The glory of the king

Chapter 391 Big Chapter

Chapter 391 Big Chapter (38)

(Not modified yet, please do not read, sorry.)
Chapter 4,
there is someone on the list


The square in front of the courtyard was still filled with darkness. Although the crowd was quiet, it would inevitably form a noisy area.

However, at the moment when he stepped into the towering and gorgeous gate of Tai Cang Yuan, Xin Jue clearly felt that all the noise seemed to be filtered by something, so it appeared extremely clean.

Xin Jue knew that it was because of the existence of some kind of formation.All major sects have always been guarded by a large formation, and Tai Cangyuan is the number one school in the mainland, so this formation is naturally indispensable.Not only indispensable, but also extremely high-end formations.

"Xin Jue!"

While trying to figure out the structure of the gate array, Xin Jue heard someone calling him behind him.Turning around, he saw a girl in pink shorts and a white top running towards him.

"That," Lei Wusi stopped, and looked at the young man who was not handsome, tall, and had big eyes, but he had a subtle affection in his heart.

She wanted to ask something, but she felt that the boy had helped her, and there might be some secrets in this matter to him.

So I could only blink my bright eyes and say, "Although I have a lot of confusion in my heart, I don't ask. I just want to thank you. Here."

Said, Lei Wusi stretched out his hand to Xin Jue.

Xin Jue looked at the girl's fair and delicate hands, smiled and shook his head, but did not reach out to respond, "It's just a good deed every day. Besides, your own talent is not bad, otherwise I will not be able to help you."

Xin Jue looked at his left arm, and stretched out his hand to adjust the bandage on it:
"I know you're confused. When the time is right, I'll tell you what's going on. Don't worry about the falsehood. You just need to practice and study hard. As for you, tsk Tut tut,"

The corners of Xin Jue's mouth curled up slightly, "I'll have a chance to enjoy the feeling of the beauty's slender hands in the future."

Hearing Xin Jue's molesting words, Lei Wusi let out a chuckle and said:
"You talk so funny. If this is the case... that's fine, I will go to the female students' dormitory with my senior sister first, and I will discuss with you when I have the opportunity. Fifth grade lower teacher, hehe, I, no, believe me !"

Seeing the two graceful figures leave, Xin Jue shook his head helplessly, but secretly sighed in his heart:
This woman's sixth sense is really scary.

Just as he was about to follow the seniors to the dormitory, Xin Jue heard the girl behind him shouting from a distance:

"Hey! Xin Jue, don't forget, my name is Lei Wusi~"

The voice is clear and charming, full of spirituality.

Xin Jue waved helplessly to the other side, but when he turned around, he smiled and shook his head: "Innocent girl."

"Oh, the junior is not bad! You got a girl on the first day of school?"

Xin Jue looked at the wretched smile on the face of the senior in front of him, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Just a friend I just met."

"Stop talking, I understand." The corner of Wei Fang's mouth raised an evil arc, "Which couple didn't start as friends?"

There are countless black lines drawn from the back of Xin Jue's head...

Every person who passes the test and becomes a new student in Tai Cang Yuan will be greeted at the door by an old student who is relatively free.

The so-called old students, some are those who repeatedly failed to reach the top [-] in the lower house examination every two years and entered the middle school and stayed in the lower house; people.

Of course, some people were downgraded and punished to the lower court because they violated the rules of the middle school.

"However, it is said that there are still a very small number of people who hold the idea that they would rather be chicken heads than phoenix tails, and they have been entrenched in the forefront of the [Bill of Excellence] in the lower house. On the day of the exam, they deliberately fell out of the top [-], and then reappeared. Break into the top [-]. Enjoy the benefits given by the list of talents."

Wei Fang is tall and tall, and his figure is not generally strong.He always looks serious when he speaks.

He is the senior who welcomes Xin Jue to enroll.He is one class higher than Xin Jue, and has not yet participated in this year's college examination.While leading Xin Jue to the boys' dormitory, he and Xin Jue briefly introduced the situation of the lower house.

"Are the senior management of the academy ignoring this?" Xin Jue asked suspiciously.

"I don't know what the senior leaders of the academy thought, but they allowed such a thing to happen." Wei Fang pointed to a building built in the mountains and forests in the distance, where the senior leaders of the academy lived.

