The glory of the king

Chapter 410 Big Chapter

Chapter 410 Big Chapter (58)

(Not modified yet, please do not read, sorry)

But surprises are surprises, and it's impossible to think about it.

A 16-year-old boy with good talent can only have the strength of the third-level wind at most. If he has the strength of the fourth-level wind, he may have become the target of competition for the major mercenary groups.

Most importantly, I have never heard that their Meteor tribe has such a genius.The most talented one is Du Zie, the younger brother of Du Ziteng, the head of Qingfeng Mercenary Corps.

Year only
At the age of 17, he reached the level six wind strength.

The Qingfeng Mercenary Group is known as the No. [-] Mercenary Group of the Meteor Tribe, with a team of hundreds of people.Everyone's cultivation talent is at least at the upper level in the Meteor tribe, and those who are too poor will not be accepted.

With such a large mercenary group, there is no pressure at all to do those E-level missions.Even some simple D-level tasks can be done.

After all, the leader of the Qingfeng Mercenary Group has the tyrannical strength of the third-level fire, and he can be regarded as the No. 1 meteor tribe.

The obese boy in front of him is obviously not a genius.Moreover, the 16-year-old and 200-jin big fat man is still somewhat famous in this Meteor tribe.

Chen Lanqing didn't care about the gazes of those around him, the haze in his heart was already heavy enough, at this moment, he really didn't feel anything about those strange gazes.

Walking up to a tall man, before he opened his mouth, the man named Yaoxi said with surprise, "Yo! It's actually a corpse wolf. Your team has completed the E-level mission?"

Chen Lanqing did not answer this question, but took out another fiery red medicinal herb from her bosom, pointed to a line in the F-level task on the wall, and said:

"I'll hand in that task, and besides, how much is this thing worth?"

Yaoxi took the herb, looked at it carefully, and then nodded.He is the administrator of this bounty pavilion, the young man in front of him looks familiar, but he doesn't know him.

This place is naturally a place for mercenaries to take on missions and do business. Most of the missions are not from the tribe, and may come from various places in Ruoxu Realm, or even outside the realm.

Of course, tasks of that level generally do not appear

In such a small place.The highest task level here is no more than D level.

As long as you complete the task and bring back symbolic evidence, you will be paid immediately according to the price set on the task.

Of course, some handling fees and channel fees were deducted in advance, so the mercenaries could get as much as the mission stated.

Peasley looked at a coin in his hand and was silent for a long time.Is it because of such a coin weighing less than 10g that five lives were sacrificed?
He smiled, and there was a sense of misery in his smile.

Seeing this, Yaoxi actually smiled too.But then he looked at the dead wolf corpse at the boy's feet, squeezed his chin and said:
"The value of this thing is not low. Is there a magic crystal? If there is, the price can be raised."

What he said was nice, but Chen Lanqing understood the other party's tricks.It sounds good, but it doesn't mean that the price is also gratifying.

"I don't know, I haven't opened it before." Chen Lan said flatly.

When Yaoxi heard this, a trace of surprise appeared on his slightly thin face, and then he took out a small knife emitting a faint blue light from his waist, and inserted it into the human-shaped head of the corpse wolf with a bang.

Amidst the darkness, a bright round bead appeared in front of the two of them.Chen Lanqing only had a glimmer of light reflected in her eyes, but her expression remained indifferent.

But Yaoxi obviously showed a surprised expression, picked out the magic crystal and put it in his arms, then took out five Renming coins from the money bag at his waist, and handed them to the young man.

"Add one more, or we won't sell it." There was a trace of stubbornness in the boy's voice.

Yaoxi was slightly taken aback: "Little brother, my price..."

Before she finished speaking, Chen Lanqing's expression suddenly turned fierce.

"No more, no more!" he yelled.

Yaoxi looked at the other party, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.But he didn't say much, and took out another coin, threw it directly on the ground, then turned around, and left with the dead body of the corpse wolf.

The coin landed on the bluestone floor, making a tinkling sound.

Chen Lanqing looked at the coins fluttering around like moths on the ground, and did not move for a long time.

