The glory of the king

Chapter 381 Big Chapter

Chapter 381 Big Chapter (28)

And it only needs to pay the wages of four ordinary people to these Glory Warriors.

Forget it, save money and effort.

It's just that for Peasley and the others, such a job is really outrageous.

Moreover, this task was not received from the Bounty Pavilion at all, but was directly issued by the stubble guy who brought him in.

When he heard about this mission, Sand Eagle's face turned green.

However, he had no way to resist, he just greeted his mother after the bearded man left, and then brought Pisley and others here helplessly.

Just when the boy was in a daze, a big hand suddenly patted his shoulder.

Peasley turned his head and saw Sand Eagle's concerned face like a big brother:

"Aren't you surprised that our Glory Warriors are actually allowed to do rough work? But there is no way, since we signed a death contract for that year, we have to be at their mercy for this year.

I was tricked into it half a year ago just like you, so I have survived till now.The reason why this mercenary group wants everyone is to gather us to work hard.

And half of the wages we earn have to be handed over to the mercenary group... This is simply turning us into money-making machines in disguise!
However, the Black Wind Mercenary Group also shamefully introduced the rule of more work, more pay.In other words, if you pull a cart of bricks and give you two ape coins, half of them have to be handed over to the mercenary group. If you want to earn more, you have to do more, but at the same time the mercenary group will exploit you more. many……

In this way, the mercenary regiment raised by the dog mother let us know that we are at a disadvantage, but we have to work harder to suffer, it is really disgusting! "

After hearing Sand Eagle's words, Peasley couldn't help sympathizing with the mercenaries here.

Most of the mercenaries here only have the strength of black iron and bronze, and even the strongest Sand Eagle is no more than the pinnacle of bronze.

Moreover, these people, including Shaziying, generally have a family with seniors and children, with a tigress in the middle. Although it is not a problem to make ends meet with the little money provided by the Mulla Club, they want to earn more money. , also have to come out to work.

And being a mercenary is the most direct and most suitable, but they are unlucky to join such a deceitful mercenary group.

In fact, similar to the operation mode of the Black Wind Mercenary Group, there are too many in this world.

Many people work hard to earn a small amount of money, but a considerable part of it is taken away by the platform, but they can't say anything. They can only work harder to get a little more from their meager wages.

Moving a cart of bricks only costs two ape coins, and half of it has to be given to the Black Wind Mercenary Group. That is to say, one has to move a hundred carts of bricks a day to earn one Qilin coin.And the managers of the mercenary group also earned a unicorn coin without any effort...

This is very pitiful, but for Peasley and the others, there is nothing they can do.

But Peasley didn't have any fluctuations in his heart, because of the strength of his body, moving bricks to him was no different from picking grass from the ground.

I saw him walking like flying, bending over to pick up bricks like a chicken pecking at rice, pushing a whole load of bricks at such a fast speed that he looked at the rest of the people for a moment!Even the worker who specialized in calculating the workload dropped his jaw in shock, stunned by Peasley's actions.

Sha Ziying held two bricks in each of his left and right hands, stood there watching Pisley come and go, and murmured: "Nimma, do you want to be so fierce?"

Peasley's actions somewhat encouraged the other mercenaries, and the other mercenaries, led by Peasley, unconsciously accelerated their speed.

But compared with Peasley, they are still too slow.

After half a day's work, the other mercenaries were out of breath after pulling twenty or thirty carts, but Peasley had already pulled nearly a hundred carts by himself, and he didn't show a trace of fatigue, just wiped his face with a smile Khan said, "I haven't sweated like this for a long time."

During the lunch break, Sand Eagle came to Peasley and asked:

"Little brother, your ancestors moved bricks, right? Why are your hands and feet so nimble? I'm more than a full rank higher than you, and I haven't even reached one-third of yours..."

Peasley laughed and said, "Maybe it's because I forget all kinds of bad things once I start doing things, and devote myself to them, so the efficiency has been greatly improved."

When Sand Eagle heard this, he was thoughtful.