"But it's understandable when you think about it carefully. After all, the lower court of Tai Cang Yuan likes to simulate the competitive environment of the mainland. Since it is a competitive environment, it can naturally tolerate unreasonable existence to a certain extent. It exists because it exists unreasonable." Differences, and because of differences, create an atmosphere of struggle."

Xin Jue nodded in understanding.

"Although more than half of the list of talents is occupied by those old fritters, even so," Wei Fang's eyes unconsciously showed admiration. Occupy a place on the 【Talent List】. Since the top position was occupied by a freshman named Xiang Chen two years ago, it has never changed again!"

Hearing this, Xin Jue was a little surprised.I thought to myself that the person Senior Wei Fang mentioned was quite remarkable.

Although it is the House of Commons, there are nearly 3 people in the House of Commons.It is already difficult to stand out from the crowd of more than 3 self-proclaimed geniuses, not to mention that it has been at the top of the list for two years and no one can shake its position. This is even more difficult.

The first name is not something that anyone can hold if they say it, let alone keep it if they keep it.

If given the chance, Xin Jue would really like to meet this mysterious senior Xiang Chen.

"In three months, it will be this year's lower court trial?" Xin Jue asked.

Wei Fang became obviously excited when he heard this.He nodded and said:
"Now I am ranked No. 60 in the [Talent List] No. [-]. As long as I keep this position in the last three months before the lower court exam, I will be able to enter the middle court! Hey, I am very excited just thinking about it!"

"Really." Xin Jue was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the rather wretched-looking senior who led him to know the way was actually a strong person on the [Talent List].

Although the ranking is only 68th, Xin Jue knows that those who can be ranked in this one-in-a-thousand talent list are all people with extraordinary strength.

"The junior congratulates the senior for entering the middle school!" Xin Jue clasped his fists at Wei Fang.

Wei Fang giggled.


After walking for about two quarters of an hour, the two stopped in front of a row of fresh and elegant bamboo houses.

Xin Jue saw a small sign hanging on the bamboo door of each bamboo house.The sign reads:

Class C so-and-so number.

Wei Fang said apologetically:
"After all, the academy is more realistic. Classes A, B, C and III are divided according to the level of cultivation, so you may be wronged."

Xin Jue smiled nonchalantly:

"The environment is very quiet, I like it very much."

"Quietness is fake, and simple is real." Wei Fang spread his hands helplessly, but he still comforted Xin Jue, "But you don't have to worry, as long as you practice hard and earn money, you will have a good place to live sooner or later. If you are lucky enough to break into the [Talent List], then your future life will definitely be very nourishing."

Xin Jue nodded with a wry smile, and sent them away amidst Wei Fang's sentence, "If there is any difficulty in finding brother, although brother has only three months left in the lower house, it is more than enough to cover you for the last three months." A good teacher.

Along the way, Xin Jue found that the lower courtyard of Tai Cang Yuan was quite vast.Most of the buildings are concentrated in the center of the lower courtyard, which looks like a small city from a distance.And the area I am in now is a bit similar to the suburbs.

Because I came earlier, most of the rows of bamboo houses are still empty.

Xin Jue chose a corner location, which can be regarded as a quiet place in the quiet.

Walking into the bamboo house, the furnishings in the house are very simple.A bed, a quilt, a table and chairs.

After Xin Jue sighed that it was really simple, he closed the door and sat cross-legged on the bed.

Moving his gaze to his left arm, Xin Jue gently stroked the soft bandage.A complicated and melancholy light could not help but appear in his eyes.

"I really don't know whether to hate you or thank you. Thanks to you, I have reached the rank of first-rank general at the age of 16. But..."

Thinking of this, bloody images once again popped up in Xin Jue's mind. Chapter 4,

there is someone on the list


The square in front of the courtyard was still filled with darkness. Although the crowd was quiet, it would inevitably form a noisy area.

However, at the moment when he stepped into the towering and gorgeous gate of Tai Cang Yuan, Xin Jue clearly felt that all the noise seemed to be filtered by something, so it appeared extremely clean.

