Chapter 412
The moment Pisley turned his head, he just saw the silver thread piercing Ning Xuan's abdomen. Because the speed was too fast, Ning Xuan didn't react at all!
He could only use his hand as a knife to slash straight at the silver thread at such a critical moment!

However, before the knife in his hand touched the silver-white thread, the silver-white thread had already jumped into Ning Xuan's body!

The young man looked back at the dark red ball just now, it had already been burned by the black flame and there was nothing left!

"Mad! It turns out that the spherical object is just a shell, and the body of the demon seed is actually a silver-white thread!!"

Pisley was angry in his heart, but he didn't have time to worry about this matter, so he quickly put Ning Xuan, who looked blank, into his arms, and at the same time put his left hand on Ning Xuan's soft belly.

Then Pisley's Mulla rushed into Ning Xuan's body a little violently, looking for the demon seed body that just jumped in inside her body!

Because of his anxiety, Peasley's Mulla was swimming quickly in Ning Xuan's body, making Ning Xuan feel a trace of pain continuously coming from his body.

However, seeing the worried expression on the young man's face, she felt warm in her heart, so she gritted her silver teeth secretly, and did not make any sound to express her discomfort, and let the other party's mura flow in her body without any intention of resisting.

However, the boy's frown became tighter and tighter, because his mula had carefully checked all the organs in Ning Xuan's abdomen, but he didn't find anything strange!

Afterwards, the mula of the young man was continuously poured into Ning Xuan's body, centering on the abdomen, it began to spread to the surroundings, carrying out a carpet search!

However, after searching all the parts below Ning Xuan's neck, nothing unusual was found!
At this time, the boy suddenly thought of a possibility that made him feel scared!

This monster's body, maybe it has already got into Ning Xuan's brain! !
After checking Ning Xuan's face, Peasley's Mulla didn't go up.At this moment his heart sank to the bottom.

Because he could judge that the silver thread probably got into Ning Xuan's brain.

The brain is the most important organ of the human body, and its preciousness is even higher than the heart!
The brain is the most advanced part of the nervous system. It is composed of the left and right cerebral hemispheres, and there are horizontal nerve fibers connecting the two hemispheres.

Each hemisphere includes: Cerebral cortex (cerebral cortex): is the surface layer of gray matter (the concentration of cell bodies of nerve cells).

There are many concave grooves on the surface of the human brain, and there are raised loops between the grooves, thus greatly increasing the area of ​​the cerebral cortex.

The human cerebral cortex is the most developed, and it is the organ of thinking, which dominates all activities in the body and regulates the balance between the body and the surrounding environment. Therefore, the cerebral cortex is the material basis of high-level neural activities.

In short, the brain dominates the body, and humans don't have brains, just like reptiles.

Pisley looked at Ning Xuan, and Ning Xuan also looked at Pisley, seeing the pained look on the boy's face, but she suddenly blinked and smiled at the same time.

At this moment, Ning Xuan obviously knew what happened, but lying in her man's arms, she didn't seem to be that worried. Instead, she smiled and comforted Pisley:

"Don't worry too much, all bad things will pass!"

Hearing these words, Peasley felt very uncomfortable.He looked into Ning Xuan's eyes for a long time, and suddenly made a decision:
"Xuan'er, if I accidentally turn you into a fool, will you blame me?"

Ning Xuan smiled lightly, then thought about it, and said: "Then if Xuan'er becomes a fool, will you still want Xuan'er?"

Peasley nodded vigorously: "Whether you become an idiot or a fool, I will never abandon you!"

"Then..." Ning Xuan thought of something, his face darkened suddenly, and he asked, "If Xuan'er turns into a monster, will you kill Xuan'er?"

Peasley was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head: "No, I won't. I will trap you, take care of you, and look for a cure for you at the same time!"

Ning Xuan sighed lightly: "It seems that everything will become a burden to the young master... Maybe..."

Peasley knew what Ning Xuan was going to say, so he interrupted her and said:

"Don't think about it, no matter what you become, I will never abandon you. What's more, what I just said are just the worst two scenarios, and there are many good ones."

Ning Xuan squinted her eyes and smiled, and stopped talking.Then he closed his eyes obediently to show that Peasley could start.

Just when Pisley swallowed and was about to make a move, Daji's voice suddenly sounded in Pisley's mind: "Wait a minute."

Immediately afterwards, a palm-sized little Daji appeared in front of Pisley, landed on Ning Xuan's chest, bounced a few times before sitting still.

"The Q bomb is really comfortable." Xiao Daji said with a look of enjoyment.

Peasley frowned slightly: "Now is not the time to play, what did you tell me to stop?"

Ning Xuan also heard the third person's voice, and at the same time felt something moving on her chest, thinking that her man was pressing his fingers mischievously.

So she opened her eyes, only to be surprised to find that there was a phantom small figure sitting on the protruding place of her chest.

This little figure has a pair of soft animal ears and a big brown tail, and is wearing a snow-white illusory dress. At first glance, it looks like a little angel from a fairy tale.

"This is..." Ning Xuan was a little curious, and reached out to touch her, but was glared at by the little fox.

But Peasley stretched out his hand, grabbed the little fox, held it in his palm, put it in front of him and asked, "Is there anything you can do? Tell me if you can, time is running out."

Little Daji rolled her eyes at Pisley, opened her mouth and bit the boy's index finger, and Pisley only felt itching on the index finger, but did not feel any pain.

The young man was anxious, but he knew that Daji's temper was a little short-tempered.

So he suppressed the urgency in his heart, and said softly: "Sister Daji, stop making trouble, human life is at stake!"

Xiao Daji raised her head and glared at Pisley, then at Ning Xuan.

Suddenly, her tiny arm pointed to Pisley's eyebrows, and a rainbow-colored light flew out from the boy's eyebrows, and landed in front of the three of them.

The sunlight dissipated, revealing the colorful snail drawn by Peasley in the lottery.

Usually when there is nothing to do, he will put it out, but when there is something to do, such as the situation of the two-person world tonight, Peasley will put it into the system backpack.

And obviously, when Daji had nothing to do, he would rummage through his system backpack, and then turned the snail out to play.

Now she called out this stupid guy who usually eats and sleeps, which made Peasley baffled.

(End of this chapter)

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