The glory of the king

Chapter 387 Big Chapter

Chapter 387 Big Chapter (34)

(Not modified yet, please do not read, sorry.)
A strange white space.

The milky white stretches in all directions.

A lonely black wooden chair.

A majestic young man.

Such a scene is quiet and eerie.

Around this young man, there were clusters of fist-sized unidentified luminous objects floating around.These luminous objects slowly fluttered around the young man like will-o'-the-wisps.

The facial features of the young people are exquisite, as if they were carefully carved and ground by God, which makes people feel good.

His skin is also as white and tender as a baby's, and it can be broken by blowing. I don't know how much collagen he has eaten to achieve this step.A head of flowing black hair is like a quiet night, deep and stable.

If there was one word to describe him, it would undoubtedly be - perfect.

At this moment, this perfect young man is propping his chin with his hands, his eyes are slightly closed, as if he is taking a nap.

And the clusters of luminous objects surrounding him also fluctuated up and down as if they were alive.

At a certain moment, the young man frowned, a pair of light blue eyes suddenly opened slowly, and a magnetic voice rang out in the milky white space.

"The recent energy, why is it not enough..."

The voice was slightly hoarse, but still bright.

"Could it be that the guys who went out are lazy again?"

No one answered his question.The white space was eerily quiet.

But the clusters of light around him were visibly restless.

"Then send two Gold Fingers to work overtime..."

The young man was still talking to himself, and then his piercing eyes began to wander among the surrounding light clusters.

Wherever the eyes went, the light clusters all backed away without any surprise.

That's right, these light clusters are nothing but the wai (gua), the so-called gold finger, that countless people dream of.

If you can get a golden finger in life, is it just around the corner?

And this black-haired young man is the maker of these golden fingers.

As for his identity, what is his ability, how did he make these golden fingers...

Not enough for outsiders.

After a while, his gaze rested on two adjacent light clusters.These two clusters of light are much smaller than the other clusters of light around them, and their light is also somewhat dimmer.

"Let me tell you, you two, your performance in the past thousand years has been quite dismal!"

The young man's voice was a little more accusatory, and then pouted at a relatively larger and brighter light ball in the corner.

"Look at No. 36, Xiao Yan, Lin Dong, and Mu Chen, it directly created three peak powerhouses with one gold finger.

Look at you again, let alone the peak powerhouse of the plane, you are just an ordinary powerhouse with a little reputation, and I haven't found one for me until now! "

At this time, among the two light clusters, the larger one suddenly spoke, with a strong bitterness in his words:
"Boss, why is our performance so poor? Don't you have any (b) numbers in mind?
How many of our hosts are not completely dependent on us when they get our power?With the power they exchanged from us, they began to pretend to be aggressive.

As a result, the road to pretending to be aggressive is shorter than theirs

imagination, soon they will not be satisfied with the power they have,

They want to exchange for new power from us.

None of these people knew enough was enough.

Occasionally, I can meet a few good ones, and I will always drain my potential, even my life, at critical moments.

Let alone these people become strong, it is a luxury for us to keep them alive.

Of course, this is not entirely a problem with the host, it has something to do with the abilities you have given us, Boss!

Other people's gold fingers are extremely sustainable, such as recharging some money or accumulating some anger points, praise points, etc. can be used.

The ability you gave us is against (la) heaven (ji).As for why, I don't need to say more? "

The young people listen carefully to what the light group has to say.Although the other party's words were not very polite, he didn't care much.

"Well... No. 89, what you said is not unreasonable. But how could there be something wrong with the golden finger I made? In the final analysis, you have not guided the host's thoughts well.

How about this, I will improve the abilities of both of you a little bit, and then you will go out (gun) and send (dan) to find a new host!If you don't cultivate a peerless strongman this time, you don't have to come back. "

With a big wave of the young man's hand, two beams of light shot out from his slender fingertips, entering the two light clusters, and made a "PuPuPuPu" sound.

Afterwards, the two light clusters let out a "嘿" sound, and suddenly disappeared in place.

The young man closed his eyes.

In the milky white space, return to tranquility.


In the illusory universe, two unidentified luminous objects are wandering aimlessly. They are nothing but the two light clusters that were driven out of the milky white space by the young man before.

"Hey! No. 92." Guang Tuan, who was called No. 89 by young people before, said, "Why didn't you talk from the beginning, the aunt is here?"

"Come to your brother-in-law." No. 92 scolded angrily.

No. 89 smiled: "Have you decided which world to go to?"


"Is there no memory of those worlds before?"



No. 92 said in a bored tone, "...I don't care, I can go anywhere. You decide."

"Okay okay, I'll decide... Well, that planet looks good, so let's go there. We haven't been there yet."

After No. 89 finished speaking, he flew directly towards an emerald green planet in the distance.

No. 92 shook slightly for a moment, then followed closely without making a sound.

"Hey, I said. Shall we have a competition?"

"Better than what?"

"Compare who is stronger than our host this time."

"Boring. How can I compare to you?"

"Hey~ How can you underestimate yourself. Maybe I gave the host more power in the early stage, but from a long-term perspective, your ability is still stronger in the middle and late stages."

"You are so clear, what's more."

"It can't be said that, although we know the general direction of a person's strength, but who will know what adventures or tribulations will occur during this process.

So we are stronger than the final host.Of course, if one of the hosts hangs up first in the middle, it will be considered a do you feel? "


"Hey, you can't be so casual about everything, otherwise, if you just choose a host with special dishes, it would be a fart if you gg in less than two days."


"Well... well, I came up with an idea, why don't we add rewards and punishments to this competition. If you win, I will give you half of the energy in my body.

Instead, you have to dedicate half of your energy to "

After being silent for a long time, No. 92 gave an answer that satisfied No. 89.