Xin Jue knew that it was because of the existence of some kind of formation.All major sects have always been guarded by a large formation, and Tai Cangyuan is the number one school in the mainland, so this formation is naturally indispensable.Not only indispensable, but also extremely high-end formations.

"Xin Jue!"

While trying to figure out the structure of the gate array, Xin Jue heard someone calling him behind him.Turning around, he saw a girl in pink shorts and a white top running towards him.

"That," Lei Wusi stopped, and looked at the young man who was not handsome, tall, and had big eyes, but he had a subtle affection in his heart.

She wanted to ask something, but she felt that the boy had helped her, and there might be some secrets in this matter to him.

So I could only blink my bright eyes and say, "Although I have a lot of confusion in my heart, I don't ask. I just want to thank you. Here."

Said, Lei Wusi stretched out his hand to Xin Jue.

Xin Jue looked at the girl's fair and delicate hands, smiled and shook his head, but did not reach out to respond, "It's just a good deed every day. Besides, your own talent is not bad, otherwise I will not be able to help you."

Xin Jue looked at his left arm, and stretched out his hand to adjust the bandage on it:
"I know you're confused. When the time is right, I'll tell you what's going on. Don't worry about the falsehood. You just need to practice and study hard. As for you, tsk Tut tut,"

The corners of Xin Jue's mouth curled up slightly, "I'll have a chance to enjoy the feeling of the beauty's slender hands in the future."

Hearing Xin Jue's molesting words, Lei Wusi let out a chuckle and said:
"You talk so funny. If this is the case... that's fine, I will go to the female students' dormitory with my senior sister first, and I will discuss with you when I have the opportunity. Fifth grade lower teacher, hehe, I, no, believe me !"

Seeing the two graceful figures leave, Xin Jue shook his head helplessly, but secretly sighed in his heart:
This woman's sixth sense is really scary.

Just as he was about to follow the seniors to the dormitory, Xin Jue heard the girl behind him shouting from a distance:

"Hey! Xin Jue, don't forget, my name is Lei Wusi~"

The voice is clear and charming, full of spirituality.

Xin Jue waved helplessly to the other side, but when he turned around, he smiled and shook his head: "Innocent girl."

"Oh, the junior is not bad! You got a girl on the first day of school?"

Xin Jue looked at the wretched smile on the face of the senior in front of him, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Just a friend I just met."

"Stop talking, I understand." The corner of Wei Fang's mouth raised an evil arc, "Which couple didn't start as friends?"

There are countless black lines drawn from the back of Xin Jue's head...

Every person who passes the test and becomes a new student in Tai Cang Yuan will be greeted at the door by an old student who is relatively free.

The so-called old students, some are those who repeatedly failed to reach the top [-] in the lower house examination every two years and entered the middle school and stayed in the lower house; people.

Of course, some people were downgraded and punished to the lower court because they violated the rules of the middle school.

"However, it is said that there are still a very small number of people who hold the idea that they would rather be chicken heads than phoenix tails, and they have been entrenched in the forefront of the [Bill of Excellence] in the lower house. On the day of the exam, they deliberately fell out of the top [-], and then reappeared. Break into the top [-]. Enjoy the benefits given by the list of talents."

Wei Fang is tall and tall, and his figure is not generally strong.He always looks serious when he speaks.

He is the senior who welcomes Xin Jue to enroll.He is one class higher than Xin Jue, and has not yet participated in this year's college examination.While leading Xin Jue to the boys' dormitory, he and Xin Jue briefly introduced the situation of the lower house.

"Are the senior management of the academy ignoring this?" Xin Jue asked suspiciously.

"I don't know what the senior leaders of the academy thought, but they allowed such a thing to happen." Wei Fang pointed to a building built in the mountains and forests in the distance, where the senior leaders of the academy lived.

"But it's understandable when you think about it carefully. After all, the lower court of Tai Cang Yuan likes to simulate the competitive environment of the mainland. Since it is a competitive environment, it can naturally tolerate unreasonable existence to a certain extent. It exists because it exists unreasonable." Differences, and because of differences, create an atmosphere of struggle."

Xin Jue nodded in understanding.

"Although more than half of the list of talents is occupied by those old fritters, even so," Wei Fang's eyes unconsciously showed admiration. Occupy a place on the 【Talent List】. Since the top position was occupied by a freshman named Xiang Chen two years ago, it has never changed again!"

