The glory of the king

Chapter 383 Big Chapter

Chapter 383 Big Chapter (30)

Just when Pisley was about to enjoy a good erotic show, Yun Gu was invited to the sofa by Wu Long, and then respectfully sat on the opposite sofa with Liu Qiang, without any intention of doing anything.

The doubts in the young man's heart grew stronger.

But Yun Gu picked up the tea on the coffee table and took a sip, then said slowly:

"Liu Qiang, did anyone attack you or the carriage while you were on the road?"

Liu Qiang shook his head: "No, the journey was calm and there was no danger at all."

Yun Gu frowned slightly, then looked at Wu Long and said, "Wu Long, your grandfather asked me to ask you, what did you do to provoke the killing intent of a strong platinum man?"

Hearing this, Wu Long frowned, and said, "Gu Yun thinks that I, a mere silver warrior, dare to provoke a platinum boss like you, Gu Yun?"

Yun Gu sneered:
"Wu Long, I know exactly what kind of person you are. Your daily life style is terrible, and I heard that your black wind mercenary group's recruitment contract is also full of tricks.

To put it bluntly, you have done too many bad things, sooner or later there will be such a day! "

Hearing this, Wu Long lowered his head and dared not speak.

"However..." Yun Gu changed the subject, "According to what your grandfather said, you probably didn't offend that Platinum Warrior directly, but you offended his friend..."

Hearing this, Peasley already knew it clearly.

It seems that the news that he was going to assassinate Wu Long was really released by Ximen Buhuo.

And this Wu Long is not at all the nephew of Ximen Buhuo's cousin's uncle's son, but his Ximen Buhuo's grandson!

This makes it understandable why Ximen Buhuo released this news, because he wanted to save his grandson.

And the reason why the other party didn't speak out in person was probably because he didn't want to have any grudges with him.And the other party also learned that he planned to leave Liangyuan City in a month's time.

So Ximen Buhuo probably didn't want to find someone to solve him, but wanted to find a master to protect Wu Long, or even send Wu Long to leave this place to avoid the limelight, and let him come back after he left.

Of course, the other party will probably seek him out to discuss it, and use high benefits to make him let go of his murderous intentions.

If it was something else, Peasley might be able to make concessions, but this kind of matter related to his friend's life, Peasley had no discussion at all.

"Did I offend his friend?" Wu Long was puzzled, "If the person I offend has a platinum boss behind him, how dare I offend him?"

Yun Gu sneered: "

Who knows if you have offended the other party inadvertently.By the way, do you know Kang Jian? "

"Kang Jian?" Wu Long showed a contemplative look, "I have a little impression, but I can't remember clearly. Who is it?"

"It's the one you took to the swamp to do a mission back then, but when you came back you said he was killed by a monster while fleeing." Yun Gu said.

Wu Long's eyes suddenly lit up: "Oh! I remembered! It turned out to be that traitor... It's unreasonable for a Platinum Warrior to kill me just because of that traitor! I didn't let that traitor die."

"The strong don't need to reason with the weak. What's more, did that Kang Jian really die when he ran away? I heard some rumors..." Yun Gu looked at the other party with a half-smile.

Wu Long's face froze slightly, but he still managed to force a smile and said, "Damn, of course he was the one who ran away. Don't take the gossip of those caring people seriously."

"That's it..." Yun Gu nodded, and continued: "In this situation, if you fail to attract this Platinum Warrior, you will not be able to negotiate with the other party, and it will be difficult to keep you."

"What?!" Wu Long's eyes widened with disbelief, "Why? Why can't I keep me? I'm the grandson of the city lord. With so many masters in the city lord's mansion, can't we still deal with a platinum warrior?"

Yun Gu shook her head: "That person is very important to the city lord, even... more important than you. So if that person insists on killing you, the city lord will most likely choose to give up on you."

"How could it be..." Wu Long sat slumped on the sofa, his face was full of panic and fear, "Why, I'm Ximen Buhuo's grandson! Grandpa doesn't care about my grandson so much!!"

Yun Gu sighed softly: "Although I don't want to admit it, the fact is true. For the Lord City Lord, a grandson is not as good as a grandson."