A strange white space.

The milky white stretches in all directions.

A lonely black wooden chair.

A majestic young man.

Such a scene is quiet and eerie.

Around this young man, there were clusters of fist-sized unidentified luminous objects floating around.These luminous objects slowly fluttered around the young man like will-o'-the-wisps.

The facial features of the young people are exquisite, as if they were carefully carved and ground by God, which makes people feel good.

His skin is also as white and tender as a baby's, and it can be broken by blowing. I don't know how much collagen he has eaten to achieve this step.A head of flowing black hair is like a quiet night, deep and stable.

If there was one word to describe him, it would undoubtedly be - perfect.

At this moment, this perfect young man is propping his chin with his hands, his eyes are slightly closed, as if he is taking a nap.

And the clusters of luminous objects surrounding him also fluctuated up and down as if they were alive.

At a certain moment, the young man frowned, a pair of light blue eyes suddenly opened slowly, and a magnetic voice rang out in the milky white space.

"The recent energy, why is it not enough..."

The voice was slightly hoarse, but still bright.

"Could it be that the guys who went out are lazy again?"

No one answered his question.The white space was eerily quiet.

But the clusters of light around him were visibly restless.

"Then send two Gold Fingers to work overtime..."

The young man was still talking to himself, and then his piercing eyes began to wander among the surrounding light clusters.

Wherever the eyes went, the light clusters all backed away without any surprise.

That's right, these light clusters are nothing but the wai (gua), the so-called gold finger, that countless people dream of.

If you can get a golden finger in life, is it just around the corner?

And this black-haired young man is the maker of these golden fingers.

As for his identity, what is his ability, how did he make these golden fingers...

Not enough for outsiders.

After a while, his gaze rested on two adjacent light clusters.These two clusters of light are much smaller than the other clusters of light around them, and their light is also somewhat dimmer.

"Let me tell you, you two, your performance in the past thousand years has been quite dismal!"

The young man's voice was a little more accusatory, and then pouted at a relatively larger and brighter light ball in the corner.

"Look at No. 36, Xiao Yan, Lin Dong, and Mu Chen, it directly created three peak powerhouses with one gold finger.

Look at you again, let alone the peak powerhouse of the plane, you are just an ordinary powerhouse with a little reputation, and I haven't found one for me until now! "

At this time, among the two light clusters, the larger one suddenly spoke, with a strong bitterness in his words:
"Boss, why is our performance so poor? Don't you have any (b) numbers in mind?
How many of our hosts are not completely dependent on us when they get our power?With the power they exchanged from us, they began to pretend to be aggressive.

As a result, the road to pretending to be aggressive is shorter than theirs

imagination, soon they will not be satisfied with the power they have,

They want to exchange for new power from us.

None of these people knew enough was enough.

Occasionally, I can meet a few good ones, and I will always drain my potential, even my life, at critical moments.

Let alone these people become strong, it is a luxury for us to keep them alive.

Of course, this is not entirely a problem with the host, it has something to do with the abilities you have given us, Boss!

Other people's gold fingers are extremely sustainable, such as recharging some money or accumulating some anger points, praise points, etc. can be used.

The ability you gave us is against (la) heaven (ji).As for why, I don't need to say more? "

The young people listen carefully to what the light group has to say.Although the other party's words were not very polite, he didn't care much.

"Well... No. 89, what you said is not unreasonable. But how could there be something wrong with the golden finger I made? In the final analysis, you have not guided the host's thoughts well.

How about this, I will improve the abilities of both of you a little bit, and then you will go out (gun) and send (dan) to find a new host!If you don't cultivate a peerless strongman this time, you don't have to come back. "

With a big wave of the young man's hand, two beams of light shot out from his slender fingertips, entering the two light clusters, and made a "PuPuPuPu" sound.

Afterwards, the two light clusters let out a "嘿" sound, and suddenly disappeared in place.

The young man closed his eyes.

In the milky white space, return to tranquility.


In the illusory universe, two unidentified luminous objects are wandering aimlessly. They are nothing but the two light clusters that were driven out of the milky white space by the young man before.

"Hey! No. 92." Guang Tuan, who was called No. 89 by young people before, said, "Why didn't you talk from the beginning, the aunt is here?"

"Come to your brother-in-law." No. 92 scolded angrily.

No. 89 smiled: "Have you decided which world to go to?"


"Is there no memory of those worlds before?"



No. 92 said in a bored tone, "...I don't care, I can go anywhere. You decide."

"Okay okay, I'll decide... Well, that planet looks good, so let's go there. We haven't been there yet."

After No. 89 finished speaking, he flew directly towards an emerald green planet in the distance.

No. 92 shook slightly for a moment, then followed closely without making a sound.

"Hey, I said. Shall we have a competition?"

"Better than what?"

"Compare who is stronger than our host this time."

"Boring. How can I compare to you?"

"Hey~ How can you underestimate yourself. Maybe I gave the host more power in the early stage, but from a long-term perspective, your ability is still stronger in the middle and late stages."

"You are so clear, what's more."

"It can't be said that, although we know the general direction of a person's strength, but who will know what adventures or tribulations will occur during this process.

So we are stronger than the final host.Of course, if one of the hosts hangs up first in the middle, it will be considered a do you feel? "


"Hey, you can't be so casual about everything, otherwise, if you just choose a host with special dishes, it would be a fart if you gg in less than two days."


"Well... well, I came up with an idea, why don't we add rewards and punishments to this competition. If you win, I will give you half of the energy in my body.

Instead, you have to dedicate half of your energy to "

After being silent for a long time, No. 92 gave an answer that satisfied No. 89.

(End of this chapter)

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