Hearing this, Xin Jue was a little surprised.I thought to myself that the person Senior Wei Fang mentioned was quite remarkable.

Although it is the House of Commons, there are nearly 3 people in the House of Commons.It is already difficult to stand out from the crowd of more than 3 self-proclaimed geniuses, not to mention that it has been at the top of the list for two years and no one can shake its position. This is even more difficult.

The first name is not something that anyone can hold if they say it, let alone keep it if they keep it.

If given the chance, Xin Jue would really like to meet this mysterious senior Xiang Chen.

"In three months, it will be this year's lower court trial?" Xin Jue asked.

Wei Fang became obviously excited when he heard this.He nodded and said:
"Now I am ranked No. 60 in the [Talent List] No. [-]. As long as I keep this position in the last three months before the lower court exam, I will be able to enter the middle court! Hey, I am very excited just thinking about it!"

"Really." Xin Jue was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the rather wretched-looking senior who led him to know the way was actually a strong person on the [Talent List].

Although the ranking is only 68th, Xin Jue knows that those who can be ranked in this one-in-a-thousand talent list are all people with extraordinary strength.

"The junior congratulates the senior for entering the middle school!" Xin Jue clasped his fists at Wei Fang.

Wei Fang giggled.


After walking for about two quarters of an hour, the two stopped in front of a row of fresh and elegant bamboo houses.

Xin Jue saw a small sign hanging on the bamboo door of each bamboo house.The sign reads:

Class C so-and-so number.

Wei Fang said apologetically:
"After all, the academy is more realistic. Classes A, B, C and III are divided according to the level of cultivation, so you may be wronged."

Xin Jue smiled nonchalantly:

"The environment is very quiet, I like it very much."

"Quietness is fake, and simple is real." Wei Fang spread his hands helplessly, but he still comforted Xin Jue, "But you don't have to worry, as long as you practice hard and earn money, you will have a good place to live sooner or later. If you are lucky enough to break into the [Talent List], then your future life will definitely be very nourishing."

Xin Jue nodded with a wry smile, and sent them away amidst Wei Fang's sentence, "If there is any difficulty in finding brother, although brother has only three months left in the lower house, it is more than enough to cover you for the last three months." A good teacher.

Along the way, Xin Jue found that the lower courtyard of Tai Cang Yuan was quite vast.Most of the buildings are concentrated in the center of the lower courtyard, which looks like a small city from a distance.And the area I am in now is a bit similar to the suburbs.

Because I came earlier, most of the rows of bamboo houses are still empty.

Xin Jue chose a corner location, which can be regarded as a quiet place in the quiet.

Walking into the bamboo house, the furnishings in the house are very simple.A bed, a quilt, a table and chairs.

After Xin Jue sighed that it was really simple, he closed the door and sat cross-legged on the bed.

Moving his gaze to his left arm, Xin Jue gently stroked the soft bandage.A complicated and melancholy light could not help but appear in his eyes.

"I really don't know whether to hate you or thank you. Thanks to you, I have reached the rank of first-rank general at the age of 16. But..."

Thinking of this, bloody images once again popped up in Xin Jue's mind. Chapter 4,

there is someone on the list


The square in front of the courtyard was still filled with darkness. Although the crowd was quiet, it would inevitably form a noisy area.

However, at the moment when he stepped into the towering and gorgeous gate of Tai Cang Yuan, Xin Jue clearly felt that all the noise seemed to be filtered by something, so it appeared extremely clean.

Xin Jue knew that it was because of the existence of some kind of formation.All major sects have always been guarded by a large formation, and Tai Cangyuan is the number one school in the mainland, so this formation is naturally indispensable.Not only indispensable, but also extremely high-end formations.

"Xin Jue!"

While trying to figure out the structure of the gate array, Xin Jue heard someone calling him behind him.Turning around, he saw a girl in pink shorts and a white top running towards him.

"That," Lei Wusi stopped, and looked at the young man who was not handsome, tall, and had big eyes, but he had a subtle affection in his heart.

She wanted to ask something, but she felt that the boy had helped her, and there might be some secrets in this matter to him.