I can't beat and beat, scold and scold, I can only bend down to pick up the money, suppress the so-called dignity, and barely make ends meet.

Before becoming stronger than the opponent, it can only be like this, lowering the attitude that is not very high.

Chen Lanqing put seven coins in his pocket, which are all his assets now.It is a precious asset in exchange for five lives.

In a small corner in the southeast of the Meteor Tribe, there is a dilapidated hut.

Chen Lanqing took out the key to open the big rusty lock, and then put the key in her arms very cherished.

This is the last key, it will be lost in the future, but no one else will open the door for him...

Close the door and sit on the soft cotton grass, this is the place where Xiaoqi slept before his death.I used to want to sleep in her "bed"

Yes, now I finally got my wish, but Yi Ren is not here.

Chen Lanqing recalled the previous scenes, her eyes were red, but she didn't cry after all.

Because he still has a thought in his heart, and a belief that supports him to live——

[If this system has a way to revive your lover, are you willing to work hard for it? 】

The answer is naturally self-evident.

Recalling what "Fat" said before, um... let's call her that.

He lifted his shirt and touched his belly.A golden light flashed across the surface.

Although the appearance looks the same as usual, but he can really feel that there are some inexplicable things in his stomach.

Of course, there was one thing he was clear about.That is the soul of Xiaoqi. "Fat" collected Xiaoqi's soul and placed it in the system.

It is said that she will need it to revive her in the future.

He didn't know anything about the system.But it must be something similar to an artifact.

It's just that this "artifact" has too much personality. Although it is respectful, Chen Lanqing can feel that this respect is actually more polite.

【You are the host of this system, our relationship is symbiotic.This system can help you become strong, of course, you have to give what the system needs. 】

Chen Lanqing remembered this sentence clearly, and knew her own position even more.The mediocre, incompetent and rookie self, who is delicious, lazy and hard to counterattack, may be just a prop used by this "artifact".

Maybe one day it will be useless, and the other party will kick him away...Kicking him away is still good, maybe it is not impossible to kill him directly at that time.

After all, there is no hidden potential or sleeping powerful blood in him that deserves the other party's attention.

But thinking of the possibility of bringing Xiaoqi back to life, even in such a position that he thinks is not good for him, he still has the belief in going forward to the future.

[What is the host's order? 】

As soon as he touched his belly, the girl's voice sounded.The voice is soft and melodious.

However, Chen Lanqing was not in the mood to savor the beauty of it carefully at the moment, but asked in a calm voice: "How can I revive Xiaoqi?"

The girl's voice paused slightly, and then said:

[You become strong enough, collect enough materials, or awaken the dormant ability of this system, and draw heavenly materials and earthly treasures such as the Resurrection Pill in this system...]

[In short, what you have to do now is to constantly use this system to become stronger.As the saying goes, it will happen when it is done, if it is strong to a certain extent, your wish will naturally come true. 】

Chen Lanqing was silent for a moment, then clenched her fists.

Is it another world where you have to become stronger to get your wish?
Oh, that's boring.

If it was in the past, after Chen Lanqing thought about it, she would shake her head and lie down in her grass nest, and then wait for Xiaoqi to wake him up for dinner, or go out to do the task she just received.

Cultivation, heh, he has also worked hard to cultivate.It's just that the talent is really not very good, and my temper is a bit lazy, and I work hard, it's really hard.

He felt that he just muddled along like that, and the days when he was lazy were more relaxed and comfortable.

And with Xiaoqi by his side every day, occasionally laughing at him and scolding him, he feels that this is the true happiness.

He never thought that such happiness would be suddenly broken one day.

If I can be stronger, stronger, stronger...

Maybe I can save this kind of happiness, not to mention the other four people who have their own ghosts, at least I have to save Xiaoqi...

Chen Lanqing's clenched fist trembled slightly, but then he relaxed.

Some things, no matter how hard you try and exhaust your whole body strength, you can't change the slightest bit... At least the current Chen Lanqing is really powerless.

In the past, I didn't know the blessings when I was in the blessings. I never thought that one day happiness would suddenly go away from me, so I didn't think about protecting happiness in the past.