After saying this, Yun Gu took out a small black porcelain bottle from her bosom and placed it in front of Wu Long.

"This is the worry-free pill, which can make you die without pain. You can keep it as a spare. If that person really comes to kill you, you can take this worry-free pill before you die, and it will relieve your pain. less painful."

Wu Long was silent.

Yun Gu got up and left the room.

Liu Qiang also patted Wu Long on the shoulder, and left with the five guards.

Wu Long was the only one left in the room, sitting on the sofa blankly.

Peasley stood behind the sofa, watching Wu Long silently.

At this moment, Wu Long is the only one left, which is a wonderful opportunity!

He didn't expect that Ximen Buhuo actually planned to give up his grandson, and he didn't want to offend him.

The temptation of the carriage outside the city tonight was indeed to attract him to come and negotiate with him.

However, even if it is a negotiation, for the sake of his friend's grievances and Kang Jian's death, Pisley will not be moved by any interests.

Peasley took out the [Urn] silently, and a white brilliance floated out from the mouth of the bowl, wrapping Wu Long in it silently.

When Wu Long came to his senses, he found that he was no longer in the brothel room, but in a golden bamboo forest.

There was a young man who held an invisible blade and looked at him coldly.

Wu Long was terrified and fell to the ground in a panic.When Peasley took a step forward, he crawled back.Soon he leaned against a thick golden bamboo.

At this time, the boy had already come in front of him.

"Who are you? What are you going to do! Don't come here, don't come here... Ah——!!"

The mosquito sword was inserted into Wu Long's thigh, and the transparent sword body immediately turned into a blood-red "S" shape.

Peasley looked at Wu Long, and asked coldly, "Tell me the truth about Kang Jian, and I'll give you a treat."

Wu Long trembled all over and had no intention of resisting at all, but he still said firmly:
"What, what's the truth? Didn't Kang Jian run away and was killed by a mutant monster?"

"Why are you so sure that he didn't fall into the swamp and die?" Peasley said blankly.

Wu Long was taken aback for a moment, and the expression on his face became extremely stiff.

However, in the next second, Wu Long suddenly became calm and said:

"I don't know exactly how he died, but it is a fact that he ran away. If you insist on using extraordinary means to hear the answer you want to hear, then why not let me tell you?"

"Hmph! You're still stubborn! Some of the people who were in the same group as you back then have already told me the truth."

Seeing the other party's lying expression, Peasley sneered: "

I will give you one last chance, you tell the truth yourself, I will let you die more quickly, if you don't want to tell, I will slowly torture you to death! "

The divine light in Wu Long's eyes dissipated and became a little dull.With his head lowered and his pupils protruding, he said leisurely: "Well, I admit, everything you know is true."

Killing intent arose in Peasley's eyes!
"Did you fall into the swamp?"


"Did Kang Jian fall into the swamp himself in order to save you?"


"Then, you left Kang Jian alone and left with the others?"

"Yes...but I'm the head of the regiment, and I have to think about it with my fellow regiment members! It's better to sacrifice Kang Jian alone than to sacrifice more people!" Wu Long was still defending himself.

Peasley sneered: "Maybe what you said is reasonable, but others can leave, but you can't! Kang Jian risked his life to save you, so you should have stayed to save him and accompany him!

After all, you are sacrificing the lives of others for your own survival.There is even an idea of ​​using Kang Jian to attract the attention of those beasts so as to buy time for you to retreat, isn't it! ! "Pisley's voice rang in Wu Long's ears.

Wu Long's face was pale, unable to refute.

It took a long time before the word "yes" came out of his mouth.

Peasley took a deep breath:

"Okay, that's all I need to say. Do you have any last words? If not, I'll send you on your way."

"I..." Wu Long sighed softly, calmed down suddenly, and said, "You know what I talked to Aunt Yun just now. I hope that after I die, you can forgive my grandfather for revealing that you are going to kill me." information.

