much emphasis on friendship, and I sometimes attach great importance to some people who are not very close, such as Yun Chacha, such as her...

At this moment, Peasley was very sad. Perhaps the real reason was that, for Tianzhu, he was her whole world, but he didn't give the other party enough response and affection.

Peasley doesn't want to be a promiscuous person, but because of his strength, he will always attract some girls invisibly.

These girls sacrificed a lot for him...

Peasley didn't want this kind of thing to happen again, he secretly made up his mind that from now on, he would never let other women like him again.

With Ning Xuan, Daji, and even Liu Qinghe in this life, Pisley no longer knew how to deal with the relationship between the three women. He didn't want another woman to enter his emotional world...

The young man lowered his head, looked at the pattern on the palm of his right hand, and at the solitary flower stem in his left hand.

He took out a piece of red cloth from the system backpack, wrapped the flower stem with great care, and put it in the system backpack.

At the same time, he gritted his teeth, and directly used his own wooden pull to completely block the patterns on the palm of his right hand that continuously sent spiritual energy to his whole body.

Tianzhu said that the aura of this pattern will eventually dissipate one day, and Pisley can't bear to squander the most precious thing left to him by the other party.

He would rather regard this thing as a kind of memory, as a kind of longing. Is there even a possibility that someday in the future, through this pattern, through that flower stem, Tianzhu can be resurrected...

Although this possibility is slim, but what if it is really possible?

Thinking of this, Peasley seemed to feel a little better.

At this time, Ning Xuan walked to the boy's side and squatted down, gently held the boy's numb face, and said softly:

"My lord, my condolences. People cannot be resurrected after death. Tianzhu girl loved you so much that she didn't want to let you lose important things, so she told you her chance to live before she died...

To be honest, Xuan'er thinks that she is not as good as Tianzhu girl in terms of devotion to her son.The girl from Tianzhu is so kind, the young master must remember her kindness. "

Peasley nodded: "You don't need to say that I will. Okay, you go out first, I will continue to retreat. If there is any danger outside, you must notify me as soon as possible, remember?"

Looking at the young man's stern eyes, Ning Xuan shivered slightly, and nodded obediently.She understood that the other party didn't want to lose anyone she cared about.

She is a woman with a delicate mind.I know that at this time, my man needs to be quiet for a while.So she stood up and left the stone room with Yun Chacha.

Watching the two leave, Peasley's eyes once again showed a trace of sadness.

"I'm not a good person, I don't deserve you to treat me like are the stupidest person I've ever met in my life, really..."

Peasley didn't know what words to use to express the feeling in his heart at the moment, even if he thought of that word, no one would hear it again.

After sealing the flower in the palm of the right hand, there is no strong aura to be sent out from the pattern.

This feeling is actually not good, but Peasley is unwilling to kill the only hope of resurrecting Tianzhu.If this glimmer of hope is gone, Peasley will not accept it.

Maybe... deep down in his heart, he was quite moved by Tianzhu's affection...

After sitting with such complicated and uncomfortable emotions for half an hour, Daji's voice suddenly sounded in Pisili's dull mind:
"If you don't want to lose more, don't waste your time here. What's the use of fighting if you can recover what's lost by grieving?"

Pisley's heart moved slightly, and he felt that what Daji said was reasonable.

Now that the matter has come to this point, no matter what he does, he can't bring Tianzhu back. Tianzhu's smiling face will always be engraved in Peasley's mind.

Peasley felt that he should not be ashamed of his dedication to Tianzhu, and should, as she said, make the self she likes stronger.

Be able to do more things you want to do, not bound by any laws of this world!

After thinking through all this, Peasley collected his emotions, and after thinking about it, he decided to go ahead and completely repair Daji's soul first.

So he took the glowing rabbit out of the system backpack...

The road back home is always a long one.

However, no matter how long the road is, there will always be a day when it comes to an end.

About three months later, two carriages appeared at the north gate of Liangyuan City in Huangquan Kingdom.

The first person driving the carriage was a man wearing men's clothes but with a girlish face.

Many passers-by looked at this man with a hint of surprise in their eyes. They didn't expect that girls wearing men's clothes would have a different kind of beauty.

On the second carriage, there was a young man looking around and a beautiful girl with a faint smile.

"Is this the son's hometown... It's much bigger than I imagined!" After entering Liangyuan City, Ning Xuan blinked and looked around, and said with emotion.

But Peasley kept silent and looked around...

Compared with ten years ago, Liangyuan City seems to be more prosperous. Some of the streets he was very familiar with back then are somewhat similar to the memories deep in his mind, but they are very different.

It seems that not only him, but also his hometown has changed a lot these years.

At this moment, Yun Chacha in the carriage in front poked her head out and said to Pisley, "Well...Xiao Pi, I'm going home first, and you can come and play with me later when you have time."

Peasley smiled and nodded: "Be careful on the road, don't be dragged into the alley by some unscrupulous boy to be violent!"

Yun Chacha gave the other party an annoyed look, waved her hand, and then turned the front of the carriage to the left.

After parting with Yun Chacha, Peasley also drove the carriage straight towards home.

At this moment, the teenager is feeling a little uneasy. He doesn't know how his parents' appearance has changed from ten years ago, and he doesn't know what their expressions will be when they see him. He doesn't know how cute his younger sister will be...

Thinking of this, a little excitement suddenly appeared in Peasley's heart, but for some reason, the petite figure of that little girl Li Qiqi appeared in his mind.

I hope she is safe and sound...

Peasley shook his head and didn't think about her anymore, wondering what kind of personality his sister would have.According to Pisley's imagination, it's the kind of gentle, well-behaved, cute and obedient, and it's not impossible to have some brother-control plots or something, haha...

Just as Peasley was thinking so, the carriage unknowingly came to a blacksmith shop.

(End of this chapter)

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