At the end of the day, Peasley alone pulled two hundred carts of bricks and earned four unicorn coins, but two of them had to be handed over to the mercenary group when they went back.

However, even so, he earns more than twice as much as others.Let the mercenaries who had no feeling or impression of this newcomer remember this person deeply.

What surprised them even more was that this newcomer was very generous and directly used half of his net income for a day to buy all of them a drink and a meal.

But these people are not bad, they all say that it is not easy for him to make money, so no need.But Peasley smiled at everyone:
"It doesn't matter. Although I have parents, I am not short of money. I am not married, and I have no children. Compared with you brothers and uncles, the money I earn is actually not much to spend. Please drink and eat, yes Little brother's heart."

After hearing the words, everyone accepted Peasley's kindness.

In the evening, everyone drank in an ordinary tavern. Pisley didn't drink much, but just chatted with everyone with a smile, and asked some things about the head of the mercenary group intentionally or unintentionally.

"This Wu Long, I heard that he is also a womanizer. Basically, he plays with several women every night."

"Well, if I didn't have a woman at home to take care of me, I could play with several of them."

"Come on, you, how difficult is it for Glory Warriors like us to play ordinary girls? The key is that they are also Glory Warriors. Are you successful? They have money, do you have it?"


Listening to the people talking about these things, Peasley was excited and asked, "Does our leader Wu Long like to go to brothels?"

"I like it! Of course I like it! The brothel is a good place, rich people like to go there! Why do you want to go there too, little brother? Next time my brother will take you to a place where the girls live well and cheaply!"

Peasley coughed lightly, and said, "No need. I'm just curious, what kind of brothel would a rich person like our leader usually go to spend money in? Our Liangyuan City seems to only have two or three romantic places?"

"Listen to you, brother, I know that you are an honest person. On the surface, there are only three brothels in Liangyuan City, but there are still many similar places like this in the dark. It's just that they only operate secretly for tax evasion, not like acquaintances. is unaware of their existence.

But that guy Wu Long... He doesn't like the brothels in Liangyuan City, and usually goes to the big city of Luoye City to spend money. "

Peasley nodded, and was about to ask the other party when Wu Long would go, when a big bearded man walked in outside the tavern.

"Hey! Everyone is here!" Liu Qiang, a big man with stubble, greeted people with a smile on his face.

However, the mercenaries in Pisley's group all darkened when they heard this voice. Obviously, they didn't have a good impression of Liu Qiang at all.

Only Peasley showed a smile, waved to the other party and said, "Brother Qiang, you are here! I'll buy you a drink!"

Liu Qiang was stunned for a moment, and it took a long time to realize who it was, and nodded with a smile.

Then he came
Behind the boy, he put his hands on the boy's shoulders and looked around at the surrounding mercenaries. Finally, his eyes fell on Sand Eagle's face, and he said with a smile:

"I heard Wu Shuang, who is in charge of performance, say at night that your team performed very well today and earned two or three more unicorn coins than before! So I came here to express my condolences to you tonight.

Shaziying, did your team have a bloodbath today?Or did you work so hard because you didn't see it? "

Sand Eagle sneered, unwilling to pay attention to the other party.

"Don't be like this, Shaziying, anyway, I sent you a treasure. Why, do you want me to transfer this treasure to another group?"

When everyone heard the words, their faces changed.And Sha Ziying raised his head abruptly, staring at Liu Qiang fiercely.

However, the next moment, the fierce light in his eyes subsided, his breath became sluggish, and he said, "If you don't do this, we can still be friends."

"Hahahaha..." Seeing Shaziying's soft clothes, Liu Qiang felt extremely happy and let out a piercing laugh.

Peasley frowned slightly.

"Okay, okay, I won't disturb everyone's interest in drinking, I have to accompany the leader to Luoye City to have fun. I won't accompany you."

Peasley frowned, with a faint smile on his face.

Liu Qiang patted Peasley on the shoulder and said, "Little brother, you must work hard like today, if you can persist for two months, I will transfer you to a group with better treatment, understand? "

Peasley showed a surprised expression: "Thank you Brother Qiang, I will definitely work hard!"