So I could only blink my bright eyes and say, "Although I have a lot of confusion in my heart, I don't ask. I just want to thank you. Here."

Said, Lei Wusi stretched out his hand to Xin Jue.

Xin Jue looked at the girl's fair and delicate hands, smiled and shook his head, but did not reach out to respond, "It's just a good deed every day. Besides, your own talent is not bad, otherwise I will not be able to help you."

Xin Jue looked at his left arm, and stretched out his hand to adjust the bandage on it:
"I know you're confused. When the time is right, I'll tell you what's going on. Don't worry about the falsehood. You just need to practice and study hard. As for you, tsk Tut tut,"

The corners of Xin Jue's mouth curled up slightly, "I'll have a chance to enjoy the feeling of the beauty's slender hands in the future."

Hearing Xin Jue's molesting words, Lei Wusi let out a chuckle and said:
"You talk so funny. If this is the case... that's fine, I will go to the female students' dormitory with my senior sister first, and I will discuss with you when I have the opportunity. Fifth grade lower teacher, hehe, I, no, believe me !"

Seeing the two graceful figures leave, Xin Jue shook his head helplessly, but secretly sighed in his heart:
This woman's sixth sense is really scary.

Just as he was about to follow the seniors to the dormitory, Xin Jue heard the girl behind him shouting from a distance:

"Hey! Xin Jue, don't forget, my name is Lei Wusi~"

The voice is clear and charming, full of spirituality.

Xin Jue waved helplessly to the other side, but when he turned around, he smiled and shook his head: "Innocent girl."

"Oh, the junior is not bad! You got a girl on the first day of school?"

Xin Jue looked at the wretched smile on the face of the senior in front of him, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Just a friend I just met."

"Stop talking, I understand." The corner of Wei Fang's mouth raised an evil arc, "Which couple didn't start as friends?"

There are countless black lines drawn from the back of Xin Jue's head...

Every person who passes the test and becomes a new student in Tai Cang Yuan will be greeted at the door by an old student who is relatively free.

The so-called old students, some are those who repeatedly failed to reach the top [-] in the lower house examination every two years and entered the middle school and stayed in the lower house; people.

Of course, some people were downgraded and punished to the lower court because they violated the rules of the middle school.

"However, it is said that there are still a very small number of people who hold the idea that they would rather be chicken heads than phoenix tails, and they have been entrenched in the forefront of the [Bill of Excellence] in the lower house. On the day of the exam, they deliberately fell out of the top [-], and then reappeared. Break into the top [-]. Enjoy the benefits given by the list of talents."

Wei Fang is tall and tall, and his figure is not generally strong.He always looks serious when he speaks.

He is the senior who welcomes Xin Jue to enroll.He is one class higher than Xin Jue, and has not yet participated in this year's college examination.While leading Xin Jue to the boys' dormitory, he and Xin Jue briefly introduced the situation of the lower house.

"Are the senior management of the academy ignoring this?" Xin Jue asked suspiciously.

"I don't know what the senior leaders of the academy thought, but they allowed such a thing to happen." Wei Fang pointed to a building built in the mountains and forests in the distance, where the senior leaders of the academy lived.

"But it's understandable when you think about it carefully. After all, the lower court of Tai Cang Yuan likes to simulate the competitive environment of the mainland. Since it is a competitive environment, it can naturally tolerate unreasonable existence to a certain extent. It exists because it exists unreasonable." Differences, and because of differences, create an atmosphere of struggle."

Xin Jue nodded in understanding.

"Although more than half of the list of talents is occupied by those old fritters, even so," Wei Fang's eyes unconsciously showed admiration. Occupy a place on the 【Talent List】. Since the top position was occupied by a freshman named Xiang Chen two years ago, it has never changed again!"

Hearing this, Xin Jue was a little surprised.I thought to myself that the person Senior Wei Fang mentioned was quite remarkable.

Although it is the House of Commons, there are nearly 3 people in the House of Commons.It is already difficult to stand out from the crowd of more than 3 self-proclaimed geniuses, not to mention that it has been at the top of the list for two years and no one can shake its position. This is even more difficult.

The name of the first is not someone who said to take it
(End of this chapter)

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