I am deeply sorry for what I did to Kang Jian.I don't expect your forgiveness, I will ask him to apologize when I get down there.The only extravagance I ask is that you don't embarrass my family and my grandfather.Well, give me a good time. "


The mosquito sword pierced through Wu Long's heart, and the resentment in Pisley's heart also dissipated a lot.

The boy withdrew from [Into the Urn], and Wu Long's body lay quietly on the sofa. The blood stained the surface of the sofa and flowed down the fur.

Peasley opened the window, and before leaving, he glanced at the sofa again and murmured, "Why does it feel so smooth?"


In another room, Yun Gu who was sitting cross-legged on the sofa slowly opened her eyes and said with a smile, "He's gone."

"Are you gone?" In the room inside, a head was exposed. If Peasley were here, he would be surprised to find that this person was exactly the same as the Wu Long he killed.

"Let's go. Kill your double and leave." Yun Gu said calmly.

Wu Long breathed a sigh of relief: "Ma De, it's too scary. This guy is so intent on killing me because of a man? Is that Kang Jian his best friend?"

Yun Gu rolled her eyes at Wu Long: "Why are you thinking so perverted? If you weren't the grandson of the city lord, you would have died a thousand times already!"

A slight smile appeared on Wu Long's pale face, and then he praised:
"Grandpa's plan is really perfect, it not only saved me, but also relieved that person's hatred, and also prevented him from offending that person, it's killing three birds with one stone!

After all, the boy is still a boy. Although he is strong, his thinking is still too simple.

He never imagined that we deliberately asked Liu Qiang to release the news, and at the same time placed a very small worm on his shoulder that could be used to capture opponents, and deliberately attracted him.

Then he deliberately let Jean enter the room and kill my double... Such a plan can only be thought of by a scheming person like Grandpa! "

"Don't be too happy, this matter is not over yet." Yun Gu's words calmed down the agitated Wu Long.

Wu Long leaned on the sofa dejectedly, and said:

"That is to say, from now on, that person named Wu Long is dead.

The leader of the Black Wind Group is dead, and my grandfather and his grandson are also dead... In this world, I, named Wu Long, no longer exists...

I suddenly feel a little lost... The price seems to be too high. "

Yun Gu sneered: "For your life, what is this price? What's more, as long as you change your face and identity, aren't you still you? Are you still living your happy life?"

"Wouldn't it be troublesome for Yungu to make up my face every day? Yungu can easily change that person into my appearance, so she should be able to change me into another look, too?" Wu Long looked expectantly. Yun Gu.

Yun Gu glared at Wu Long: "You think too much, I'm usually very busy, and I don't have time to care about your shit."

"Er...then what should we do?" Wu Long's expression became painful.

Seeing the other party like this, Yun Gu sighed helplessly: "But I will let Hong'er accompany you to serve you, and her makeup skills are also very superb."

"Hong'er?! Did I hear you right?" Wu Long showed an extremely surprised expression, "You said you want Hong'er to serve me? Then I can..."

Yun Gu gave the other party an angry look:
"Hong'er is a good girl, don't let her down. Put away your lecherous and stealthy virtues, otherwise no one will take your place next time!"

"Understood, Yun Gu!" Wu Long's face showed the happiness of the rest of his life and the excitement of having Xiangyu in his arms.


The next day, after Peasley came to the mercenary group again, Sha Ziying pressed his shoulder excitedly and said, "Did you hear that? The head of our mercenary group, that Wu Long, was in the fallen leaves last night. Killed in the brothel in the city!"

Peasley pretended to show a surprised expression: "What?! He belched as soon as I saw this regiment leader?"

"Haha, little brother, you should be glad you didn't meet that person. Otherwise, you will be disappointed." Sha Ziying said with a smile on his face.

"Then will our mercenary group be affected?" Peasley was more concerned about this matter.

"Uh, I haven't heard of this yet." Sha Ziying's face darkened, "If the mercenary group does not disband, the death contract we signed for the year will still have legal effect. After all, the head of the group is dead, and there can be a new one." The captain has appeared."

Peasley nodded silently, pondered for a moment, and then continued to ask: "Brother Ying, do you know who is usually in charge of those contracts?"

(End of this chapter)

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