It wasn't until reality turned into a sharp knife that slashed through his dreams that he could truly appreciate the paleness and darkness of this world.

"I see." After a long silence, Chen Lanqing finally spoke, as if she had made up her mind. "What are the current options for the system?"

[Choice 10: Raise the level by one level.Price: [-] catties body weight. 】

[Option 1: Draw a lottery, get random items, it may be an ancient artifact, or it may be a blank piece of paper.Price: [-] catties body weight. 】

[There is no other option for now, it can be unlocked as the system level increases. 】

[The current level of the system, level one.Experience, zero.The higher the system level, the more items you can buy.The current weight of the host: 200 catties. 】

[May I ask what the host needs? 】

"The first item."

Take it up a notch.

As soon as Chen Lanqing's words fell, a golden light suddenly appeared on the surface of his stomach, like a golden lotus quietly blooming around his belly button.

Afterwards, Chen Lanqing suddenly felt that something was converging towards her belly button from all over her body.

A spot of light rose from the center of the lotus flower, landed in Chen Lanqing's hand, and suddenly turned into a elixir-like object the size of a fingernail.

"This is……"

[Upgrade Dan. 】

Chen Lanqing's face darkened: "Such a vulgar name?"

[What's the use of a fancy name? 】The girl's voice is quite serious, 【Why complicate a problem that can be solved easily? 】

Chen Lanqing: "..."

"If you eat this, you can directly upgrade to a level?" Holding the turquoise pill with her hand, Chen Lanqing carefully looked at the dim light coming in from the window.

【certainly. 】

"Can the level of any stage be improved?"

【certainly. 】

Chen Lanqing opened her mouth wide in surprise: "Then wouldn't it be a waste for me to eat now?"

[There is no such thing as waste, there will definitely be a chance to get it or draw a lottery in the future.If you keep it, you may not live to the day you think is the best time to take it. 】

Chen Lanqing was taken aback for a moment, thinking that "fat" made sense.Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind and asked:

"Then how about I sell this thing? I guess I can sell it for a lot of money! When Xiaoqi is resurrected, I can use this money to buy her the best house and the best wedding..."

【That depends on your life to spend the money. 】The girl's voice is still soft, and there is no change.But in Chen Lanqing's ears, there were many different things.

Chen Lanqing's face, which had been bright just now, suddenly became dark again.

Yes, everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty.If you don't have enough strength, I'm afraid you will be easily robbed of your happiness by people or beasts just like before.

Chen Lanqing hesitated for a moment, but finally opened his mouth and swallowed the pill.


Chen Lanqing chewed, the elixir was hard, but also very brittle, like candy.Just finished eating... um... I didn't feel anything.

Isn't Nima expired?

Although Chen Lanqing thought so, she still closed her eyes and felt if there was any change in her body.After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes, a smile that he hadn't seen for a long time appeared on his face.

Secondary wind!
Compared with before, the strength has indeed increased a lot.

If it is said that in the first-level wind, he can exert a force of 400 kilograms with one punch, and now he can exert a force of 600 kilograms in the second-level wind.

Of course, this is only an increase in strength, there are still many indescribable changes in the body, these changes make Chen Lanqing feel that the body is stronger than before.

Even the grief of losing Xiaoqi seems to have eased a little.

If he continued at the speed of the turtle crawling in the past, it would take at least a month for him to break through to the second-level wind.

But now, a small elixir actually saved him a month of training time.

And "Fat" just explained that the products produced by the system must be high-quality goods.This kind of elixir is completely different from the elixirs made by alchemists, and will not have any side effects.

That's why he didn't feel anything after eating just now.

"By the way, can this upgrade pill be bought unlimitedly? Is the first option still available?" Chen Lanqing asked a little excitedly.

If you can buy unlimited, he can buy another four or five with the remaining 190 catties of weight. There is no big problem.

In this way, I can directly upgrade to the strength of the sixth-level wind or the seventh-level wind!It's time to meet the corpse wolf again!Just meet the corpse wolf again, just fine...

Thinking of this, Chen Lanqing couldn't help thinking of the tragedy that happened in the morning.At the same time, what "Fat" said next disappointed him even more.

(End of this chapter)

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