Liu Qiang laughed again, and walked out of the tavern while laughing, leaving a group of people drinking dully.

"Hey, the good atmosphere has been spoiled by this guy, I'm done drinking here today, everyone go back and rest early!"

Sand Eagle said something, and everyone nodded in agreement.

Peasley came to the counter and took out the money to pay the bill, but the shopkeeper told him that the money had already been paid.

"Paid? Who paid?" Peasley was surprised.

"It's the one with half of his face tied up with a bandage." The boss was also puzzled.

Peasley turned around suddenly, only to find that Sand Eagle had already left the tavern.

The boy's heart warmed slightly, this Sand Eagle is really a nice person.

Peasley is like this, whoever treats him well, he will treat him well, and whoever treats him badly, he will definitely repay him double!
Peasley also left the tavern right after him, and walked quickly towards the north of the city.

He originally planned to find out more about Wu Long, but he didn't expect that Liu Qiang would directly expose Wu Long's information.

Naturally, Peasley didn't intend to continue his life of moving bricks. If he could live on his brain, why would he work hard?
As long as Wu Long is killed, he will naturally
Will leave this black wind mercenary group.Of course, if Wu Long died, the Black Wind Mercenary Corps might disband.And those exploited mercenaries may be free.

The city gate is now closed.For ordinary people, there are generally no special things, and they are not allowed to enter and exit again.

Of course, it's another matter for those nobles or those who are willing to stuff money.

Peasley didn't call for the door on purpose, but directly used the [Sky Mirror], and used the wooden pull to attach to the city wall that was more than 20 meters high, and jumped over it directly.

For the Platinum Warrior, it is not difficult to climb over the city wall. Coupled with the [Sky Shield Mirror]'s ability to conceal the breath, the mura sensor on the city wall will never detect the existence of Peasli.

After leaving Liangyuan City, Peasley also went directly to the northwest.

And in the northeast of Liangyuan City, some high-rise buildings can be seen from a distance, and one of the blue lupine-shaped buildings is particularly dazzling in the dark night.

That place is the place where Peasley used to go to school. For that place, Peasley still has some nostalgia.

But at this moment, he didn't have too many memories, but went straight to the Fallen Leaf City in the northwest.

Step on the clouds, fly in the air, and move forward at high speed.

Soon Peasley caught a fast-moving carriage in mid-air.Around the carriage, there were seven guards on horseback strictly protecting the carriage.

And the person driving the carriage is Liu Qiang, a bearded man, and the person in the carriage must be Wu Long.

Peasley scanned the guards on horseback, and found that the strength of these people was all at the silver level.For a character like Wu Long, it can be regarded as quite a luxurious lineup.

For Peasley, however, this is clearly not enough.

It just so happened that these guys had no reinforcements in the front and no protection in the back. If they could get rid of the opponent here, it would save him from running away.

However, just when he was about to do it, Daji's voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "Wait! There is no one in the carriage!"

"What?" Peasley, who was about to lower the flying altitude, was secretly startled in his heart.

Didn't it mean that Wu Long was going to Fallen Leaf City too?And judging by the posture of these guards, it was obvious that they were protecting important people in the carriage. How could there be no one there?
But for Daji's words, Peasley still firmly believed.So he immediately stopped his falling figure and kept a dozen meters directly above the carriage.

"Why is this happening? Could it be a bait?" Peasley was worried.

"Perhaps the news that you are going to kill him has been leaked." A illusory figure the size of a palm appeared on Peasley's shoulder.

And the figure of the villain is Daji wearing a snow-white suspender dress.

After repairing her soul with [Meng Ruolan] and [Panlong Spirit Ginseng] in the cave where Tianzhu died, she can transform into a body outside the body.

It's just that it consumes a lot of energy, but now this palm-sized shape is the most economical state.

"Did it leak out?" Pisley's expression turned ugly. "If that's the case, then the one who leaked the news is undoubtedly Simon Bupu! That old fox..."

(End of this chapter)

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